146 research outputs found

    Enhancing User Authentication with Facial Recognition and Feature-Based Credentials

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    This research proposes a novel and trustworthy user authentication method that creates individualized and trusted credentials based on distinctive facial traits using facial recognition technology. The ability to easily validate user identification across various login methods is provided by this feature. The fundamental elements of this system are face recognition, feature extraction, and the hashing of characteristics to produce usernames and passwords. This method makes use of the OpenCV library, which is free software for computer vision. Additionally, it employs Hashlib for secure hashing and Image-based Deep Learning for Identification (IDLI) technology to extract facial tags. For increased security and dependability, the system mandates a maximum of ten characters for users and passwords. By imposing this restriction, the system increases its resilience by reducing any possible weaknesses in its defense. The policy also generates certificates that are neatly arranged in an Excel file for easy access and management. To improve user data and provide reliable biometric authentication, this study intends to create and implement a recognition system that incorporates cutting-edge approaches such as face feature extraction, feature hashing, and password creation. Additionally, the system has robust security features using face recognition

    Spotting Fake Profiles in Social Networks via Keystroke Dynamics

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    Spotting and removing fake profiles could curb the menace of fake news in society. This paper, thus, investigates fake profile detection in social networks via users' typing patterns. We created a novel dataset of 468 posts from 26 users on three social networks: Facebook, Instagram, and X (previously Twitter) over six sessions. Then, we extract a series of features from keystroke timings and use them to predict whether two posts originated from the same users using three prominent statistical methods and their score-level fusion. The models' performance is evaluated under same, cross, and combined-cross-platform scenarios. We report the performance using k-rank accuracy for k varying from 1 to 5. The best-performing model obtained accuracies between 91.6-100% on Facebook (Fusion), 70.8-87.5% on Instagram (Fusion), and 75-87.5% on X (Fusion) for k from 1 to 5. Under a cross-platform scenario, the fusion model achieved mean accuracies of 79.1-91.6%, 87.5-91.6%, and 83.3-87.5% when trained on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter posts, respectively. In combined cross-platform, which involved mixing two platforms' data for model training while testing happened on the third platform's data, the best model achieved accuracy ranges of 75-95.8% across different scenarios. The results highlight the potential of the presented method in uncovering fake profiles across social network platforms.Comment: 2024 IEEE 21st Consumer Communications \& Networking Conference (CCNC) | 9 pages, 8 figures, 3 algos

    Digital Copyright and Confuzzling Rhetoric

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    For more than a decade, policymakers, industry representatives, consumer advocates, civil libertarians, academic commentators, and user communities have advanced a wide array of arguments for or against online file sharing and restrictive copyright standards. This Article begins by introducing two short stories to illustrate the rhetorical and analytical challenges in the digital copyright debate. It then examines eight unpersuasive arguments advanced by both sides of the debate--four from the industry and four from its opponents. The Article concludes by outlining six different strategies to help the industry develop more convincing proposals for digital copyright reform

    Digital Copyright and Confuzzling Rhetoric

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    The entertainment industry tells people they shouldn’t steal music because they wouldn’t steal a car, but has anybody ever downloaded a car? Music fans praise Napster and other file-sharing services for helping to free artists from the stranglehold of the music industry, but how many of these services actually have shared profits with songwriters and performing artists? Industry representatives claim that people use YouTube primarily to listen to or watch copyrighted contents, but are they missing a big piece of the user-generated content picture? Artists are encouraged to forget about copyright and hold live concerts instead, but can all artists succeed under this alternative compensation model? For more than a decade, policymakers, industry representatives, consumer advocates, civil libertarians, academic commentators, and user communities have advanced a wide array of arguments for or against online file sharing and restrictive copyright standards. This article begins by introducing two short stories to illustrate the rhetorical and analytical challenges in the digital copyright debate. It then examines eight unpersuasive arguments advanced by both sides of the debate - four from the industry and four from its opponents. The article concludes by outlining six different strategies to help the industry develop more convincing proposals for digital copyright reform

    Payment in Credit: Copyright Law and Subcultural Creativity

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    Copyright lawyers talk and write a lot about the uncertainties of fair use and the deterrent effects of a clearance culture on publishers, teachers, filmmakers, and the like, but know less about the choices people make about copyright on a daily basis, especially when they are not working. Here, Tushnet examines one subcultural group that engages in a variety of practices, from pure copying and distribution of others\u27 works to creation of new stories, art, and audiovisual works: the media-fan community. Among other things, she discusses some differences between fair use and fan practices, focused around attribution as an alternative to veto rights over uses of copyrighted works

    Developing a Cloud Computing Framework for University Libraries

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    Our understanding of the library context on security challenges on storing research output on the cloud is inadequate and incomplete. Existing research has mostly focused on profit-oriented organizations. To address the limitation within the university environment, the paper unravels the data/information security concerns of cloud storage services within the university libraries. On the score of changes occurring in the libraries, this paper serves to inform users and library managers of the traditional approaches that have not guaranteed the security of research output. The paper is built upon the work of Shaw and the cloud storage security framework, which links aspects of cloud security and helps explain reasons for university libraries moving research output into cloud infrastructure, and how the cloud service is more secured. Specifically, this paper examined the existing storage carriers/media for storing research output and the associated risks with cloud storage services for university libraries. The paper partly fills this gap by a case study examination of two (2) African countries’ (Ghana and Uganda) reports on research output and cloud storage security in university libraries. The paper argues that in storing university research output on the cloud, libraries consider the security of content, the resilience of librarians, determining access levels and enterprise cloud storage platforms. The interview instrument is used to collect qualitative data from librarians and the thematic content analysis is used to analyze the research data. Significantly, results show that copyright law infringement, unauthorized data accessibility, policy issues, insecurity of content, cost and no interoperable cloud standards were major risks associated with cloud storage services. It is expected that university libraries pay more attention to the security/confidentiality of content, the resilience of librarians, determining access levels and enterprise cloud storage platforms to enhance cloud security of research output. The paper contributes to the field of knowledge by developing a framework that supports an approach to understand security in cloud storage. It also enables actors in the library profession to understand the makeup and measures of security issues in cloud storage. By presenting empirical evidence, it is clear that university libraries have migrated research output into cloud infrastructure as an alternative for continued storage, maintenance and access of information

    Ethical Visions of Copyright Law

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    Digital Copyright and Confuzzling Rhetoric

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    The entertainment industry tells people they shouldn’t steal music because they wouldn’t steal a car, but has anybody ever downloaded a car? Music fans praise Napster and other file-sharing services for helping to free artists from the stranglehold of the music industry, but how many of these services actually have shared profits with songwriters and performing artists? Industry representatives claim that people use YouTube primarily to listen to or watch copyrighted contents, but are they missing a big piece of the user-generated content picture? Artists are encouraged to forget about copyright and hold live concerts instead, but can all artists succeed under this alternative compensation model? For more than a decade, policymakers, industry representatives, consumer advocates, civil libertarians, academic commentators, and user communities have advanced a wide array of arguments for or against online file sharing and restrictive copyright standards. This article begins by introducing two short stories to illustrate the rhetorical and analytical challenges in the digital copyright debate. It then examines eight unpersuasive arguments advanced by both sides of the debate - four from the industry and four from its opponents. The article concludes by outlining six different strategies to help the industry develop more convincing proposals for digital copyright reform

    Deriving security requirements from crosscutting threat descriptions

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    It is generally accepted that early determination of the stakeholder requirements assists in the development of systems that better meet the needs of those stakeholders. General security requirements frustrate this goal because it is difficult to determine how they affect the functional requirements of the system. This paper illustrates how representing threats as crosscutting concerns aids in determining the effect of security requirements on the functional requirements. Assets (objects that have value in a system) are first enumerated, and then threats on these assets are listed. The points where assets and functional requirements join are examined to expose vulnerabilities to the threats. Security requirements, represented as constraints, are added to the functional requirements to reduce the scope of the vulnerabilities. These requirements are used during the analysis and specification process, thereby incorporating security concerns into the functional requirements of the system

    A Chip off the Old Block or a New Direction for Payment Card Security? The Law and Economics of the U.S. Transition to EMV

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    Article published in the Michigan State Law Review
