28 research outputs found

    Global Solutions vs. Local Solutions for the AI Safety Problem

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    There are two types of artificial general intelligence (AGI) safety solutions: global and local. Most previously suggested solutions are local: they explain how to align or “box” a specific AI (Artificial Intelligence), but do not explain how to prevent the creation of dangerous AI in other places. Global solutions are those that ensure any AI on Earth is not dangerous. The number of suggested global solutions is much smaller than the number of proposed local solutions. Global solutions can be divided into four groups: 1. No AI: AGI technology is banned or its use is otherwise prevented; 2. One AI: the first superintelligent AI is used to prevent the creation of any others; 3. Net of AIs as AI police: a balance is created between many AIs, so they evolve as a net and can prevent any rogue AI from taking over the world; 4. Humans inside AI: humans are augmented or part of AI. We explore many ideas, both old and new, regarding global solutions for AI safety. They include changing the number of AI teams, different forms of “AI Nanny” (non-self-improving global control AI system able to prevent creation of dangerous AIs), selling AI safety solutions, and sending messages to future AI. Not every local solution scales to a global solution or does it ethically and safely. The choice of the best local solution should include understanding of the ways in which it will be scaled up. Human-AI teams or a superintelligent AI Service as suggested by Drexler may be examples of such ethically scalable local solutions, but the final choice depends on some unknown variables such as the speed of AI progres

    Technology for Quintuple Aim: Evidence of Technology Innovations in Reaching the Aim of Health Equity.

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    The Quintuple Aim for Health Care Improvement by the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI), underscores the importance of balancing between an improved patient experience (through patient-centered, timely, and safe care), population health outcome, lower costs, and clinician well-being and health eq- uity for optimizing health system performance. Equitable care is about providing care that does not vary in quality because of personal characteristics such as gen- der, ethnicity, geographic location, and socioeconomic status. An emphasis on healthcare equity guarantees that a healthcare system must reduce inequities in healthcare processes and outcomes, particularly for those from low-income fam- ilies and the underserved. For our paper, we are interested in discovering the state of the literature on the Quintuple Aim while mining for evidence of technology innovations in reaching the aim of health equity. Conclude with nudges in trans- forming our care system into a self-learning health system

    Integration of Next Generation IIoT with Blockchain for the Development of Smart Industries

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    In modern era, a wide range of smart industries is being focus on automation-based applications. Various technologies are rapidly implementing in Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) for manufacturing sectors that helping to achieve advanced schedule production framework and on time delivery of products. The integration of IIoT platforms with the blockchain are challenging service in manufacturing system. The primary objective of this article is to characterize various issues and challenges that are implementing IIoT and blockchain in industries. The proposed work is an integration of IIoT and blockchain in industrial processes for solving the security issues in real-time. Also, identifying various enablers of blockchain and issues of IIoT from smart industries manufacturing using a survey tool is formed in the form of questionnaire. Based on these responses Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) technique has been implemented for categorizing these challenges into cause and effect. In this paper, we introduce the general layout with their key issues and challenges of IIoT and blockchain that signifies the safety requirements to design the IIoT and blockchain. Further, we describe how IIoT can be integrated to the blockchain for smart Industrial applications. Finally, various recommendations are the proposed to upcoming IIoT and blockchain developments. The proposed work will be highly beneficial for the smart industries to develop a next generation IIoT and blockchain based framework

    Abandonment of the EUR/CHF minimum exchange rate. How Swiss ski resorts were impacted and how they reacted to De-cisive new conditions

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    In the second part of the previous century, Switzerland could claim to be one of the most well-known destinations for winter sports in the world. Some of the world-famous resorts include Verbier, St. Moritz, and Davos-Klosters. These places have gained lasting recognition over many of the past dec-ades. Even though they have lost some of their lustre at times, Swiss winter sports resorts were able to attract numerous guests from both nationally and internationally, even during the difficult years of the recent financial crisis. All this allegedly changed, however, in January 2015, when the Swiss National Bank unexpectedly removed the peg with the euro. This move immediately shot the Swiss franc to become one of the best performing currencies in the world, and its value rose significantly. All the industries dependent on exports were expected to be hit very hard. This type of sudden increase in the value of their currency would have reflected very damagingly on their revenues, especially since the currency in decline was the one in which most Swiss companies trade. Tourism industry operators started complaining imme-diately, noting their inability to do anything with regard to the sudden change. They had no time to adjust. In hindsight, the much proclaimed end of the Swiss tourism industry did not materialise. The number of tourists from non-European nations has grown to record levels over the past two years. This might indicate the new focus that companies in the Swiss tourism industry have taken. It appears that they are attempting to divert the market attention towards developing nations. BRICS nations – along with the Gulf Nations – would be some of the best examples. Most importantly, it is possible to see that the number of tourists is going back up to previous levels. Politically, the nation was more or less happy with the overall outcome of the removal of the peg. There are no more fears of hyperinflation, and the EUR/CHF exchange rate stands at approximately the same level as during peg-times

    Differential Privacy for Industrial Internet of Things: Opportunities, Applications and Challenges

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    The development of Internet of Things (IoT) brings new changes to various fields. Particularly, industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is promoting a new round of industrial revolution. With more applications of IIoT, privacy protection issues are emerging. Specially, some common algorithms in IIoT technology such as deep models strongly rely on data collection, which leads to the risk of privacy disclosure. Recently, differential privacy has been used to protect user-terminal privacy in IIoT, so it is necessary to make in-depth research on this topic. In this paper, we conduct a comprehensive survey on the opportunities, applications and challenges of differential privacy in IIoT. We firstly review related papers on IIoT and privacy protection, respectively. Then we focus on the metrics of industrial data privacy, and analyze the contradiction between data utilization for deep models and individual privacy protection. Several valuable problems are summarized and new research ideas are put forward. In conclusion, this survey is dedicated to complete comprehensive summary and lay foundation for the follow-up researches on industrial differential privacy

    Application of Highway Capacity Manual 2010 Level-of-Service Methodologies for Planning Deficiency Analysis

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    Influence on investment in the infrastructure is critical for decision-making by State planning departments. Judgments which are made for funding purposes and are based on limited data analysis by states can results in economic disasters for the state and nation. The Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) uses the Evaluation of Roadway Efficiency (EVE) database to prioritize the importance of roadway projects in the state. In addition, EVE is also used as a method to provide deficiency analysis results for roadways in the state. This study will add support to the methodology of the current decision-making process in regards to Tennessee roadways for planning. Updating the current deficiency analysis program (EVE) with the methodologies of the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) 2010 is the foundation for improving the decision-making abilities of those using EVE for such efforts. New algorithms have been developed based upon the procedures in the HCM 2010 for the following sections: Freeway, Two-Lane Highways, Multilane Highways, and Urban Arterials. Using these algorithms and data from Washington County in Tennessee, level-of-service results were analyzed and compared to previous deficiency analysis results. Some of these results were found to be better and other were found to be worse than the previous. The new method of the HCM 2010 applied in this procedure changed 60% of the level of service ratings based on the comparable data. This proves to show the update of the deficiency analysis method currently used will be beneficial in the assistance of the decision-making process

    Building Services Engineering July/August 2021

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    Informational Lights from Service Science for the progression of Society

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    That the Age of Enlightenment of the 17th and 18th centuries, the spirit of reason, science, humanism and progress, as opposed to obscurantism, has led to the emergence of scientific, disruptive knowledge, even regarding the foundations of Society, is indisputable to anyone using their reason. Thus, were brought about great transformations of Society, which took place. In our time, digital technologies, through enabling observations of otherwise invisible phenomena, induce also a multitude of disruptive practices. As this effect and its inevitable implications continue to accelerate into the future, their integration into the progression of Society and enterprise is now absolutely imperative. The intention of this book is to bring out the intelligence of the progression of Society or of enterprise by enabling the intelligence of living together (Human Sciences), the intelligence of solutions (Natural Sciences) and the intelligence of the artificial (Sciences of Engineering, including the Digital), to connect together through the informational intelligence of services. Such a connection is established thanks to Service Science. It forms the base for the Informational Lights. Michel LĂ©onard is a professor at the University of Geneva since 1977 in Information Systems and Service Science. He has been the initiator of numerous courses and curricula including the Franco-Swiss European DEA MATIS, and of the IESS (International Conference on Exploring Service Science) series of international scientific conferences. His research has focused on the one hand on methods for the design and evolution of information systems, and on the other hand on the creation of database management systems in accordance with these methods. They now focus on Service Science by adding the informational dimension