167,370 research outputs found

    Sequential pulsed laser deposition of homoepitaxial SrTiO3_3 thin films

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    Control of thin film stoichiometry is of primary relevance to achieve desired functionality. Pulsed laser deposition ablating from binary-oxide targets (sequential deposition) can be applied to precisely control the film composition, offsetting the importance of growth conditions on the film stoichiometry. In this work, we demonstrate that the cation stoichiometry of SrTiO3_3 thin films can be finely tuned by sequential deposition from SrO and TiO2_2 targets. Homoepitaxial SrTiO3_3 films were deposited at different substrate temperatures and Ti/Sr pulse ratios, allowing the establishment of a growth window for stoichiometric SrTiO3_3. The growth kinetics and nucleation processes were studied by reflection high-energy electron diffraction and atomic force microscopy, providing information about the growth mode and the degree of off-stoichiometry. At the optimal (stoichiometric) growth conditions, films exhibit atomically flat surfaces, whereas off-stoichiometry is accommodated by crystal defects, 3D islands and/or surface precipitates depending on the substrate temperature and the excess cation. This technique opens the way to precisely control stoichiometry and doping of oxide thin films.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Subunit Stoichiometry of a Heteromultimeric G protein-coupled Inward-rectifier K^+ Channel

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    We investigated the stoichiometry of the heteromultimeric G protein-coupled inward-recitfier K^+ channel (GIRK) formed from GIRK1 and GIRK4 subunits. Multimeric GIRK constructs with several concatenated channel subunits were expressed in Xenopus oocytes. Coexpression of various trimeric constructs with different monomers clearly showed that the functional channel has stoichiometry (GIRK1)_2(GIRK4)_2. Efforts to establish a preferred arrangement of subunits around the channel pore suggest that more than one arrangement may be viable

    Synthesis and Stoichiometry of MgB2

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    The system MgxB2 has been investigated to investigate possible nonstoichiometry in MgB2. When synthesized at 850oC, MgB2 is a line compound with a possible Mg vacancy content of about 1%. Small changes in lattice constants as a function of starting composition result from grain interaction stresses, whose character is different in the Mg-rich, near-stoichiometric, and Mg-deficient regimes. A small linear decrease of the superconducting transition temperature, Tc, in the Mg-rich regime results from accidental impurity doping.Comment: Accepted for publication in Physica C. 24 pages, 7 figure

    Live-Cell Imaging of Single Receptor Composition Using Zero-Mode Waveguide Nanostructures

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    We exploit the optical and spatial features of subwavelength nanostructures to examine individual receptors on the plasma membrane of living cells. Receptors were sequestered in portions of the membrane projected into zero-mode waveguides. Using single-step photobleaching of green fluorescent protein incorporated into individual subunits, the resulting spatial isolation was used to measure subunit stoichiometry in α4β4 and α4β2 nicotinic acetylcholine and P2X2 ATP receptors. We also show that nicotine and cytisine have differential effects on α4β2 stoichiometry

    Effect of oxygen stoichiometry on T(sub c) of Bi-based superconductors

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    The role of oxygen stoichiometry on T(sub c) is relatively well established on La2CuO(4+x) and the YBa2Cu3O(7-x) (123) superconductors, as compared to the Bi-based superconductors. Results are presented of investigations on the effects of oxygen stoichiometry on the transition temperature T(sub c) of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O(8+x) (2212 phase), and Pb-doped Bi2Sr2Ca2Cu3O(10+X) (2223 phase). It is shown that the effects of oxygen stoichiometry on T(sub c) of these two phases are very different. These results may be helpful in understanding the mechanism of superconductivity in the Bi-based superconductors

    Stoichiometry determination of chalcogenide superlattices by means of X-ray diffraction and its limits

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    In this paper we explore the potential of stoichiometry determination for chalcogenide superlattices, promising candidates for next-generation phase-change memory, via X-ray diffraction. To this end, a set of epitaxial GeTe/Sb2Te3 superlattice samples with varying layer thicknesses is sputter-deposited. Kinematical scattering theory is employed to link the average composition with the diffraction features. The observed lattice constants of the superlattice reference unit cell follow Vegard's law, enabling a straight-forward and non-destructive stoichiometry determination.Comment: physica status solidi (RRL) - Rapid Research Letters (2019

    Continuous Transition between Antiferromagnetic Insulator and Paramagnetic Metal in the Pyrochlore Iridate Eu2Ir2O7

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    Our single crystal study of the magneto-thermal and transport properties of the pyrochlore iridate Eu2Ir2O7 reveals a continuous phase transition from a paramagnetic metal to an antiferromagnetic insulator for a sample with stoichiometry within ~1% resolution. The insulating phase has strong proximity to an antiferromagnetic semimetal, which is stabilized by several % level of the off-stoichiometry. Our observations suggest that in addition to electronic correlation and spin-orbit coupling the magnetic order is essential for opening the charge gap.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure
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