7 research outputs found

    Çevik olgunluk modeli ve çeviklik değerlendirme aracı

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    TÜBİTAK EEEAG Proje01.04.2016The main purpose of the research project was to develop an agility maturity model and a toolbox in order to carry out agile software development processes compatible with manifesto for agile software development in software organizations in an effective and integrated way. “Agility maturity model” is defined as “agility assessment reference model” in such a way that the properties its name provides remain the same. In the scope of the project, the studies conducted are as follows: a) Development of AgilityMod agility assessment reference model: For the development of the model, the meta-structure of ISO 15504 process assessment reference models is taken as basis. Instead of process structure and practices of ISO 15504, new aspects and special practices are defined. Therefore, the model is suitable for agile process architecture and includes all components which are necessary for any assessment model. b) Development of assessment software: In order to facilitate and popularize the AgilityMod, a software is developed. c) Validation of the model in software organizations: AgilityMod is applied with the case studies in 9 different organizations and positive feedbacks are gathered. d) Introduction of the model in national and international conferences: The studies conducted during the project were published as 3 international conferences papers and presented in an educational workshop of a national conference. Additionally, 1 of the studies is accepted to be published in an international journal in 2016 and 2 of the studies are accepted to be presented in two international conferences

    Process and project alignment methodology: A case study based analysis

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    Process descriptions represent high-level plans and do not contain information necessary for concrete software development projects. Processes that are unrelated to daily practices or that are hardly mapped to project practices, cause misalignments between processes and projects. We argue that software processes should emerge and evolve collaboratively within an organization. With this propose, this article describes the ProPAM methodology and explores the details of its static view. We also present a case study to validate effectiveness of the proposed methodology. The aim of the case study was to analyse the effects of using ProPAM in a IT organization

    Módulo de simulação de projetos para ensino de monitoramento e controle

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro Tecnológico. Sistemas de Informação.Devido à falta de profissionais qualificados em gerência de projetos, novas abordagens de ensino nessa área se fazem necessárias. O conteúdo ministrado nos cursos de tecnologia já aborda o ensino de gerência de projetos, porém a parte prática do ensino de monitoramento e controle geralmente não é abordada em sala de aula, devido à necessidade de ter um projeto em execução para ensinar essa etapa do processo. A simulação vem sendo utilizada no meio de ensino como uma nova forma de praticar os conceitos teóricos aprendidos, facilitando o entendimento do conteúdo pelo aluno. O dotProject é um sistema web open source voltado para a gerência de projetos, que suporta funcionalidades comuns da gerência de projetos. Com isso, nasceu o dotProject+ que consiste em um conjunto de módulos compatíveis com o dotProject e tem como principal objetivo alinhar a ferramenta em questão com os conceitos abordados no PMBOK e CMMI-DEV. Porém, o presente dotProject+ não apresenta módulos que abordam simulação da execução de projetos para apoio ao ensino de processo de monitoramento e controle de projetos. Com base na análise das ferramentas similares existentes que utilizassem a simulação como meio de ensino desse processo e com base em entrevistas com especialistas, foram levantados os requisitos necessários para uma ferramenta de simulação de execução de projetos. Os requisitos então foram implementados e testados, gerando uma nova versão da ferramenta dotProject+.Due to the lack of qualified project management professionals, new approaches for teaching in this area are requested. The content taught in technology courses already addresses project management teaching, but the practical part of teaching monitoring and control is generally not addressed in the classroom since a project is needed to be running to teach this step of the process, which requests great effort to be done properly. The simulation has been used in the teaching environment as a new way of practicing the theoretical concepts learned, facilitating the understanding of the content by the student. DotProject is an open source web-oriented project management system that supports common project management features. With this, dotProject+ was born, consisting of a set of modules compatible with dotProject and its main objective is to align the tool in question with the concepts discussed in PMBOK and CMMI-DEV. However, the present dotProject+ does not present modules that approach simulation of the execution of projects to support project monitoring and control process teaching . Based on the analysis of similar simulation tools that used simulation as a means of teaching this process and based on interviews with specialists, the necessary requirements for a project execution simulation tool were raised. The requirements were then implemented and tested, generating a new version of the dotProject+ tool