13 research outputs found

    Decomposing balsa-STGs (working notes)

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    The DFG-project 'Optacon' is concerned with the resynthesis of speed-independentcircuits using STGs (a variant of Petri nets). One main issue is to decompose a large STG specifying the desired circuit behaviour into a collection of components that can be synthesized separately and together implement the specification. This report collects a number of working notes regarding useful decomposition; it assumes acquaintance with the topic

    Compositional approach to design of digital circuits

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    PhD ThesisIn this work we explore compositional methods for design of digital circuits with the aim of improving existing methodoligies for desigh reuse. We address compositionality techniques looking from both structural and behavioural perspectives. First we consider the existing method of handshake circuit optimisation via control path resynthesis using Petri nets, an approach using structural composition. In that approach labelled Petri net parallel composition plays an important role and we introduce an improvement to the parallel composition algorithm, reducing the number of redundant places in the resulting Petri net representations. The proposed algorithm applies to labelled Petri nets in general and can be applied outside of the handshake circuit optimisation use case. Next we look at the conditional partial order graph (CPOG) formalism, an approach that allows for a convenient representation of systems consisting of multiple alternative system behaviours, a phenomenon we call behavioural composition. We generalise the notion of CPOG and identify an algebraic structure on a more general notion of parameterised graph. This allows us to do equivalence-preserving manipulation of graphs in symbolic form, which simplifies specification and reasoning about systems defined in this way, as displayed by two case studies. As a third contribution we build upon the previous work of CPOG synthesis used to generate binary encoding of microcontroller instruction sets and design the corresponding instruction decoder logic. The proposed CPOG synthesis technique solves the optimisation problem for the general case, reducing it to Boolean satisfiability problem and uses existing SAT solving tools to obtain the result.This work was supported by a studentship from Newcastle University EECE school, EPSRC grant EP/G037809/1 (VERDAD) and EPSRC grant EP/K001698/1 (UNCOVER). i

    Compositional circuit design with asynchronous concepts

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    PhD ThesisSynchronous circuits are pervasive in modern digital systems, such as smart-phones, wearable devices and computers. Synchronous circuits are controlled by a global clock signal, which greatly simplifies their design but is also a limitation in some applications. Asynchronous circuits are a logical alternative: they do not use a global clock to synchronise their components. Instead, every component reacts to input events at the rate they occur. Asynchronous circuits are not widely adopted by industry, because they are often harder to design and require more sophisticated tools and formal models. Signal Transition Graphs (STGs) is a well-studied formal model for the specification, verification and synthesis of asynchronous circuits with state-of-the-art tool support. STGs use a graphical notation where vertices and arcs specify the operation of an asynchronous circuit. These graphical specifications can be difficult to describe compositionally, and provide little reusability of useful sections of a graph. In this thesis we present Asynchronous Concepts, a new design methodology for asynchronous circuit design. A concept is a self-contained description of a circuit requirement, which is composable with any other concept, allowing compositional specification of large asynchronous circuits. Concepts can be shared, reused and extended by users, promoting the reuse of behaviours within single or multiple specifications. Asynchronous Concepts can be translated to STGs to benefit from the existing theory and tools developed by the asynchronous circuits community. Plato is a software tool developed for Asynchronous Concepts that supports the presented design methodology, and provides automated methods for translation to STGs. The design flow which utilises Asynchronous Concepts is automated using Plato and the open-source toolsuite Workcraft, which can use the translated STGs in verification and synthesis using integrated tools. The proposed language, the design flow, and the supporting tools are evaluated on real-world case studies

    Conditional Partial Order Graphs and Dynamically Reconfigurable Control Synthesis

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    Interpreted graph models

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    A model class called an Interpreted Graph Model (IGM) is defined. This class includes a large number of graph-based models that are used in asynchronous circuit design and other applications of concurrecy. The defining characteristic of this model class is an underlying static graph-like structure where behavioural semantics are attached using additional entities, such as tokens or node/arc states. The similarities in notation and expressive power allow a number of operations on these formalisms, such as visualisation, interactive simulation, serialisation, schematic entry and model conversion to be generalised. A software framework called Workcraft was developed to take advantage of these properties of IGMs. Workcraft provides an environment for rapid prototyping of graph-like models and related tools. It provides a large set of standardised functions that considerably facilitate the task of providing tool support for any IGM. The concept of Interpreted Graph Models is the result of research on methods of application of lower level models, such as Petri nets, as a back-end for simulation and verification of higher level models that are more easily manipulated. The goal is to achieve a high degree of automation of this process. In particular, a method for verification of speed-independence of asynchronous circuits is presented. Using this method, the circuit is specified as a gate netlist and its environment is specified as a Signal Transition Graph. The circuit is then automatically translated into a behaviourally equivalent Petri net model. This model is then composed with the specification of the environment. A number of important properties can be established on this compound model, such as the absence of deadlocks and hazards. If a trace is found that violates the required property, it is automatically interpreted in terms of switching of the gates in the original gate-level circuit specification and may be presented visually to the circuit designer. A similar technique is also used for the verification of a model called Static Data Flow Structure (SDFS). This high level model describes the behaviour of an asynchronous data path. SDFS is particularly interesting because it models complex behaviours such as preemption, early evaluation and speculation. Preemption is a technique which allows to destroy data objects in a computation pipeline if the result of computation is no longer needed, reducing the power consumption. Early evaluation allows a circuit to compute the output using a subset of its inputs and preempting the inputs which are not needed. In speculation, all conflicting branches of computation run concurrently without waiting for the selecting condition; once the selecting condition is computed the unneeded branches are preempted. The automated Petri net based verification technique is especially useful in this case because of the complex nature of these features. As a result of this work, a number of cases are presented where the concept of IGMs and the Workcraft tool were instrumental. These include the design of two different types of arbiter circuits, the design and debugging of the SDFS model, synthesis of asynchronous circuits from the Conditional Partial Order Graph model and the modification of the workflow of Balsa asynchronous circuit synthesis system.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceEPSRCGBUnited Kingdo

    Synthesis of timed circuits based on decomposition

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    Journal ArticleAbstract-This paper presents a decomposition-based method for timed circuit design that is capable of significantly reducing the cost of synthesis. In particular, this method synthesizes each output individually. It begins by contracting the timed signal transition graph (STG) to include only transitions on the output of interest and its possible trigger signals. Next, the reachable state space for this contracted STG is analyzed to determine a minimal number of additional signals, which must be reintroduced into the STG to obtain complete state coding. The circuit for this output is then synthesized from this STG. Results show that the quality of the circuit implementation is nearly as good as the one found from the full reachable state space, but it can be applied to find circuits for which full-state-space methods cannot be successfully applied. The proposed method has been implemented as a part of our tool Nii-Utah Timed Asynchronous circuit Synthesis system (nutas), and its first version is available at http://research.nii.ac.jp/~yoneda

    Conditional partial order graphs and dynamically reconfigurable control synthesis

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    Synthesis of speed independent circuits based on decomposition

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    Journal ArticleThis paper presents a decomposition method for speedindependent circuit design that is capable of significantly reducing the cost of synthesis. In particular, this method synthesizes each output individually. It begins by contracting the STG to include only transitions on the output of interest and its trigger signals. Next, the reachable state space for this contracted STG is analyzed to determine a minimal number of additional signals which must be reintroduced into the STG to obtain CSC. The circuit for this output is then synthesized from this STG. Results show that the quality of the circuit implementation is nearly as good as the one found from the full reachable state space, but it can be applied to find circuits for which full state space methods cannot be successfully applied. The proposed method has been implemented as a part of our tool nutas (Nii-Utah Timed Asynchronous circuit Synthesis system), and its very first version is available at http://research.nii.ac.jp/~yoneda. Key Words: Decomposition, synthesis, STGs, abstraction, speed-independent circuits

    Asynchronous circuit design - A tutorial

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