20 research outputs found

    Towards the Mitigation of Correlation Effects in the Analysis of Hyperspectral Imagery with Extension to Robust Parameter Design

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    Standard anomaly detectors and classifiers assume data to be uncorrelated and homogeneous, which is not inherent in Hyperspectral Imagery (HSI). To address the detection difficulty, a new method termed Iterative Linear RX (ILRX) uses a line of pixels which shows an advantage over RX, in that it mitigates some of the effects of correlation due to spatial proximity; while the iterative adaptation from Iterative Linear RX (IRX) simultaneously eliminates outliers. In this research, the application of classification algorithms using anomaly detectors to remove potential anomalies from mean vector and covariance matrix estimates and addressing non-homogeneity through cluster analysis, both of which are often ignored when detecting or classifying anomalies, are shown to improve algorithm performance. Global anomaly detectors require the user to provide various parameters to analyze an image. These user-defined settings can be thought of as control variables and certain properties of the imagery can be employed as noise variables. The presence of these separate factors suggests the use of Robust Parameter Design (RPD) to locate optimal settings for an algorithm. This research extends the standard RPD model to include three factor interactions. These new models are then applied to the Autonomous Global Anomaly Detector (AutoGAD) to demonstrate improved setting combinations

    Novel Pattern Recognition Techniques for Improved Target Detection in Hyperspectral Imagery

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    A fundamental challenge in target detection in hyperspectral imagery is spectral variability. In target detection applications, we are provided with a pure target signature; we do not have a collection of samples that characterize the spectral variability of the target. Another problem is that the performance of stochastic detection algorithms such as the spectral matched filter can be detrimentally affected by the assumptions of multivariate normality of the data, which are often violated in practical situations. We address the challenge of lack of training samples by creating two models to characterize the target class spectral variability --the first model makes no assumptions regarding inter-band correlation, while the second model uses a first-order Markovbased scheme to exploit correlation between bands. Using these models, we present two techniques for meeting these challenges-the kernel-based support vector data description (SVDD) and spectral fringe-adjusted joint transform correlation (SFJTC). We have developed an algorithm that uses the kernel-based SVDD for use in full-pixel target detection scenarios. We have addressed optimization of the SVDD kernel-width parameter using the golden-section search algorithm for unconstrained optimization. We investigated a proper number of signatures N to generate for the SVDD target class and found that only a small number of training samples is required relative to the dimensionality (number of bands). We have extended decision-level fusion techniques using the majority vote rule for the purpose of alleviating the problem of selecting a proper value of s 2 for either of our target variability models. We have shown that heavy spectral variability may cause SFJTC-based detection to suffer and have addressed this by developing an algorithm that selects an optimal combination of the discrete wavelet transform (DWT) coefficients of the signatures for use as features for detection. For most scenarios, our results show that our SVDD-based detection scheme provides low false positive rates while maintaining higher true positive rates than popular stochastic detection algorithms. Our results also show that our SFJTC-based detection scheme using the DWT coefficients can yield significant detection improvement compared to use of SFJTC using the original signatures and traditional stochastic and deterministic algorithms

    Ballistic Flash Characterization: Penetration and Back-face Flash

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    The Air Force is extremely concerned with the safety of its people, especially those who are flying aircraft. Aircrew members flying combat missions are concerned with the chance that a fragment from an exploding threat device may penetrate into the airframe to possibly ignite a fire onboard the aircraft. One concern for vulnerability revolves around a flash that may occur when a projectile strikes and penetrates an aircraft\u27s fuselage. When certain fired rounds strike the airframe, they break into fragments called spall. Spall and other fragmentation from an impact often gain enough thermal energy to oxidize the materials involved. This oxidation causes a flash. To help negate these incidents, analysts must be able to predict the flash that can occur when a projectile strikes an aircraft. This research directly continues AFIT work for the 46th Test Group, Survivability Analysis Flight, by examining models to predict the likelihood of penetration of a fragment fired at a target. Empirical live-fire fragment test data are used to create an empirical model of a flash event. The resulting model provides an initial back-face flash modeling capability that can be implemented in joint survivability analysis models

    Automatic Target Recognition for Hyperspectral Imagery

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    Automatic target detection and recognition in hyperspectral imagery offer passive means to detect and identify anomalies based on their material composition. In many combat identification approaches through pattern recognition, a minimum level of confidence is expected with costs associated with labeling anomalies as targets, non-targets or out-of-library. This research approaches the problem by developing a baseline, autonomous four step automatic target recognition (ATR) process: 1) anomaly detection, 2) spectral matching, 3) out-of-library decision, and 4) non-declaration decision. Atmospheric compensation techniques are employed in the initial steps to compare truth library signatures and sensor processed signatures. ATR performance is assessed and additionally contrasted to two modified ATRs to study the effects of including steps three and four. Also explored is the impact on the ATR with two different anomaly detection methods

    Learning efficient image representations: Connections between statistics and neuroscience

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    This thesis summarizes different works developed in the framework of analyzing the relation between image processing, statistics and neuroscience. These relations are analyzed from the efficient coding hypothesis point of view (H. Barlow [1961] and Attneave [1954]). This hypothesis suggests that the human visual system has been adapted during the ages in order to process the visual information in an efficient way, i.e. taking advantage of the statistical regularities of the visual world. Under this classical idea different works in different directions are developed. One direction is analyzing the statistical properties of a revisited, extended and fitted classical model of the human visual system. No statistical information is used in the model. Results show that this model obtains a representation with good statistical properties, which is a new evidence in favor of the efficient coding hypothesis. From the statistical point of view, different methods are proposed and optimized using natural images. The models obtained using these statistical methods show similar behavior to the human visual system, both in the spatial and color dimensions, which are also new evidences of the efficient coding hypothesis. Applications in image processing are an important part of the Thesis. Statistical and neuroscience based methods are employed to develop a wide set of image processing algorithms. Results of these methods in denoising, classification, synthesis and quality assessment are comparable to some of the most successful current methods

    Shape and Deformation Analysis of the Human Ear Canal

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    Physics-Based Probabilistic Motion Compensation of Elastically Deformable Objects

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    A predictive tracking approach and a novel method for visual motion compensation are introduced, which accurately reconstruct and compensate the deformation of the elastic object, even in the case of complete measurement information loss. The core of the methods involves a probabilistic physical model of the object, from which all other mathematical models are systematically derived. Due to flexible adaptation of the models, the balance between their complexity and their accuracy is achieved

    A New Form of Interlocking Developing Technology for Level Crossings and Depots with International Applications

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    There are multiple large rail infrastructure projects planned or currently being undertaken within the United Kingdom. Many of these projects aim to reduce the continual issue of limited or overcapacity service. These projects involve an expansion of Rail lines, introducing faster lines, improved stations in towns and cities and better communication networks. Some major projects like Control Period 6 (CP6) are being managed by Network Rail; where projects are initiated throughout Great Britain. Many projects are managed outside Great Britain e.g., Trans-European Transport Network Program, which is planning for expansion of Rail lines (almost double) for High-Speed Rails (category I and II). These projects will increase the number of junctions and Level Crossings. A Level Crossing is where a Rail Line is crossed by a road or a walkway without the use of a tunnel or bridge. The misuse from the road users account for nearly 90% of the fatalities and near misses at Level Crossings. During 2016/2017, the Rail Network recorded 6 fatalities, about 400 near-misses and more than 77 incidents of shock and trauma. Accidents at Level Crossings represent 8% of the total accidents from the whole Rail Network. Office of Rail and Road (ORR) suggested that among these accidents at Level Crossings 90% of them are pedestrians. Such high numbers of accidents, fatalities and high risk have alarmed authorities. These authorities found it necessary to invest time and utilise given resources to improve the safety system at a Level Crossing using the safer and reliable interlocking system. The interlocking system is a feature of a control system that makes the state of two functions mutually independent. The primary function of Interlocking is to ensure that trains are safe from collision and derailment. Considering the risk associated with the Level Crossing system, the new proposed interlocking system should utilise the sensing system available at a Level Crossing to significantly reduce implementation cost and comply with the given standards and Risk Assessments. The new proposed interlocking system is designed to meet the “Safety Integrity Level- SIL” and possibly use the “2oo2” approach for its application at a Level Crossing, where the operational cycle is automated or train driver is alarmed for risk situations. Importantly, the new proposed system should detect and classify small objects and provide a reasonable solution to the current risk associated with Level Crossing, which was impossible with the traditional sensing systems. The present work discusses the sensors and algorithms used and has the potential to detect and classify objects within a Level Crossing area. The review of existing solutions e.g Inductive Loops and other major sensors allows the reader to understand why RADAR and Video Cameras are preferable choices of a sensing system for a Level Crossing. Video data provides sufficient information for the proposed algorithm to detect and classify objects at Level Crossings without the need of a manual “operator”. The RADAR sensing system can provide information using micro-Doppler signatures, which are generated from small regular movements of an obstacle. The two sensors will make the system a two-layer resilient system. The processed information from these two sensing systems is used as the “2oo2” logic system for Interlocking for automating the operational cycle or alarm the train drive using effective communication e.g., GSM-R. These two sensors provide sufficient information for the proposed algorithm, which will allow the system to automatically make an “intelligent decision” and proceed with a safe Level Crossing operational cycle. Many existing traditional algorithms depend on pixels values, which are compared with background pixels. This approach cannot detect complex textures, adapt to a dynamic background or avoid detection of unnecessary harmless objects. To avoid these problems, the proposed work utilises “Deep Learning” technology integrated with the proposed Vision and RADAR system. The Deep Learning technology can learn representations from labelled pixels; hence it does not depend on background pixels. The Deep 3 | P a g e Learning technology can classify, detect and localise objects at a Level Crossing area. It can classify and differentiate between a child and a small inanimate object, which was impossible with traditional algorithms. The system can detect an object regardless of its position, orientation and scale without any additional training because it learns representation from the data and does not rely on background pixels. The proposed system e.g., Deep Learning technology is integrated with the existing Vision System and RADAR installed at a Level Crossing, hence implementation cost is significantly reduced as well. The proposed work address two main aspects of training a model using Deep Learning technology; training from scratch and training using Transfer Learning techniques. Results are demonstrated for Image Classification, Object Detection and micro-Doppler signals from RADAR. An architecture of Convolutional Neural Network from scratch is trained consisting of Input Layer, Convolution, Pooling and Dropout Layer. The model achieves an accuracy of about 66.78%. Different notable models are trained using Transfer Learning techniques and their results are mentioned along with the MobileNet model, which achieves the highest accuracy of 91.9%. The difference between Image Classification and Object Detection is discussed and results for Object Detection are mentioned as well, where the Loss metrics are used to evaluate the performance of the Object Detector. MobileNet achieves the smallest loss metric of about 0.092. These results clearly show the effectiveness and preferability of these models for their applicability at Level Crossings. Another Convolutional Neural Network is trained using micro-Doppler signatures from the Radar system. The model trained using the micro-Doppler signature achieved an accuracy of 92%. The present work also addresses the Risk Assessment associated with the installation and maintenance of the system using Deep Learning technology. RAMS (Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety) management system is used to address the General and Specific Risks associated with the sensing system integrated with the Deep Learning technology. Finally, the work is concluded with the preferred choice, its application, results and associated Risk Assessment. Deep Learning is an evolving field with new improvements being introduced constantly. Any new challenges and problems should be monitored regularly. Some future work is discussed as well. To further improve the model's accuracy, the dataset from the same distribution should be gathered with the cooperation of relevant Railway authorities. Also, the RADAR dataset could be generated rather than simulated to further include diversity and avoid any biases in the dataset during the training process. Also, the proposed system can be implemented and used in different applications within the Rail Industry e.g., passenger census and classification of passengers at the platform as discussed in the work

    Robust Modular Feature-Based Terrain-Aided Visual Navigation and Mapping

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    The visual feature-based Terrain-Aided Navigation (TAN) system presented in this thesis addresses the problem of constraining inertial drift introduced into the location estimate of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) in GPS-denied environment. The presented TAN system utilises salient visual features representing semantic or human-interpretable objects (roads, forest and water boundaries) from onboard aerial imagery and associates them to a database of reference features created a-priori, through application of the same feature detection algorithms to satellite imagery. Correlation of the detected features with the reference features via a series of the robust data association steps allows a localisation solution to be achieved with a finite absolute bound precision defined by the certainty of the reference dataset. The feature-based Visual Navigation System (VNS) presented in this thesis was originally developed for a navigation application using simulated multi-year satellite image datasets. The extension of the system application into the mapping domain, in turn, has been based on the real (not simulated) flight data and imagery. In the mapping study the full potential of the system, being a versatile tool for enhancing the accuracy of the information derived from the aerial imagery has been demonstrated. Not only have the visual features, such as road networks, shorelines and water bodies, been used to obtain a position ’fix’, they have also been used in reverse for accurate mapping of vehicles detected on the roads into an inertial space with improved precision. Combined correction of the geo-coding errors and improved aircraft localisation formed a robust solution to the defense mapping application. A system of the proposed design will provide a complete independent navigation solution to an autonomous UAV and additionally give it object tracking capability