190,629 research outputs found

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    Studiens syfte var att öka förstÄelsen för verksamma pedagogers förhÄllningssÀtt till de minsta barnen med fokus pÄ dess sprÄkliga och kommunikativa förmÄga. Syftet var Àven att ta reda pÄ hur pedagoger arbetar för att stimulera och utmana de smÄ barnens sprÄkutveckling. Studien tar sin utgÄngspunkt frÄn fem pedagogers egna uppfattningar, vilket har undersökts genom kvalitativa intervjuer som metod. Undersökningens resultat visar att arbetet med barnens sprÄkutveckling utifrÄn förskolans uppdrag Àr en tolkningsfrÄga, dÀr de centrala begreppen sprÄk och kommunikation har en komplex innebörd. Vidare framkommer att kroppssprÄket Àr de minsta barnens frÀmsta kommunikationsredskap, nÄgot som bör tas i beaktning i dess utvecklande mot ett talat sprÄk. Pedagogernas generella uppfattning pekar pÄ att det skett stora förÀndringar i synen pÄ de minsta barnen över tid. Den rÄdande barnsynen prÀglas av en respekt och tilltro till barnet och dess förmÄgor. Ramfaktorer sÄsom stora barngrupper utgör dock hinder i pedagogernas arbete med de minsta barnens sprÄkutveckling, med anledning av detta fÄr det efterstrÀvansvÀrda förhÄllningssÀttet mÄnga gÄnger stÄ tillbaka i förskolans verksamhet

    SAGA: A Fast Incremental Gradient Method With Support for Non-Strongly Convex Composite Objectives

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    In this work we introduce a new optimisation method called SAGA in the spirit of SAG, SDCA, MISO and SVRG, a set of recently proposed incremental gradient algorithms with fast linear convergence rates. SAGA improves on the theory behind SAG and SVRG, with better theoretical convergence rates, and has support for composite objectives where a proximal operator is used on the regulariser. Unlike SDCA, SAGA supports non-strongly convex problems directly, and is adaptive to any inherent strong convexity of the problem. We give experimental results showing the effectiveness of our method.Comment: Advances In Neural Information Processing Systems, Nov 2014, Montreal, Canad

    SigurĂ°ar saga fĂłts (The Saga of SigurĂ°r Foot): A Translation

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    This is the first English translation of the short Icelandic romance SigurĂ°ar saga fĂłts, with an introduction presenting the evidence for its dating and immediate literary context. Like most Icelandic romances, SigurĂ°ar saga is a bridal-quest story; the support of a foster-brother is key to the hero winning the bride; and the foster-brothers start out as opponents before recognising their mutual excellence and swearing foster-brotherhood. Uniquely, however, the men who become foster-brothers begin by competing for the same bride (SignĂœ): the eponymous SigurĂ°r fĂłtr wins SignĂœ only because Ásmundr gives her to him in exchange for foster-brotherhood. Ásmundr’s decision can be read as demonstrating with unusual starkness the superior importance in much Icelandic romance of homosocial relationships over heterosexual ones, giving the saga a certain paradigmatic status. Translating the saga in an open-access forum and reconstructing its literary context will, we hope, encourage further analyses

    Manual pages for SAGA software tools, appendix H

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    Several pages from the SAGA UNIX programmer's manual are presented. These pages are for SAGA software tools

    SigurĂ°ar saga fĂłts (The Saga of SigurĂ°r Foot): A Translation

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    This is the first English translation of the short Icelandic romance SigurĂ°ar saga fĂłts, with an introduction presenting the evidence for its dating and immediate literary context. Like most Icelandic romances, SigurĂ°ar saga is a bridal-quest story; the support of a foster-brother is key to the hero winning the bride; and the foster-brothers start out as opponents before recognising their mutual excellence and swearing foster-brotherhood. Uniquely, however, the men who become foster-brothers begin by competing for the same bride (SignĂœ): the eponymous SigurĂ°r fĂłtr wins SignĂœ only because Ásmundr gives her to him in exchange for foster-brotherhood. Ásmundr’s decision can be read as demonstrating with unusual starkness the superior importance in much Icelandic romance of homosocial relationships over heterosexual ones, giving the saga a certain paradigmatic status. Translating the saga in an open-access forum and reconstructing its literary context will, we hope, encourage further analyses

    The impact of price change on consumer choice of automobiles

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    The objective of this paper is to examine whether a change in the price of a given model of national automobiles affects the choice of alternative car models by consumers. Four models of national automobiles - Saga 1.3cc, Saga 1.5cc, Wira 1.3cc, and Wira 1.5cc - are considered over the period 2000–2002. The results based on the conditional logit model indicate that all of the alternative models are substitutes to each other
