25,717 research outputs found

    Прогноз контурів соляних штоків за даними розподілу товщин відкладів нижньої юри та байоського ярусу середньої юри у південно-східній частині Дніпровсько-Донецької западини

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    Розглянуто можливість прогнозування контурів соляних штоків за результатами аналізу розподілу товщин окремих стратиграфічних та літологічних комплексів, що перекривають соляні штоки і приштоковые зони. Встановлена закономірність розподілу товщин дозволяє прогнозувати положення кордону соляних штоків у південно-східній частині Дніпровсько-Донецької западини.The possibility of prognosis of contours of salt domes on results the analysis of distributing of thicknesses of separate stratigraphic and lithologic level of blocking salt domes and near-domes zones is considered. The set conformity to the law of distributing of thicknesses allows to forecast position of border of salt domes in south-east part of the Dniepr-Donetsk depression

    Attenuation of acoustic waves in glacial ice and salt domes

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    Two classes of natural solid media (glacial ice and salt domes) are under consideration as media in which to deploy instruments for detection of neutrinos with energy >1e18 eV. Though insensitive to 1e11 to 1e16 eV neutrinos for which observatories (e.g., AMANDA and IceCube) that utilize optical Cherenkov radiation detectors are designed, radio and acoustic methods are suited for searches for the very low fluxes of neutrinos with energies >1017 eV. This is because, due to the very long attenuation lengths of radio and acoustic waves in ice and salt, detection modules can be spaced very far apart. In this paper, I calculate the absorption and scattering coefficients as a function of frequency and grain size for acoustic waves in glacial ice and salt domes and show that experimental measurements on laboratory samples and in glacial ice and salt domes are consistent with theory. For South Pole ice with grain size 0.2 cm at -51 degrees C, scattering lengths are calculated to be 2000 km and 25 km at 10 kHz and 30 kHz, respectively, and the absorption length is calculated to be 9 km at frequencies above 100 Hz. For NaCl (rock salt) with grain size 0.75 cm, scattering lengths are calculated to be 120 km and 1.4 km at 10 kHz and 30 kHz, and absorption lengths are calculated to be 30,000 km and 3300 km at 10 kHz and 30 kHz. Existing measurements are consistent with theory. For ice, absorption is the limiting factor; for salt, scattering is the limiting factor.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figures, submitted to Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Eart

    Salt domes of the United Arab Emirates: evidence for late Neoproterozoic sedimentation and rift volcanism in the northern Arabian-Nubian Shield

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    Seven of the nine emergent salt domes of the UAE have been examined. They outcrop on the Arabian Gulf islands of Delma, Sir Bani Yas, Arzana, Qarnain, Zirku and Sir Bu N’Air, with one on-land salt dome at Jebal Dhanna. The salt domes range from about 1 km across (incomplete remnant of Qarnain) to over 6 km diameter (Delma) and form dissected hilly topography rising to about 140 m above sea-level (Zirku). The majority of the salt domes are single intrusions but two, Delma and Jebal Dhanna, appear to have multiple phases. The diapirs were emplaced penecontemporaneously with the Miocene country rocks, while evidence of recent localised halokinetic reactivation in small dome-like “salt blisters” is seen on a number of salt islands