16 research outputs found

    SOT-MRAM 300mm integration for low power and ultrafast embedded memories

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    We demonstrate for the first time full-scale integration of top-pinned perpendicular MTJ on 300 mm wafer using CMOS-compatible processes for spin-orbit torque (SOT)-MRAM architectures. We show that 62 nm devices with a W-based SOT underlayer have very large endurance (> 5x10^10), sub-ns switching time of 210 ps, and operate with power as low as 300 pJ.Comment: presented at VLSI2018 session C8-

    Ta/CoFeB/MgO analysis for low power nanomagnetic devices

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    The requirement of high memory bandwidth for next-generation computing systems moved the attention to the development of devices that can combine storage and logic capabilities. Domain wall-based spintronic devices intrinsically combine both these requirements making them suitable both for non-volatile storage and computation. CoPt and CoNi were the technology drivers of perpendicular Nano Magnetic Logic devices (pNML), but for power constraints and depinning fields, novel CoFeBMgO layers appear more promis- ing. In this paper, we investigate the Ta2CoFeB1MgO2Ta3 stack at the simulation and experimental level, to show its potential for the next generation of magnetic logic devices. The micromagnetic simulations are used to support the experiments. We focus, first, at the experimental level measuring the switching field distribution of patterned magnetic islands, Ms via VSM and the domain wall speed on magnetic nanowires. Then, at the simulation level, we focus on the magnetostatic analysis of magnetic islands quantifying the stray field that can be achieved with different layout topologies. Our results show that the achieved coupling is strong enough to realize logic computation with magnetic islands, moving a step forward in the direction of low power perpendicularly magnetized logic devices

    Large enhancement of spin-orbit torques under a MHz modulation due to phonon-magnon coupling

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    The discovery of spin-orbit torques (SOTs) generated through the spin Hall or Rashba effects provides an alternative write approach for magnetic random-access memory (MRAM), igniting the development of spin-orbitronics in recent years. Quantitative characterization of SOTs highly relies on the SOT-driven ferromagnetic resonance (ST-FMR), where a modulated microwave current is used to generate ac SOTs and the modulation-frequency is usually less than 100 kHz (the limit of conventional lock-in amplifiers). Here we have investigated the SOT of typical SOT material/ferromagnet bilayers in an extended modulation-frequency range, up to MHz, by developing the ST-FMR measurement. Remarkably, we found that the measured SOTs are enhanced about three times in the MHz range, which cannot be explained according to present SOT theory. We attribute the enhancement of SOT to additional magnon excitations due to phonon-magnon coupling, which is also reflected in the slight changes of resonant field and linewidth in the acquired ST-FMR spectra, corresponding to the modifications of effective magnetization and damping constant, respectively. Our results indicate that the write current of SOT-MRAM may be reduced with the assistant of phonon-magnon coupling

    Observation of Spin Hall Effect in Weyl Semimetal WTe2 at Room Temperature

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    Discovery of topological Weyl semimetals has revealed the opportunities to realize several extraordinary physical phenomena in condensed matter physics. Specifically, these semimetals with strong spin-orbit coupling, broken inversion symmetry and novel spin texture are predicted to exhibit a large spin Hall effect that can efficiently convert the charge current to a spin current. Here we report the direct experimental observation of a large spin Hall and inverse spin Hall effects in Weyl semimetal WTe2 at room temperature obeying Onsager reciprocity relation. We demonstrate the detection of the pure spin current generated by spin Hall phenomenon in WTe2 by making van der Waals heterostructures with graphene, taking advantage of its long spin coherence length and spin transmission at the heterostructure interface. These experimental findings well supported by ab initio calculations show a large charge-spin conversion efficiency in WTe2; which can pave the way for utilization of spin-orbit induced phenomena in spintronic memory and logic circuit architectures

    Tunable room-temperature spin galvanic and spin Hall effects in van der Waals heterostructures

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    Spin-orbit coupling stands as a powerful tool to interconvert charge and spin currents and to manipulate the magnetization of magnetic materials through the spin torque phenomena. However, despite the diversity of existing bulk materials and the recent advent of interfacial and low-dimensional effects, control of the interconvertion at room-temperature remains elusive. Here, we unequivocally demonstrate strongly enhanced room-temperature spin-to-charge (StC) conversion in graphene driven by the proximity of a semiconducting transition metal dichalcogenide(WS2). By performing spin precession experiments in properly designed Hall bars, we separate the contributions of the spin Hall and the spin galvanic effects. Remarkably, their corresponding conversion effiencies can be tailored by electrostatic gating in magnitude and sign, peaking nearby the charge neutrality point with a magnitude that is comparable to the largest efficiencies reported to date. Such an unprecedented electric-field tunability provides a new building block for spin generation free from magnetic materials and for ultra-compact magnetic memory technologies.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    All-electrical creation and control of spin-galvanic signal in graphene and molybdenum ditelluride heterostructures at room temperature

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    The ability to engineer new states of matter and control their spintronic properties by electric fields is at the heart of future information technology. Here, we report a gate-tunable spin-galvanic effect in van der Waals heterostructures of graphene with a semimetal of molybdenum ditelluride at room temperature due to an efficient spin-charge conversion process. Measurements in different device geometries with control over the spin orientations exhibit spin-switch and Hanle spin precession behavior, confirming the spin origin of the signal. The control experiments with the pristine graphene channels do not show any such signals. We explain the experimental spin-galvanic signals by theoretical calculations considering the spin-orbit induced spin-splitting in the bands of the graphene in the heterostructure. The calculations also reveal an unusual spin texture in graphene heterostructure with an anisotropic out-of-plane and in-plane spin polarization. These findings open opportunities to utilize graphene-based heterostructures for gate-controlled spintronic devices


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    Miniaturization of semiconductor devices is the main driving force to achieve an outstanding performance of modern integrated circuits. As the industry is focusing on the development of the 3nm technology node, it is apparent that transistor scaling shows signs of saturation. At the same time, the critically high power consumption becomes incompatible with the global demands of sustaining and accelerating the vital industrial growth, prompting an introduction of new solutions for energy efficient computations.Probably the only radically new option to reduce power consumption in novel integrated circuits is to introduce nonvolatility. The data retention without power sources eliminates the leakages and refresh cycles. As the necessity to waste time on initializing the data in temporarily unused parts of the circuit is not needed, nonvolatility also supports an instant-on computing paradigm.The electron spin adds additional functionality to digital switches based on field effect transistors. SpinFETs and SpinMOSFETs are promising devices, with the nonvolatility introduced through relative magnetization orientation between the ferromagnetic source and drain. A successful demonstration of such devices requires resolving several fundamental problems including spin injection from metal ferromagnets to a semiconductor, spin propagation and relaxation, as well as spin manipulation by the gate voltage. However, increasing the spin injection efficiency to boost the magnetoresistance ratio as well as an efficient spin control represent the challenges to be resolved before these devices appear on the market. Magnetic tunnel junctions with large magnetoresistance ratio are perfectly suited as key elements of nonvolatile CMOS-compatible magnetoresistive embedded memory. Purely electrically manipulated spin-transfer torque and spin-orbit torque magnetoresistive memories are superior compared to flash and will potentially compete with DRAM and SRAM. All major foundries announced a near-future production of such memories.Two-terminal magnetic tunnel junctions possess a simple structure, long retention time, high endurance, fast operation speed, and they yield a high integration density. Combining nonvolatile elements with CMOS devices allows for efficient power gating. Shifting data processing capabilities into the nonvolatile segment paves the way for a new low power and high-performance computing paradigm based on an in-memory computing architecture, where the same nonvolatile elements are used to store and to process the information