6 research outputs found

    Data parallelism in Java

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    Java for parallel computing and as a general language for scientific and engineering simulation and modeling

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    We discuss the role of Java and Web technologies for general simulation. We classify the classes of concurrency typical in problems and analyze separately the role of Java in user interfaces, coarse grain software integration, and detailed computational kernels. We conclude that Java could become a major language for computational science, as it potentially offers good performance, excellent user interfaces, and the advantages of object-oriented structure

    A Java Distributed Computation Library

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    This paper describes the design and development of a Java Distributed Computation Library, which provides a simple development platform for developers who wish to quickly implement a distributed computation in the context of an SPMD architecture (Single Program, Multiple Data). The need for this research arose out of the realisation that the currently available distributed computation libraries and systems do not adequately meet certain criteria, such as ease of development, dynamic changes to system behaviour, and easy deployment of distributed software. The proposed solution to this problem was to produce a Java-based distributed computation library which enables developers to use the Java language to quickly and easily implement a distributed computation. The results of experiments conducted using DCL are also presented, as a means of showing that DCL met its design goals

    JavaParty - transparent remote objects in Java

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    JavaParty: transparent remote objects in Java

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