176,776 research outputs found

    Representations of the fin-de-siècle literary salon in the chronicles of Matilde Serao

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    This article looks into the representations of the Italian literary salon in the print press during the 1880’s. Special attention is given to Matilde Serao’s mediation in the private as well as in the public sphere and to her double role as salon chronicler and salon attendee. Her views with regard to the artistic and political landscape of fin-de-siècle Italy are examined through a series of chronicles on Pasquale Mancini, Baroness Magliani, Francesco De Renzis, and the salon of the literary magazine Capitan Fracassa. The representations of these salons in the fortnightly periodical Cronaca Bizantina (Rome, 1881-1886) as well as in the daily newspaper Corriere di Roma (1883-1886) offered a new reading experience to a wide audience and encouraged the creation of an imagined community of salon attendees. Thus, salon participation is studied through the prism of the periodical press, which interpreted salon life as a meaningful collective experience and a decisive factor in the formation of culture. Serao’s chronicle is also viewed as an instrument of social critique, which raised questions on the rapid expansion of mass media, the growing demand for human progress, the withering away of politics, and the growing importance of art as a means of personal expression

    Automatic sets of rational numbers

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    The notion of a k-automatic set of integers is well-studied. We develop a new notion - the k-automatic set of rational numbers - and prove basic properties of these sets, including closure properties and decidability.Comment: Previous version appeared in Proc. LATA 2012 conferenc

    The Reflected (Un)Real: Space in Ingeborg Bachmann’s “Probleme Probleme”

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    In her 1977 short story “Probleme Probleme,” Ingeborg Bachmann plays with space and representations of reality in a way that reflects the disillusionment of Austria’s post-war generation. Beatrix’s two desires in the short story – to look at herself in the mirror and to sleep – both suggest a resistance to living in the real world and a dependence on the illusions of her dreams, mirrors, and the beauty salon. Although the older patrons of the salon and Beatrix try to hide from the responsibility for the past and present, the mirrors and the salon prove to be temporary illusions that are unsustainable. Sleep and mirrors become ways to avoid reality rather than coming to terms with it, which, for Bachmann, is ultimately unproductive and naïve

    The Vestoj Storytelling Salon

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    The Vestoj Storytelling Salon in New York brought together six people who have shaped the New York fashion scene over the past five decades. Throughout the day each told a story directly affiliated with their life, all connected through their common narrative based on material memories, and woven around or linked to a garment. Taking care to avoid barriers between storyteller and audience, the response of the listeners influenced and informed the ebb and flow of the stories themselves, effectively turning the listeners into co-creators of each story as it was experienced. The Vestoj Storytelling Salon in New York provided an opportunity to reflect on how grander social and cultural narratives impact on the lives of individuals and how objects of desire can be read as a map to our past, here momentarily resurrected as textile memento moris

    Design of Multichannel Retailing Pet Shop

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    Purpose of this paper is to decide the pet shop channel combination that gives the fastest payback period or need less capital. There are 3 channels from preliminary survey. These channels are the physical store (Pet Shop), mobile store (Mobile Pet Salon) and Internet store (E-Pet). A questionnaire was developed to understand customer needs and there are more than 100 dog owners in Surabaya as the respondent, who were selected from some existing pet shops visitor. A total of 100 usable questionnaires were returned. The results are important factors for each channel, which will be a base to prepare the business development from marketing, technical, management and financial factor. Limitations of the study are minimum number of sample and a lack of theory to develop questionnaire. This paper will provides guidance for entrepreneurs who have a plan to running pet shop with multichannel retailing strategies. From all the factors, it was known that all of the combinations were feasible, but if the purpose is using minimum capital, it was better to choose Mobile Pet Salon and E-Pet, eventhough it takes longer pay back period. If the purpose is getting a minimum return period, it is better to choose Pet Shop and Mobile Pet Salon combination, with higher capital needed and shorter discounted pay back

    How COVID-19 Changed Our Cities: Evidence from a National Survey

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    Human behavior is notoriously difficult to change, but a disruption of the magnitude of the COVID-19 pandemic has the potential to bring about long-term behavioral changes. During the pandemic, people were forced to experience new ways of interacting, working, learning, shopping, traveling, and eating meals. A critical question going forward is how these experiences have actually changed preferences and habits in ways that might persist. We collected a nationally-representative, 3-wave panel survey in the U.S. that aims to shed light on this question. This talk will draw from these data to describe how the pandemic did (and did not) change how we live in cities, what we still don\u27t know, and in which areas urban planners should adjust their assumptions as we look to the future.https://pdxscholar.library.pdx.edu/trec_seminar/1232/thumbnail.jp
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