92,606 research outputs found

    Efficient algorithms in analyzing genomic data

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    With the development of high-throughput and low-cost genotyping technologies, immense data can be cheaply and efficiently produced for various genetic studies. A typical dataset may contain hundreds of samples with millions of genotypes/haplotypes. In order to prevent data analysis from becoming a bottleneck, there is an evident need for fast and efficient analysis methods. My thesis focuses on two interesting and important genetic analyzing problems. Genome-wide Association mapping. The goal of genome wide association mapping is to identify genes or narrow regions in the genome which have significant statistical correlations to the given phenotypes. The discovery of these genes offers the potential for increased understanding of biological processes affecting phenotypes such as body weight and blood pressure. Sample selection for maximal Genetic Diversity. Given a large set of samples, it is usually more efficient to first conduct experiments on a small subset. Then the following question arises: What subset to use? There are many experimental scenarios where the ultimate objective is to maintain, or at least maximize, the genetic diversity within relatively small breeding populations. In my thesis, I developed the following efficient and effective algorithms to address these problems. Phylogeny-based Genom-wide association mapping: TreeQA: The algorithm uses local perfect phylogeny tree in genome wide analysis for genotype/phenotype association mapping. Samples are partitioned according to the sub-trees they belong to. The association between a tree and the phenotype is measured by some statistic tests. TreeQA+: TreeQA+ inherits all the advantages of TreeQA. Moreover, it improves TreeQA by incorporating sample correlations into the association study. Sample selection for maximal genetic diversity: Sample Selection in biallelic SNP Data: Samples are selected based on their genetic diversity among a set of SNPs. Given a set of samples, the algorithms search for the minimum subset that retains all diversity (or a high percentage of diversity). Representative Sample Selection in Non-Biallelic Data: For more general data (non-biallelic), information-theoretic measurements such as entropy and mutual information are used to measure the diversity of a sample subset. Samples are selected to maximize the original information retained

    A Lightweight Approach for Improving the Lookup Performance in Kademlia-type Systems

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    Discovery of nodes and content in large-scale distributed systems is generally based on Kademlia, today. Understanding Kademlia-type systems to improve their performance is essential for maintaining a high service quality for an increased number of participants, particularly when those systems are adopted by latency-sensitive applications. This paper contributes to the understanding of Kademlia by studying the impact of \emph{diversifying} neighbours' identifiers within each routing table bucket on the lookup performance. We propose a new, yet backward-compatible, neighbour selection scheme that attempts to maximize the aforementioned diversity. The scheme does not cause additional overhead except negligible computations for comparing the diversity of identifiers. We present a theoretical model for the actual impact of the new scheme on the lookup's hop count and validate it against simulations of three exemplary Kademlia-type systems. We also measure the performance gain enabled by a partial deployment for the scheme in the real KAD system. The results confirm the superiority of the systems that incorporate our scheme.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures, conference version 'Diversity Entails Improvement: A new Neighbour Selection Scheme for Kademlia-type Systems' at IEEE P2P 201

    The Drosophila genome nexus: a population genomic resource of 623 Drosophila melanogaster genomes, including 197 from a single ancestral range population.

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    Hundreds of wild-derived Drosophila melanogaster genomes have been published, but rigorous comparisons across data sets are precluded by differences in alignment methodology. The most common approach to reference-based genome assembly is a single round of alignment followed by quality filtering and variant detection. We evaluated variations and extensions of this approach and settled on an assembly strategy that utilizes two alignment programs and incorporates both substitutions and short indels to construct an updated reference for a second round of mapping prior to final variant detection. Utilizing this approach, we reassembled published D. melanogaster population genomic data sets and added unpublished genomes from several sub-Saharan populations. Most notably, we present aligned data from phase 3 of the Drosophila Population Genomics Project (DPGP3), which provides 197 genomes from a single ancestral range population of D. melanogaster (from Zambia). The large sample size, high genetic diversity, and potentially simpler demographic history of the DPGP3 sample will make this a highly valuable resource for fundamental population genetic research. The complete set of assemblies described here, termed the Drosophila Genome Nexus, presently comprises 623 consistently aligned genomes and is publicly available in multiple formats with supporting documentation and bioinformatic tools. This resource will greatly facilitate population genomic analysis in this model species by reducing the methodological differences between data sets

    Information-Geometric Optimization Algorithms: A Unifying Picture via Invariance Principles

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    We present a canonical way to turn any smooth parametric family of probability distributions on an arbitrary search space XX into a continuous-time black-box optimization method on XX, the \emph{information-geometric optimization} (IGO) method. Invariance as a design principle minimizes the number of arbitrary choices. The resulting \emph{IGO flow} conducts the natural gradient ascent of an adaptive, time-dependent, quantile-based transformation of the objective function. It makes no assumptions on the objective function to be optimized. The IGO method produces explicit IGO algorithms through time discretization. It naturally recovers versions of known algorithms and offers a systematic way to derive new ones. The cross-entropy method is recovered in a particular case, and can be extended into a smoothed, parametrization-independent maximum likelihood update (IGO-ML). For Gaussian distributions on Rd\mathbb{R}^d, IGO is related to natural evolution strategies (NES) and recovers a version of the CMA-ES algorithm. For Bernoulli distributions on {0,1}d\{0,1\}^d, we recover the PBIL algorithm. From restricted Boltzmann machines, we obtain a novel algorithm for optimization on {0,1}d\{0,1\}^d. All these algorithms are unified under a single information-geometric optimization framework. Thanks to its intrinsic formulation, the IGO method achieves invariance under reparametrization of the search space XX, under a change of parameters of the probability distributions, and under increasing transformations of the objective function. Theory strongly suggests that IGO algorithms have minimal loss in diversity during optimization, provided the initial diversity is high. First experiments using restricted Boltzmann machines confirm this insight. Thus IGO seems to provide, from information theory, an elegant way to spontaneously explore several valleys of a fitness landscape in a single run.Comment: Final published versio
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