8 research outputs found

    firestar—prediction of functionally important residues using structural templates and alignment reliability

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    Here we present firestar, an expert system for predicting ligand-binding residues in protein structures. The server provides a method for extrapolating from the large inventory of functionally important residues organized in the FireDB database and adds information about the local conservation of potential-binding residues. The interface allows users to make queries by protein sequence or structure. The user can access pairwise and multiple alignments with structures that have relevant functionally important binding sites. The results are presented in a series of easy to read displays that allow users to compare binding residue conservation across homologous proteins. The binding site residues can also be viewed with molecular visualization tools. One feature of firestar is that it can be used to evaluate the biological relevance of small molecule ligands present in PDB structures. With the server it is easy to discern whether small molecule binding is conserved in homologous structures. We found this facility particularly useful during the recent assessment of CASP7 function prediction. Availability: http://firedb.bioinfo.cnio.es/Php/FireStar.php

    TreeDet: a web server to explore sequence space

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    The TreeDet (Tree Determinant) Server is the first release of a system designed to integrate results from methods that predict functional sites in protein families. These methods take into account the relation between sequence conservation and evolutionary importance. TreeDet fully analyses the space of protein sequences in either user-uploaded or automatically generated multiple sequence alignments. The methods implemented in the server represent three main classes of methods for the detection of family-dependent conserved positions, a tree-based method, a correlation based method and a method that employs a principal component analyses coupled to a cluster algorithm. An additional method is provided to highlight the reliability of the position in the alignments. The server is available at

    firestar—advances in the prediction of functionally important residues

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    firestar is a server for predicting catalytic and ligand-binding residues in protein sequences. Here, we present the important developments since the first release of firestar. Previous versions of the server required human interpretation of the results; the server is now fully automatized. firestar has been implemented as a web service and can now be run in high-throughput mode. Prediction coverage has been greatly improved with the extension of the FireDB database and the addition of alignments generated by HHsearch. Ligands in FireDB are now classified for biological relevance. Many of the changes have been motivated by the critical assessment of techniques for protein structure prediction (CASP) ligand-binding prediction experiment, which provided us with a framework to test the performance of firestar. URL: http://firedb.bioinfo.cnio.es/Php/FireStar.php

    PSI-BLAST-ISS: an intermediate sequence search tool for estimation of the position-specific alignment reliability

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    BACKGROUND: Protein sequence alignments have become indispensable for virtually any evolutionary, structural or functional study involving proteins. Modern sequence search and comparison methods combined with rapidly increasing sequence data often can reliably match even distantly related proteins that share little sequence similarity. However, even highly significant matches generally may have incorrectly aligned regions. Therefore when exact residue correspondence is used to transfer biological information from one aligned sequence to another, it is critical to know which alignment regions are reliable and which may contain alignment errors. RESULTS: PSI-BLAST-ISS is a standalone Unix-based tool designed to delineate reliable regions of sequence alignments as well as to suggest potential variants in unreliable regions. The region-specific reliability is assessed by producing multiple sequence alignments in different sequence contexts followed by the analysis of the consistency of alignment variants. The PSI-BLAST-ISS output enables the user to simultaneously analyze alignment reliability between query and multiple homologous sequences. In addition, PSI-BLAST-ISS can be used to detect distantly related homologous proteins. The software is freely available at: . CONCLUSION: PSI-BLAST-ISS is an effective reliability assessment tool that can be useful in applications such as comparative modelling or analysis of individual sequence regions. It favorably compares with the existing similar software both in the performance and functional features

    Pharmacolgical and biological annotations enhance functional residues prediction

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    Tesis Doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias, Departamento de Biología Molecular. Fecha de lectura: 15-09-201

    Estudio computacional de las bases moleculares de la especificidad funcional en familias de proteínas

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    Tesis doctoral inédita. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias, Departamento de Biología Molecular. Fecha de lectura: 13-06-201