238 research outputs found

    Spin-transfer torques in MgO-based magnetic tunnel junctions

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    This thesis discusses spin-transfer torques in MgO-based magnetic tunnel junctions. The voltage-field switching phase diagrams have been experimentally determined for in-plane CoFeB/MgO/CoFeB magnetic tunnel junctions. In order to limit the effect of thermal activation, experiments have been carried out using nanosecond voltage pulses, as well as at low-temperature (4.2 K). The bias-dependence of the two spin-torque terms (Slonczewski-like and field-like) has been determined from thermally-excited ferromagnetic resonance measurements, yielding values which are in good agreement with previous reports. Additionally, material parameters such as the effective magnetisation and the damping factor have also been extracted. Using these values as input, the switching voltages as function of the applied magnetic field have been calculated numerically and analytically by solving the modified Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation. Unlike previous studies, the field-like spin-torque has also been included. Moreover, different configurations have been considered for the magnetic anisotropy directions of the reference and free layer, respectively.:1 Introduction 2 Fundamentals 2.1 Magnetoresistance 2.1.1 Giant magnetoresistance 2.1.2 Tunnel magnetoresistance 2.2 Spin-transfer torque effect 2.2.1 Physical picture of the STT 2.2.2 In-plane and perpendicular STT 2.3 Equation of motion for the magnetisation 2.3.1 The Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation 2.3.2 Extension including spin-transfer-torque (LLGS) 2.4 Applications of MR and spin-transfer torque 2.4.1 Read heads in hard disk drives 2.4.2 Spin-transfer torque magnetic random access memory 2.5 STT effects in magnetic tunnel junctions 2.5.1 Current-induced switching 2.5.2 Magnetisation precession 2.5.3 Bias-dependence of STT 2.5.4 Back-hopping 3 Experimental 3.1 Samples 3.1.1 Stack composition 3.1.2 Properties of samples used in this work 3.2 Experimental setup 3.2.1 Overview of equipment for the different measurement techniques 3.2.2 Electromagnet and Kepco power supply 3.2.3 Contacting of the sample 3.2.4 Principle specifications of equipment 3.3 Experimental techniques 3.3.1 Measurement of DC R-H and R-I loops 3.3.2 Measurement of phase diagrams: off and on-pulse 3.3.3 Thermally-excited ferromagnetic resonance 4 Results and discussion 4.1 Switching phase diagrams of MTJs 4.1.1 Theory: Calculating the phase diagram 4.1.2 Experimental phase diagrams 4.2 Thermally excited ferromagnetic resonance 4.2.1 Smoothing and fitting of raw data 4.2.2 Determination of Ms 4.2.3 Signal evolution with bias voltage 4.2.4 Analysis of peak position: perpendicular STT 4.2.5 Analysis of peak linewidth 5 Summary and outlook A Appendix List of figures List of tables BibliographyDiese Arbeit befasst sich mit Spin-Transfer-Torque-Effekten in MgO-basierten magnetischen Tunnelstrukturen. Die Phasendiagramme als Funktion von Spannung und Magnetfeld von CoFeB/MgO/CoFeB-Tunnelstrukturen mit Magnetisierung in der Ebene wurden experimentell bestimmt. Um thermische Anregungseffekte zu limitieren, wurden die Experimente einerseits mit nanosekundenlangen Spannungspulsen und andererseits bei niedrigen Temperaturen (4.2 K) durchgeführt. Die Spannungsabhängigkeit der beiden Spin-Torque-Parameter (in-plane und senkrechter Spin-Transfer-Torque) wurde aus Messungen der thermisch angeregten ferromagnetischen Resonanz bestimmt, wobei sich Werte ergaben, die gut mit vorangegangenen Untersuchungen übereinstimmen. Zusätzlich wurden Werte für Materialparameter wie die effektive Magnetisierung und den Dämpfungsparameter gewonnen. Unter Verwendung der erhaltenen Werte wurden die Schaltspannungen als Funktion des angelegten Magnetfeldes analytisch und numerisch berechnet, indem die erweiterte Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert-Gleichung gelöst wurde. Im Gegensatz zu vorangegangenen Untersuchungen wurde der senkrechte Spin-Transfer-Torque dabei mit einbezogen. Darüber hinaus wurden verschiedene Konfigurationen für die Richtung der magnetischen Anisotropie der freien und fixierten Schicht berücksichtigt.:1 Introduction 2 Fundamentals 2.1 Magnetoresistance 2.1.1 Giant magnetoresistance 2.1.2 Tunnel magnetoresistance 2.2 Spin-transfer torque effect 2.2.1 Physical picture of the STT 2.2.2 In-plane and perpendicular STT 2.3 Equation of motion for the magnetisation 2.3.1 The Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation 2.3.2 Extension including spin-transfer-torque (LLGS) 2.4 Applications of MR and spin-transfer torque 2.4.1 Read heads in hard disk drives 2.4.2 Spin-transfer torque magnetic random access memory 2.5 STT effects in magnetic tunnel junctions 2.5.1 Current-induced switching 2.5.2 Magnetisation precession 2.5.3 Bias-dependence of STT 2.5.4 Back-hopping 3 Experimental 3.1 Samples 3.1.1 Stack composition 3.1.2 Properties of samples used in this work 3.2 Experimental setup 3.2.1 Overview of equipment for the different measurement techniques 3.2.2 Electromagnet and Kepco power supply 3.2.3 Contacting of the sample 3.2.4 Principle specifications of equipment 3.3 Experimental techniques 3.3.1 Measurement of DC R-H and R-I loops 3.3.2 Measurement of phase diagrams: off and on-pulse 3.3.3 Thermally-excited ferromagnetic resonance 4 Results and discussion 4.1 Switching phase diagrams of MTJs 4.1.1 Theory: Calculating the phase diagram 4.1.2 Experimental phase diagrams 4.2 Thermally excited ferromagnetic resonance 4.2.1 Smoothing and fitting of raw data 4.2.2 Determination of Ms 4.2.3 Signal evolution with bias voltage 4.2.4 Analysis of peak position: perpendicular STT 4.2.5 Analysis of peak linewidth 5 Summary and outlook A Appendix List of figures List of tables Bibliograph

    Recent Trends and Perspectives on Defect-Oriented Testing

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    Electronics employed in modern safety-critical systems require severe qualification during the manufacturing process and in the field, to prevent fault effects from manifesting themselves as critical failures during mission operations. Traditional fault models are not sufficient anymore to guarantee the required quality levels for chips utilized in mission-critical applications. The research community and industry have been investigating new test approaches such as device-aware test, cell-aware test, path-delay test, and even test methodologies based on the analysis of manufacturing data to move the scope from OPPM to OPPB. This special session presents four contributions, from academic researchers and industry professionals, to enable better chip quality. We present results on various activities towards this objective, including device-aware test, software-based self-test, and memory test

    MRAM Technology Status

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    Magnetoresistive Random Access Memory (MRAM) is much different from conventional types of memory like SRAM, DRAM, and Flash, where electric charge is used to store information. Instead of exploiting the charge of an electron, MRAM uses its spin to store data. This new type of electronics is known as "spintronics." The primary focus of this report is the current generation of MRAM technology, and its reliability, vendors, and space-readiness

    Nanoscale resistive switching memory devices: a review

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    In this review the different concepts of nanoscale resistive switching memory devices are described and classified according to their I–V behaviour and the underlying physical switching mechanisms. By means of the most important representative devices, the current state of electrical performance characteristics is illuminated in-depth. Moreover, the ability of resistive switching devices to be integrated into state-of-the-art CMOS circuits under the additional consideration with a suitable selector device for memory array operation is assessed. From this analysis, and by factoring in the maturity of the different concepts, a ranking methodology for application of the nanoscale resistive switching memory devices in the memory landscape is derived. Finally, the suitability of the different device concepts for beyond pure memory applications, such as brain inspired and neuromorphic computational or logic in memory applications that strive to overcome the vanNeumann bottleneck, is discussed

    Overview of emerging nonvolatile memory technologies

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    Current-induced dynamics in hybrid geometry MgO-based spin-torque nano-oscillators

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    Spin-torque nano-oscillators (STNOs) are prospective successors of transistor-based emitters and receivers of radio-frequency signals in commonly used remote communication systems. In comparison to the conventional electronic oscillators, STNOs offer the advantage of being tunable over a wide range of frequencies simply by adjusting the applied current, the smaller lateral size (up to 50 times) and the lower power consumption as the lateral size of the device is reduced. It has already been demonstrated that the output signal characteristics of STNOs are compatible with the requirements for applications: they can provide output powers in the µW range, frequencies of the order of GHz, quality factors Q (equal to df/f, where f is the frequency, and df is the linewidth) up to several thousands (e.g., 3 200), and can be integrated into Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) circuits. The most promising type of spin-torque oscillators is the hybrid geometry STNOs utilizing an in-plane magnetized fixed layer, an out-of-plane magnetized free layer and the MgO tunnel barrier as a spacer. This geometry maximizes the output power, since the full parallel-to-antiparallel resistance variation can be exploited in the limit of large magnetization precession angle (i.e., when the magnetization oscillates fully within the plane of the STNO stack). Moreover, the considered hybrid geometry allows for the reduction of the critical currents, enables functionality regardless of the applied magnetic or current history and requires a simplified fabrication process in comparison to the opposite hybrid geometry, consisting of an in-plane magnetized free layer and an out-of-plane reference layer, which requires an additional read-out layer. Simultaneously, the choice of the spacer material in considered STNOs is motivated by the increase of both the output power (via large magnetoresistance ratios) and the power conversion rate ('output power to input power' ratio), compared to their fully metallic counterparts. Despite the many advantages of MgO-based hybrid geometry STNOs, unexplained issues related to the physics behind their principle of operation remained. In this thesis, the main focus is put on the two key aspects related to the out-of-plane steady-state precession in hybrid STNOs: the precession mechanism (combined with the analysis of the influence of the bias dependence of the tunnel magnetoresistance) and the zero-field oscillations stabilized by an in-plane shape anisotropy. State-of-the-art theoretical studies demonstrated that stable precession in hybrid geometry STNOs can only be sustained if the in-plane component of the spin-transfer torque (STT) exhibits an asymmetric dependence on the angle between the free and the polarizing layer (which is true for fully metallic devices, but not for the MgO-based magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJs)). Nevertheless, recent experimental reports showed that spin-transfer driven dynamics can also be sustained in MgO-based STNOs with this particular configuration. In this thesis, a phenomenological and straightforward mechanism responsible for sustaining the dynamics in considered system is suggested. The mechanism is based on the fact that, in MgO-based MTJs, the strong cosine-type angular dependence of the tunnel magnetoresistance, at constant applied current, translates into an angle-dependent voltage component, which results in an angle-dependent spin-transfer torque giving a rise to the angular asymmetry of the in-plane STT and, thus, enabling steady-state precession to be sustained. Subsequently, the bias dependence of the tunnel magnetoresistance (TMR), which has been so far neglected in similar calculations, is taken into account. According to the results of analytical and numerical studies, the TMR bias dependence brings about a gradual quenching of the dynamics at large applied currents. The theoretical model yields trends confirming our experimental results. The most important conclusion regarding to this part of the thesis is that, while the angular dependence of the tunnel magnetoresistance introduces an angular asymmetry for the in-plane spin transfer torque parameter (which helps maintain steady-state precession), the bias dependence of the resistance works to reduce this asymmetry. Thus, these two mechanisms allow us to tune the asymmetry of the in-plane STT as function of current and to control the dynamical response of the actual device. Except for the precession mechanism, the thesis is also focused on the issue of zero-field oscillations, which would be especially desirable from the point of view of potential applications. According to the state-of-the-art theoretical studies, for hybrid geometry devices with circular cross-section (i.e., exhibiting no other anisotropy terms), current-driven dynamics cannot be excited at zero applied field. Indeed, zero-field oscillations have only been experimentally observed for systems having the free layer magnetization slightly tilted from the normal to the plane, which has usually been achieved by introducing an in-plane shape anisotropy. In the thesis, the influence of the in-plane shape anisotropy of the MTJ on zero-field dynamics in the hybrid geometry MgO-based STNOs is analytically and numerically investigated. In agreement with the previous reports, no zero-field dynamics for circular nano-pillars is observed; however, according to the numerical data, an additional in-plane anisotropy smaller than the effective out-of-plane anisotropy of the free layer enables zero-field steady-state precession. Accordingly, the lack of an in-plane anisotropy component (e.g., for circular cross-section nano-pillars), or the presence of an in-plane shape anisotropy equal or greater than the out-of-plane effective anisotropy, inhibits the stabilization of dynamics in the free layer at zero field. The results of analytical and numerical studies and the general trends identified in the corresponding experimental data are found to be in excellent qualitative agreement.:1. Introduction 1.1. Short history of magnetotransport applications 1.2. Spin-transfer torque induced effects and devices 1.3. Goals of the thesis 2. Fundamentals 2.1. Electronic transport in single transition metal layers 2.2. Tunnel magnetoresistance (TMR) 2.2.1. Electronic transport in magnetic tunnel junctions 2.2.2. Tunnel magnetoresistance versus structural properties of the multilayer 2.2.3. Bias voltage and temperature dependence of tunnel magnetoresistance 2.2.4. Angular dependence of tunnel magnetoresistance 2.3. Spin-transfer torque in GMR/TMR structures 2.3.1. Spin-transfer torque 2.3.2. Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert (LLG) equation 2.3.3. LLG equation and spin-transfer torques 2.3.4. Bias voltage dependence of spin-transfer torques in MTJs 2.3.5. Angular dependence of spin-transfer torque 2.4. Spin-torque-based phenomena 2.4.1. Current-induced switching 2.4.2. Current-induced dynamics 3. Experimental 3.1. General characteristics of MgO-based magnetic tunnel junctions 3.2. STNO samples 3.2.1. Samples by AIST (Tsukuba, Japan) 3.2.2. Samples by HZDR / SINGULUS (Dresden / Kahl am Main, Germany) 3.3. Magnetotransport measurements 3.3.1. Experimental setup and data analysis 3.3.2. Experimental results 3.4. Aspects to be explained 4 Numerical and analytical calculations 4.1 Out-of-plane steady-state precession in hybrid geometry STNO 4.1.1 Angular dependence of tunnel magnetoresistance as a mechanism of stable precession 4.1.2. Influence of the bias dependence of tunnel magnetoresistance 4.1.3. Comparison with the experimental data 4.1.4. Comparison with the GMR-type counterpart 4.1.5. Summary 4.2. Zero-field dynamics in hybrid geometry STNO stabilized by in-plane shape anisotropy 4.2.1. Effect of the in-plane shape anisotropy 4.2.2. Zero-field dynamics 4.2.3. Summary 5. Conclusions 6. Outlook Appendix Bibliograph

    PIRM: Processing In Racetrack Memories

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    The growth in data needs of modern applications has created significant challenges for modern systems leading a "memory wall." Spintronic Domain Wall Memory (DWM), related to Spin-Transfer Torque Memory (STT-MRAM), provides near-SRAM read/write performance, energy savings and nonvolatility, potential for extremely high storage density, and does not have significant endurance limitations. However, DWM's benefits cannot address data access latency and throughput limitations of memory bus bandwidth. We propose PIRM, a DWM-based in-memory computing solution that leverages the properties of DWM nanowires and allows them to serve as polymorphic gates. While normally DWM is accessed by applying spin polarized currents orthogonal to the nanowire at access points to read individual bits, transverse access along the DWM nanowire allows the differentiation of the aggregate resistance of multiple bits in the nanowire, akin to a multilevel cell. PIRM leverages this transverse reading to directly provide bulk-bitwise logic of multiple adjacent operands in the nanowire, simultaneously. Based on this in-memory logic, PIRM provides a technique to conduct multi-operand addition and two operand multiplication using transverse access. PIRM provides a 1.6x speedup compared to the leading DRAM PIM technique for query applications that leverage bulk bitwise operations. Compared to the leading PIM technique for DWM, PIRM improves performance by 6.9x, 2.3x and energy by 5.5x, 3.4x for 8-bit addition and multiplication, respectively. For arithmetic heavy benchmarks, PIRM reduces access latency by 2.1x, while decreasing energy consumption by 25.2x for a reasonable 10% area overhead versus non-PIM DWM.Comment: This paper is accepted to the IEEE/ACM Symposium on Microarchitecture, October 2022 under the title "CORUSCANT: Fast Efficient Processing-in-Racetrack Memories
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