36 research outputs found

    Determinants of the Likelihood of Tourist Spending in Cultural Micro-Destinations: Type, Timing, and Distance of the Activity as Predictors

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    Although tourism expenditure has long been a pertinent topic in studies dealing with cultural tourism, its importance in recent years has become even more marked due to the consequences of low-cost tourism that many destinations are suffering. This need has been further aggravated by the impact of the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic. Now, the only sustainable means of increasing destination revenue is to generate greater financial profitability of tourism-related activities, as opposed to increasing tourist volumes. The present study analyzes the determinants of the likelihood of tourist spending in an urbancultural destination whose economic sustainability is being threatened by low-cost tourism. To this end, all the tourism activities of the sample (672 in total) were recorded in real time during the stay via a purpose-designed mobile application. Given the nested structure of the sample, multilevel modeling was used: the characteristics of the different tourism activities were used as predictor variables, while characteristics of the tourist were used as control variables. Regarding the former, the results suggest that spending is more likely at the beginning of the stay and in relation to non-cultural tourism activities (restaurants, shopping, transport, etc.). An interaction effect between activity location and timing (beginning vs. end of stay) was also demonstrated: at the beginning of the stay, the greater likelihood of spending was related to services or attractions outside the city center; and, toward the end, spending patterns become more static, based close to the city center. The aim is to explain the probability of tourist expenditure at each spending opportunity, thus contributing to the current knowledge of total tourist spending. Knowledge of tourist expenditure patterns is a prerequisite for raising profitability-per-tourist when increasing visitor volumes is not an option.State Research Agency PID2019-110941RB-I00/SRAJunta de Andalucia B-SEJ-381-UGR18European Commission B-SEJ-381-UGR1

    Determinants of visitors’ expenditure across a portfolio of events

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    Islandness and Remoteness as Resources: Evidence from the Tourism Performance of Small Remote Island Economies (SRIES)

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    Small remote island economies are known to face a number of economic challenges, in particular, in their trade relations. In addition, their geographical handicap—remoteness—enhances their vulnerability. The cost of distance is well-documented in the economics literature. This paper takes an optimistic position and puts forward the strengths of islands. It investigates the impact of remoteness and islandness on tourism performance. Remote islands are found to be well-endowed in nature and scenery which plausibly play a major role in promoting tourism. The results of an empirical analysis favour the hypothesis that nature has a positive impact on tourism performance (revealed comparative advantage) and tourism demand. Interestingly while being distant is detrimental to tourism performance, being both an island and remote is favourable. Tourism demand is negatively affected by being an island, a small country, or a remote country but favoured by being a small island or a remote island.Small island economies; tourism performance; nature; remoteness

    Progress on outbound tourism expenditure research: A review

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    This study aims to identify how the paradigm of outbound tourism expenditure (OTE) research transforms from economic to social concern. It also explicates the evolution of OTE from an advocacy platform to a sustainability platform. This study adopts a hybrid of narrative and systematic reviews to study OTE as a complex social phenomenon. This hybrid review is complemented by a thematic review and semantic network analysis on gaps and future directions of relevant studies. The results reveal that the paradigm of OTE research is directed from economic toward social thinking. This study proposes an application of socially related antecedent configurations, social theories, pragmatic methods, and various scales of study contexts as promising solutions to address the complexity and heterogeneity of OTE. The study concludes that the conceptual structure of OTE is premised on a sustainability platform, which is influenced by socio-cultural, environmental, economic, and political issues. This study provides a road map that enlightens the current state of OTE, prevailing topics, and pathways for further research

    How artificial intelligence drives the transformation and research of the new tourism reality

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    Ante el avance y normalización del uso de tecnologías “disruptivas” como la inteligencia artificial, el sector turístico –junto al resto de actividades económicas– deberá hacer una profunda revisión para adaptarse al nuevo contexto. En este artículo se lleva a cabo una revisión del estado de la cuestión de esta adaptación a la llamada IV Revolución Industrial, que según los expertos plantea una transformación casi absoluta en términos de procesos empresariales, investigación, regulación e interacción entre destino y turista. Como principal aporte, se expone el nuevo ciclo de investigaciones turísticas a la que está conduciendo este nuevo panorama socioeconómico.With the advance and normalization of the use of ‘disruptive’ technologies such as artificial intelligence, the tourism sector, along with all other economic activities, must conduct a thorough review to adapt to the new context. This article reviews the current state of this adaptation to the so-called Fourth Industrial Revolution, which, according to experts, entails an almost complete transformation in terms of business processes, research, regulation, and interaction between destination and tourist. As a key contribution, it presents the new cycle of tourism research prompted by this new socio-economic landscape.El desarrollo y la publicación de este artículo han sido financiados en el marco de los proyectos “Transición Digital e Innovación en el Mercado Laboral y Sectores Maduros. Aprovechamiento de la Inteligencia Artificial y la Economía de Plataformas (DILATO)”, con referencia TED2021-129600A-I00, financiado por el MCIN/AEI /10.13039/501100011033 y European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR, e “Innovación y sostenibilidad en la competitividad turística tras el COVID-19” con referencia TUR-RETOS2022-049 financiado por el MICT/SET y European Union NextGenerationEU

    Strategies and options for increasing and sustaining fisheries and aquaculture production to benefit poorer households in Asia [PDF in letter standard]

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    The last three decades have wi tnessed dramatic changes in the structure of supply and demand for fish, especially in Asia. This WorldFish research study sponsored by the Asian Development Bank focussed on nine developing countries û Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Vietnam, all active players in the transformation of global fish supply and demand. The study, broken into five components and reported here, considered: 1) the profile of key aquaculture technologies and fishing practices; 2) analysis of policies, institutions and support services; 3) socioeconomic profile of major stakeholders in the fisheries sector; 4) projections of fish demand and supply in the nine Asian countries; and 5) formulation of national action plans based on the findings and recommendations of the study.Research, Fisheries, Economic analysis, Aquaculture, Fish consumption, Trade, Policies, Socioeconomic aspects, Technology, Fishery products, Asia, China, People's Rep., Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam,

    SIS 2017. Statistics and Data Science: new challenges, new generations

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    The 2017 SIS Conference aims to highlight the crucial role of the Statistics in Data Science. In this new domain of ‘meaning’ extracted from the data, the increasing amount of produced and available data in databases, nowadays, has brought new challenges. That involves different fields of statistics, machine learning, information and computer science, optimization, pattern recognition. These afford together a considerable contribute in the analysis of ‘Big data’, open data, relational and complex data, structured and no-structured. The interest is to collect the contributes which provide from the different domains of Statistics, in the high dimensional data quality validation, sampling extraction, dimensional reduction, pattern selection, data modelling, testing hypotheses and confirming conclusions drawn from the data

    Strategies and options for increasing and sustaining fisheries and aquaculture production to benefit poorer households in Asia

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    The last three decades have witnessed dramatic changes in the structure of supply and demand for fish, especially in Asia. This WorldFish research study sponsored by the Asian Development Bank focussed on nine developing countries – Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Vietnam, all active players in the transformation of global fish supply and demand. The study, broken into five components and reported here, considered: 1) the profile of key aquaculture technologies and fishing practices; 2) analysis of policies, institutions and support services; 3) socioeconomic profile of major stakeholders in the fisheries sector; 4) projections of fish demand and supply in the nine Asian countries; and 5) formulation of national action plans based on the findings and recommendations of the study

    Effect of physically structured water on extractability of caffeine, curcumin and on oil emulsification

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    Agriculture is a science of applications which has wide horizons to explore. Research gives the exploring opportunity for young scientists to begin their own paths to travel the world of agriculture widening its customary horizons. Research culture embedded in agriculture is the secret behind facing multifaceted challenges of today, among which meeting the needs of an expanding, especially rapidly urbanizing population of the world under increasingly vulnerable environment. With a futuristic vision, grooming young scientists with research culture and providing an opportunity for them to unveil the findings in front of the able audience, is a great leap that Faculty of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya is taking in its expedition of Agriculture higher education