69 research outputs found

    Canonical extensions and ultraproducts of polarities

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    J{\'o}nsson and Tarski's notion of the perfect extension of a Boolean algebra with operators has evolved into an extensive theory of canonical extensions of lattice-based algebras. After reviewing this evolution we make two contributions. First it is shown that the failure of a variety of algebras to be closed under canonical extensions is witnessed by a particular one of its free algebras. The size of the set of generators of this algebra can be made a function of a collection of varieties and is a kind of Hanf number for canonical closure. Secondly we study the complete lattice of stable subsets of a polarity structure, and show that if a class of polarities is closed under ultraproducts, then its stable set lattices generate a variety that is closed under canonical extensions. This generalises an earlier result of the author about generation of canonically closed varieties of Boolean algebras with operators, which was in turn an abstraction of the result that a first-order definable class of Kripke frames determines a modal logic that is valid in its so-called canonical frames

    Changing a semantics: opportunism or courage?

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    The generalized models for higher-order logics introduced by Leon Henkin, and their multiple offspring over the years, have become a standard tool in many areas of logic. Even so, discussion has persisted about their technical status, and perhaps even their conceptual legitimacy. This paper gives a systematic view of generalized model techniques, discusses what they mean in mathematical and philosophical terms, and presents a few technical themes and results about their role in algebraic representation, calibrating provability, lowering complexity, understanding fixed-point logics, and achieving set-theoretic absoluteness. We also show how thinking about Henkin's approach to semantics of logical systems in this generality can yield new results, dispelling the impression of adhocness. This paper is dedicated to Leon Henkin, a deep logician who has changed the way we all work, while also being an always open, modest, and encouraging colleague and friend.Comment: 27 pages. To appear in: The life and work of Leon Henkin: Essays on his contributions (Studies in Universal Logic) eds: Manzano, M., Sain, I. and Alonso, E., 201

    Elementary Canonical Formulae: A Survey on Syntactic, Algorithmic, and Modeltheoretic Aspects

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    In terms of validity in Kripke frames, a modal formula expresses a universal monadic second-order condition. Those modal formulae which are equivalent to first-order conditions are called elementary. Modal formulae which have a certain persistence property which implies their validity in all canonical frames of modal logics axiomatized with them, and therefore their completeness, are called canonical. This is a survey of a recent and ongoing study of the class of elementary and canonical modal formulae. We summarize main ideas and results, and outline further research perspectives

    Games for topological fixpoint logic

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    Topological fixpoint logics are a family of logics that admits topological models and where the fixpoint operators are defined with respect to the topological interpretations. Here we consider a topological fixpoint logic for relational structures based on Stone spaces, where the fixpoint operators are interpreted via clopen sets. We develop a game-theoretic semantics for this logic. First we introduce games characterising clopen fixpoints of monotone operators on Stone spaces. These fixpoint games allow us to characterise the semantics for our topological fixpoint logic using a two-player graph game. Adequacy of this game is the main result of our paper. Finally, we define bisimulations for the topological structures under consideration and use our game semantics to prove that the truth of a formula of our topological fixpoint logic is bisimulation-invariant

    Positive Modal Logic Beyond Distributivity

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    We develop a duality for (modal) lattices that need not be distributive, and use it to study positive (modal) logic beyond distributivity, which we call weak positive (modal) logic. This duality builds on the Hofmann, Mislove and Stralka duality for meet-semilattices. We introduce the notion of Π1\Pi_1-persistence and show that every weak positive modal logic is Π1\Pi_1-persistent. This approach leads to a new relational semantics for weak positive modal logic, for which we prove an analogue of Sahlqvist correspondence result

    Algebraic methods for hybrid logics

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    Ph.D. (Mathematics)Algebraic methods have been largely ignored within the eld of hybrid logics. A main theme of this thesis is to illustrate the usefulness of algebraic methods in this eld. It is a well-known fact that certain properties of a logic correspond to properties of particular classes of algebras, and that we therefore can use these classes of algebras to answer questions about the logic. The rst aim of this thesis is to identify a class of algebras corresponding to hybrid logics. In particular, we introduce hybrid algebras as algebraic semantics for the better known hybrid languages in the literature. The second aim of this thesis is to use hybrid algebras to solve logical problems in the eld of hybrid logic. Specically, we will focus on proving general completeness results for some well-known hybrid logics with respect to hybrid algebras. Next, we study Sahlqvist theory for hybrid logics. We introduce syntactically de ned classes of hybrid formulas that have rst-order frame correspondents, which are preserved under taking Dedekind MacNeille completions of atomic hybrid algebras, and which are preserved under canonical extensions of permeated hybrid algebras. Finally, we investigate the nite model property (FMP) for several hybrid logics. In particular, we give analogues of Bull's theorem for the hybrid logics under consideration in this thesis. We also show that if certain syntactically de ned classes of hybrid formulas are added to the normal modal logic S4 as axioms, we obtain hybrid logics with the nite model property