4 research outputs found

    Analisis Penerapan Manajemen Agile Pada PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Divisi Digital Service

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    PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia is a state-owned enterprise which specializing in telecommunication and information technology. This research purpose is to identify which factors that influenced in the management method application process in post-transition from traditional management method (Waterfall) and after agile management method. Sample in this research came from PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Digital Service Division with job position ranged from Officer 2 and the sampling using the questionnaire which validated with Kendall’s W and with amount of the respondent is 19 respondents. The analysis method is using Fuzzy-Analytic Hierarchy Process (F-AHP) and the validation is using MATLAB. The research is using category criteria which are Human Resourcing (HR), coordination, technology, project management and software methodology. Next step analyzing every category with their influenced factors. The result is showing that Human Resourcing (HR) become the most influenced category in every management method application, traditional management method (Waterfall) or agile management method

    Team management strategies for DevOps

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    In an increasingly digital market, and where the time to market is shorter and the quality and reliability more relevant, it is imperative that software development teams can organize themselves in order to provide a faster reaction to the market with more reliability. DevOps intends to eliminate the existence of silos (Development and Operations) and streamline the software production, declining waste and difficulties in its construction, increasing productivity and developing better products with a focus on client satisfaction. Nevertheless, the joining of teams around the same goal causes key managing challenges, namely the management of conflicts and information sharing between teams. The way that these challenges are managed can interfere with the successful implementation of DevOps philosophy. Though a Case Study, the research goal is to study the best team management strategies that help to reduce the appearance of conflicts and enhance information sharing in the context of DevOps implementation, increasing effectiveness in those teams. As a result, this research brings some strategies to facilitate the DevOps team management and reinforces the importance of managing conflicts, processes, tasks and information well.Num mercado cada vez mais digital e onde o tempo de mercado é cada vez mais curto, a qualidade e fiabilidade mais relevantes, é imperativo que as equipas de desenvolvimento de software consigam organizar-se de modo a proporcionar uma resposta rápida no mercado e cada vez mais fiável. A filosofia DevOps pretende terminar com a existência de silos (Desenvolvimento e Operações) e agilizar a produção de software, diminuindo desperdício e dificuldades na sua construção, aumentando a produtividade e desenvolver produtos melhores com foco na satisfação do cliente. Contudo, a junção de equipas em torno de um mesmo objetivo acarreta desafios cruciais para a gestão, nomeadamente a gestão de conflitos e da informação entre as equipas. A forma como estes desafios são geridos poderá interferir no sucesso da implementação de uma filosofia DevOps. Através de um Caso de Estudo, o objetivo desta pesquisa é o levantamento das melhores estratégias de gestão de equipas que ajudem a reduzir o surgimento de conflitos e potenciar a partilha de informação em contexto de implementação da filosofia DevOps, aumentando a eficácia destas equipas. Como resultado, esta pesquisa traz algumas estratégias que podem facilitar a gestão de equipas DevOps e reforça a importância de fazer uma boa gestão dos conflitos, tarefas, processos e da informação

    Satisfaction and its correlates in agile software development

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    In this paper we address the topic of software development team members satisfaction with their development process. We present an in-depth analysis of the results of a nationwide survey about software development in Switzerland. We wanted to find out if satisfaction relates to the applied development method, and to the use of various practices, and impacts on business, team and software issues. We found that higher satisfaction is reported more by those using Agile development than with plan-driven processes. We explored the different perspectives of developers and those with a management role and found a high consistency of satisfaction between Agile developers and Agile management, and differences with those using working plan-driven methods. We found that certain practices and impacts have high correlations to satisfaction, and that collaborative processes are closely related to satisfaction. We then explored the relationship between satisfaction and various other perspectives. Our results in this analysis are principally descriptive, but we think they can be a relevant contribution to understand the challenges for everyone involved in Agile development