12,697 research outputs found

    A Cubic Algorithm for Computing Gaussian Volume

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    We present randomized algorithms for sampling the standard Gaussian distribution restricted to a convex set and for estimating the Gaussian measure of a convex set, in the general membership oracle model. The complexity of integration is Oāˆ—(n3)O^*(n^3) while the complexity of sampling is Oāˆ—(n3)O^*(n^3) for the first sample and Oāˆ—(n2)O^*(n^2) for every subsequent sample. These bounds improve on the corresponding state-of-the-art by a factor of nn. Our improvement comes from several aspects: better isoperimetry, smoother annealing, avoiding transformation to isotropic position and the use of the "speedy walk" in the analysis.Comment: 23 page

    On the Computational Complexity of MCMC-based Estimators in Large Samples

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    In this paper we examine the implications of the statistical large sample theory for the computational complexity of Bayesian and quasi-Bayesian estimation carried out using Metropolis random walks. Our analysis is motivated by the Laplace-Bernstein-Von Mises central limit theorem, which states that in large samples the posterior or quasi-posterior approaches a normal density. Using the conditions required for the central limit theorem to hold, we establish polynomial bounds on the computational complexity of general Metropolis random walks methods in large samples. Our analysis covers cases where the underlying log-likelihood or extremum criterion function is possibly non-concave, discontinuous, and with increasing parameter dimension. However, the central limit theorem restricts the deviations from continuity and log-concavity of the log-likelihood or extremum criterion function in a very specific manner. Under minimal assumptions required for the central limit theorem to hold under the increasing parameter dimension, we show that the Metropolis algorithm is theoretically efficient even for the canonical Gaussian walk which is studied in detail. Specifically, we show that the running time of the algorithm in large samples is bounded in probability by a polynomial in the parameter dimension dd, and, in particular, is of stochastic order d2d^2 in the leading cases after the burn-in period. We then give applications to exponential families, curved exponential families, and Z-estimation of increasing dimension.Comment: 36 pages, 2 figure

    Escaping the Local Minima via Simulated Annealing: Optimization of Approximately Convex Functions

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    We consider the problem of optimizing an approximately convex function over a bounded convex set in Rn\mathbb{R}^n using only function evaluations. The problem is reduced to sampling from an \emph{approximately} log-concave distribution using the Hit-and-Run method, which is shown to have the same Oāˆ—\mathcal{O}^* complexity as sampling from log-concave distributions. In addition to extend the analysis for log-concave distributions to approximate log-concave distributions, the implementation of the 1-dimensional sampler of the Hit-and-Run walk requires new methods and analysis. The algorithm then is based on simulated annealing which does not relies on first order conditions which makes it essentially immune to local minima. We then apply the method to different motivating problems. In the context of zeroth order stochastic convex optimization, the proposed method produces an Ļµ\epsilon-minimizer after Oāˆ—(n7.5Ļµāˆ’2)\mathcal{O}^*(n^{7.5}\epsilon^{-2}) noisy function evaluations by inducing a O(Ļµ/n)\mathcal{O}(\epsilon/n)-approximately log concave distribution. We also consider in detail the case when the "amount of non-convexity" decays towards the optimum of the function. Other applications of the method discussed in this work include private computation of empirical risk minimizers, two-stage stochastic programming, and approximate dynamic programming for online learning.Comment: 27 page

    Optimal Convergence Rate of Hamiltonian Monte Carlo for Strongly Logconcave Distributions

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    We study Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC) for sampling from a strongly logconcave density proportional to e^{-f} where f:R^d -> R is mu-strongly convex and L-smooth (the condition number is kappa = L/mu). We show that the relaxation time (inverse of the spectral gap) of ideal HMC is O(kappa), improving on the previous best bound of O(kappa^{1.5}); we complement this with an example where the relaxation time is Omega(kappa). When implemented using a nearly optimal ODE solver, HMC returns an epsilon-approximate point in 2-Wasserstein distance using O~((kappa d)^{0.5} epsilon^{-1}) gradient evaluations per step and O~((kappa d)^{1.5}epsilon^{-1}) total time

    Simple Monte Carlo and the Metropolis Algorithm

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    We study the integration of functions with respect to an unknown density. We compare the simple Monte Carlo method (which is almost optimal for a certain large class of inputs) and compare it with the Metropolis algorithm (based on a suitable ball walk). Using MCMC we prove (for certain classes of inputs) that adaptive methods are much better than nonadaptive ones. Actually, the curse of dimension (for nonadaptive methods) can be broken by adaption.Comment: Journal of Complexity, to appea

    On the computational complexity of MCMC-based estimators in large samples

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    In this paper we examine the implications of the statistical large sample theory for the computational complexity of Bayesian and quasi-Bayesian estimation carried out using Metropolis random walks. Our analysis is motivated by the Laplace-Bernstein-Von Mises central limit theorem, which states that in large samples the posterior or quasi-posterior approaches a normal density. Using this observation, we establish polynomial bounds on the computational complexity of general Metropolis random walks methods in large samples. Our analysis covers cases, where the underlying log-likelihood or extremum criterion function is possibly nonconcave, discontinuous, and of increasing dimension. However, the central limit theorem restricts the deviations from continuity and log-concavity of the log-likelihood or extremum criterion function in a very specific manner.
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