113,233 research outputs found

    Analysis on Negative Transfer of “Indonesian” as “Sl” Into “English” as “Fl”

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    : This research is conducted to find out the type of grammatical interference and to describe the frequency of negative transfer made by Indonesian-speaking students in transferring Indonesian text into English text. The corpus was collected from Semester-2 students of English Study Program in Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Tanjungpura University in Academic Year 2016/2017. This was a descriptive study. The result shows that 265 grammatical errors were encountered from the corpus. They are categorized into 8 types of interlingual negative transfer, covering verb-tense forms, subject-verb agreements, word orders, prepositions, articles, pluralities, pronouns and auxiliaries. The percentage was found highest in verb-tense form by 38,5% or equals to 102 errors. Students' grammatical errors in transferring Indonesian text into English text are highly influenced by their first or second language


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    Abstrak Penelitian ini dilaksanakan untuk mengetahui bagaimana guru SMA Negeri 1 Driyorejo menggunakan teknik silent viewing video untuk mengajar teks narrative pada siswa kelas sebelas dan kemampuan mereka berbicara bersetelah menggunakan teknik tersebut. Namun, sulit bagi siswa untuk mencapai target pembelajaran. Terkadang, para siswa tidak dapat mengembangkan ide-ide mereka dengan baik, takut akan membuat kesalahan, dan merasa bosan ketika mereka belajar berbicara. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, guru harus menggunakan teknik silent viewing sebagai teknik pembelajaran alternatif yang akan membuat siswa merasa percaya diri dan terbantu dalam mengembangkan kemampuan berbicara mereka. Penelitian ini akan menjawab dua masalah penelitian yang dianalisa yaitu: 1) Bagaimana implementasi teknik silent viewing video dalam mengajar berbicara teks narrative untuk siswa kelas sebelas? 2) Bagaimana respon siswa terhadap penerapan teknik silent viewing video dalam pengajaran berbicara teks narrative. Berkaitan dengan rumusan masalah tersebut, penelitian ini dilakukan secara kualitatif dan hasil penelitian dijelaskan dalam bentuk deskriptif. Selain itu, data dikumpulkan melalui daftar observasi, wawancara, dan angket. Penelitian ini dilakukan selama tiga kali observasi. Hasil analisis menunjukan bahwa siswa lebih aktif, merasa percaya diri, dan dapat mengembangkan ide-ide mereka dengan baik dalam kemampuan berbicara. Berdasarkan analisis kuesioner siswa, dapat dilihat bahwa banyak siswa yang memiliki respon positif dalam proses pembelajaran dengan menggunakan teknik silent viewing video untuk berbicara teks narrative. Kemampuan siswa menjadi lebih baik setelah pelaksanaan teknik tersebut, hal ini dapat dilihat dari nilai berbicara mereka. Guru juga cukup baik ketika membimbing siswa untuk menonton video melalui teknik ini. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa teknik silent viewing video dapat digunakan untuk mengajar kemampuan berbicara teks narrative karena dapat membantu menstimulasi ide siswa dalam proses belajar berbicara teks narrative. Dengan ditemukannya penggunaan teknik ini efektif, maka guru disarankan dapat menggunakan silent viewing sebagai salah satu teknik penggunaan video untuk mengajar berbicara teks narrative. Kata kunci: berbicara, teks naratif, vidio, teknik silent viewing Abstract This study was conducted to know how the teacher in SMA Negeri 1 Driyorejo teaches speaking narrative text to the eleventh graders by using silent viewing technique and to identify the students’ speaking ability after the implementation of the technique. As the matter of fact, students deal with difficulty in speaking and it makes the students unsuccessful in achieving the teaching and learning target. Sometimes, the students cannot develop their ideas well; they are afraid of making errors and getting bored when they are having a speaking class. In order to solve this problem, the teacher should use silent viewing technique as an alternative learning technique that will make students feel confident and assisted to develop their speaking ability. In this study, using silent viewing technique is offered to teach speaking narrative text. There are two research questions that will be analyzed: 1) How is the implementation of silent viewing video technique in teaching spoken narrative text to the eleventh graders? 2) How are the students’ responses toward the implementation of silent viewing video technique in teaching speaking narrative text. Dealing with those questions, this study was conducted qualitatively so that the result would be described in the form of descriptive. The data were collected through observation checklist, interview, and questionnaire. This study was conducted during three observations. The result of the study revealed that the students are more active and confident; they are able to develop their ideas well during speaking class after its implementation. Based on the students’ questionnaire, it could be seen that there were many students who had positive responses towards the learning process managed by using silent viewing technique in speaking narrative text. The students’ ability got better after its implementation of the technique. It could be seen from their speaking scores. The teacher was also quite capable of guiding the students to watch a video by using silent viewing technique. In short, silent viewing video technique can be implemented to teach speaking narrative text. It can stimulate the students to develop their ideas in speaking narrative text. Since the technique is effective, the teacher can use silent viewing as a technique to use a video in teaching and learning process. Key words: Speaking, Narrative text, video, silent viewing techniqu

    Writing Competence Mapping of the Students\u27 Writing Skill in Recount Text

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    Keywords: Writing Competence, Writing Competence Mapping, Recount text Language is an important tool for communication. Among a hundred of languages, English becomes the International language. In English, there are four primary skills, namely listening, speaking, reading, and writing. And writing is the most complex skill. During the English learning, the Indonesian students get difficulty because of the different sentence structure. So, they make various errors in writing. The writer conducted a research about writing competence mapping in students\u27 writing recount text which shows the students\u27 strengths and weaknesses in writing. There are two problems; what are the students\u27 strengths and weaknesses in writing recount text and what is the students\u27 writing competence mapping in writing recount text.This research is a descriptive qualitative research. It was also combined with quantitative ways. It was conducted in SMKN 4 Malang. The subject was 36 students of X RPL-C. It was conducted to understand the social phenomena and give the explanation. Data analysis consists of identifying the students\u27 error, scoring the students\u27 written product, and drawing conclusions. In analyzing the data, this research used types of error based on Dulay\u27s theory and scoring rubric adapted from Buku Guru Kurikulum 2013.This research reveals that in writing, students have certain strengths and weaknesses in three aspects; organization, content, and language. The students\u27 strength in organization showed that they can organize paragraph in line with the generic structure of recount text. Then, in content, the students have strength in composing original idea and relevance supporting idea. In language, the students\u27strength was in creating good and correct order of sentences. It was strengthenedby the result of writing which only has 3% of misordering. Furthermore, for the weakness, the students did not show any problems in organization. In content, thestudents\u27 weakness was in elaborating the story because they were lack of vocabulary. In language, the students\u27 weaknesses were in omission (65%), additions (12%), misformations (10%), and other errors (10%). And for the competence mapping, the percentage of students\u27 writing competence in organization was 38%, content was 33%, and language was 29%.This research is useful for students, teachers, and further researcher. It is expected that teachers and students know the strengths and weaknesses, so they can support each other in writing skill development. And hopefully these results can support the next researcher

    Teacher’s Strategies In Overcoming Student’s Speech Errors At The 10th Grade In Sman 3 Sragen

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    This research aimed at explaining the teacher’s strategies in overcoming student’s speech errors at the 10th grade in SMAN 3 Sragen, the objectives of the study are: 1) to describe the teacher’s strategies in overcoming student’s speech errors at the 10th grade in SMAN 3 Sragen, 2) to describe the probems faced by the student’s in learning speech errors at the 10th grade in SMAN 3 Sragen. The type of this research is descriptive qualitative research. The data sources of this study are from the observasion at the class and document. The method of collecting data in this study is interviewing, and recording. The research findings showed that the teacher’s strategies in overcoming speech errors has types. The speech errors are derived into two types, i.e. Non-fluency and Slips of the Tongue. Non-fluency is classified into 5 types; they are: (1) Repetitions (Rpt), (2) False Starts (FS), (3) Pauses (P), (4) Corrections (Cr), (5) stutters (St). The reseacher found that there are 3 times the students have in repetitions, in false starts the students found 2 words in the text, the student made 8 times in silent pauses also 2 times in filled pauses, in corrections the students made 5 times, and the last the students made 2 times in stutters. In the slips of tongue, the researcher found that students do not have difficulty in receiving words about the English given by the teacher. The researcher had to explaination what the strategies to overcome students in errors speaking. The students use the dictionary to find the correct pronounciation of words in the text, when they work in groups. Before the students consult the dictionary, the teacher give the explanation about the sounds of symbols, and give the example. The teacher also give the explanation about the pronounciaton practice to the students. The teacher give the audio lingual for the learning process of English especially in speaking skill

    Picture Word Inductive Model Effective Research as the Media for Increasing Students' Writing Aility in Descriptive Text

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah siswa yang diajar dengan picture word inductive model memiliki keterampilan menulis teks deskriptif lebih baik dari pada siswa yang diajar dengan gambar biasa. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian eks5perimen semu; nonequivalent control group pre-posttest design. Sampel penelitian adalah kelas VIII.1 dan VIII.2. Kelas VIII.1 merupakan kelas control yang diajar dengan menggunakan picture biasa sedangkan kelas VIII.2 merupakan kelas experimen yang diajar dengan menggunakan picture word inductive model. Instrumen yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data penelitian adalah tes menulis teks deskriptif. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan independent t-test. Temuan menunjukkan bahwa siswa yang diajar dengan picture word inductive model mempunyai keterampilan menulis teks deskriptif lebih besar daripada siswa yang diajar dengan gambar biasa
