111 research outputs found


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    Today, a general definition of musicology is both precise and imprecise: it is a study of music. This recent scientific discipline was established by Guido Adler in his 1885 paper The Scope, Method, and Aim of Musicology, although there had been many varieties of music researching ever since ancient times. According to the Ordinance on Scientific and Artistic Areas, Fields and Branches (in the further text – The Ordinance), brought by the National Council for Science, musicology belongs to the area of humanities, art studies field, musicology, and ethnomusicology branch under the code 6.06.01. Its interdisciplinarity and problems referring to the categorization of works are apparent when comparing these two aforementioned texts. Adler divides musicology into historical and systematic. Defining musicology as a discipline belonging to the humanities appears problematic when one analyses research in the domain of systematic musicology. Content from the domain of systematic musicology is issued in publications related to social sciences (pedagogy, educational and rehabilitation sciences, logopaedics, demography, interdisciplinary social sciences), natural sciences (physic), engineering (architecture, urbanism, wood technology), medical sciences (basic medical sciences, clinical medical sciences, public healthcare,) artistic area (music, -interdisciplinary art field) and interdisciplinary areas (cognitive science, geography, educational sciences, gender studies). Disciplinary progression of musicology relies on the papers in the domain of humanities and, therefore, does not encourage the development of popular research related to systematic musicology. This paper aims to analyze the categorization problems of papers of musicological research and present a potential solution to their classification into areas, fields, and branches.Općenita definicija muzikologije danas u isto je vrijeme precizna i neprecizna: to je znanost o glazbi. Tu mladu znanstvenu disciplinu ustanovio je Guido Adler 1885. godine u svom tekstu Opseg, metoda i cilj muzikologije, iako različita istraživanja glazbe postoje od antičkih vremena. Prema Pravilniku o znanstvenim i umjetničkim područjima, poljima i granama (dalje u tekstu: Pravilnik) kojega je donijelo Nacionalno vijeće za znanost muzikologija je razvrstana u znanstveno područje humanističkih znanosti, polje znanosti o umjetnosti, granu muzikologija i etnomuzikologija pod šifrom: 6.06.01. Interdisciplinarnost ove znanosti i s tim povezani problemi u kategorizaciji radova, dolaze do izražaja već pri usporedbi dva navedena teksta. Adler dijeli muzikologiju na historijsku i sistematsku. Definiranje muzikologije kao humanističke znanosti pokazuje se problematičnim kada analiziramo istraživanja vezana uz sistematski dio muzikologije. Tako sadržaje iz područja sistematske muzikologije objavljuju publikacije koje se bave društvenim znanostima (pedagogija, edukacijsko-rehabilitacijske znanosti, logopedija, demografija i interdisciplinarne društvene znanosti), prirodnim znanostima (fizika), tehničkim znanostima (arhitektura, urbanizam i drvna tehnologija), biomedicinskim znanostima (kliničke medicinske znanosti, temeljne medicinske znanosti, javno zdravstvo i zdravstvena zaštita), umjetničkim područjem (glazbena umjetnost i interdisciplinarno umjetničko polje) te interdisciplinarnim područjima znanosti (kognitivna znanost, geografija, obrazovne znanosti i rodni studiji). U znanstvenom napredovanju muzikologa broje se radovi objavljeni u području humanističkih znanosti i time se ne potiče razvoj danas vrlo popularnih istraživanja iz područja sistematske muzikologije. Ovaj rad analizirati će probleme u kategorizaciji radova iz područja muzikologije, te prezentirati moguće rješenje u razvrstavanju na područja, polja i grane


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    We live in a changing and complex world open for potential personal development. At the same time, the Earth is moving to a new level, from a 3-dimensional to a 5-dimensional level. This process is called the quantum transition.  Nowadays career management theories are developing and changing under the influence of the quantum transition paradigm, thus the perception of career and the understanding of career have also changed. A career covers the whole life of a person and is individually driven. So, we can speak of a self-directed personal career, which is connected with finding one’s mission in life, one’s vocation. So, moving into the fourth and fifth dimensions opens up more possibilities for finding your purpose: 1) motivated individual choice; 2) career management based on that choice; 3) transition from survival to mission; 4) access to the information field of the Universe; 5) discovery of new abilities – telekinesis, teleportation, clairvoyance, clairaudience, etc. The article considers the notion of the quantum transition, career, career management and the characteristics of the Generation Z from the perspective of various authors. The analysis is carried out by assessing the data acquired on the specific features of the existent career management and the possibilities which provides the current situation for the engineers-to-be. The research aim is to study the specific features of the career management of the prospective engineers in the perspective of the quantum transition. The obtained high-level results testify that engineering students have sufficient employability potential, which largely indicates their competitiveness. The obtained low-level results indicate that the students are not yet ready to lifelong learn and develop professionally throughout his life, is not ready for changes in his chosen career, which indicates a certain inflexibility in thinking and acting. It is precisely these qualities that are very necessary in self-management of a sustainable career. This means that career support services should continue to be offered to promote career self-development and self-management under changing conditions (closely related to quantum transition theory). During the formative (pedagogical) experiment, significant and very significant changes occurred in students\u27 self-assessments according to the following criteria: students\u27 internal and external resources, competitiveness in the chosen profession (p value = 0.005 ... 0.018). This means that during the survey, the self-assessment of internal resources according to these indicators was influenced by the information obtained during the survey from the content of the questionnaire, which allowed for a more adequate self-assessment at the end of the experiment

    Communicating martial arts knowledge: Conferring over a wealth of possibilities

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    The 3rd Annual Martial Arts Studies Conference held at Cardiff University (11‐13 July, 2017) was an eclectic collection of keynotes, papers, workshops, networking and social events. It connected PhD students, established professors and practitioner‐instructors in university lecture rooms, public parks, and music halls across three days of academic, social and physical activities. From historical studies of Chinese martial arts to the performance of Indian styles, it brought together scholars, practitioner‐researchers and martial artists for a supportive, but also scholarly, gathering – one which was both thematically open but at the same united by an exploration of the communication of embodied research and knowledge. In sum, the conference demonstrated that martial arts studies, as a still young field, shows a wealth of promise, with emerging leaders, topics and debates that will stimulate future research, cross‐continental collaboration and intercultural dialogue. Keywords: Martial arts; martial arts studies; interdisciplinarity; embodied knowledge; global scholarship; research community

    Surgical strategy for purulent-septic complications of combat abdominal trauma

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    The incidence of combat abdominal trauma ranges from 6.7 to 9%. The nature of gunshot abdominal wounds leads to the development of functional disorders and complications (51–81%) and, as a result, a high mortality rate (12–31%). The purpose of the work is to improve the effectiveness of surgical treatment of purulent-septic complications in wounded patients with combat abdominal trauma (CAT). We analysed the treatment of 86 wounded patients with purulent-septic complications of CAT who were hospitalized at the Military Medical Clinical Centre of the Southern Region. Taking into account the location, clinical manifestations and severity of the injury, modern methods of treatment were used, namely: puncture-drainage interventions under ultrasound guidance and the NPWT system installation. The complex treatment was supplemented with antibacterial therapy and oxygen barotherapy. First of all, the wounded patients underwent US-guided puncture, drainage interventions and stage debridement for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. NPWT therapy was used in 11 patients with large wounds and purulent-septic complications of the soft tissues of the anterior abdominal wall. So, the use of interventional ultrasound as a priority diagnostic and therapeutic method for purulent and inflammatory complications of combat abdominal trauma improved the quality of diagnosis and reduced the number of traumatic interventions, which led to a decrease in postoperative complications and the duration of inpatient treatment. 11 (14.2%) cases of puncture-drainage interventions were ineffective, and therefore it was necessary to use traditional methods of treatment — opening and draining purulent-inflammatory foci and using NPWT therapy. Vacuum therapy is an effective method of treating purulent-septic complications of gunshot wounds of the abdominal soft tissues, which, in combination with puncture-drainage interventions, can 2.5 folds reduce the number of recurrent operations (mainly multistage surgical procedures), thereby 1.8 folds reducing the length of hospital stay. The use of current methods has improved the results of surgical treatment of purulent-septic complications in wounded patients with purulent-septic complications of combat abdominal trauma. The use of the current techniques helped to reduce the number of invasive treatment methods, facilitated recovery, reduced bed days, reduced intoxication, and increased the percentage of recovered military personnel

    A proposal to analyse the progress and difficulties of Higher Education teacher training

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    [EN] This article presents an ongoing research study whose purpose is to describe and analyse the progress and difficulties participants face in a university teacher training programme offered by the University of Seville. The training programme and the different parts of the research strategy are described.This study is part of a larger research project entitled Pedagogical training of university teachers. Progress and obstacles in a training programme focusing on improving teaching practice (EDU2016- 75604-P), financed by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness 2016 R&D fund.http://ocs.editorial.upv.es/index.php/HEAD/HEAD18Hamed Al-Lal, S.; Pineda Alfonso, JA.; Pérez Rodríguez, N.; Navarro-Medina, E.; Duarte Piña, O. (2018). A proposal to analyse the progress and difficulties of Higher Education teacher training. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 979-987. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAD18.2018.8130OCS97998

    Sentinel-2 water indexes application for the underground water level analyses in Ovidiopol area of Odessa region

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    Studied area has a high level of agricultural development. There are different irrigation and drainage systems located there. Significant part of the supplied water losses from the irrigation network because of filtration and reaches the groundwater level, which begins to rise. Control and analyses of groundwater level changes with remote sensing methods for Ovidiopol area is the main goal of that work. The object of study is the groundwater level regime in the territory of Lower Dniester irrigation system in Ovidiopol district, Odessa region. The subject of research is water indexes application for analyses of groundwater level changes. The local system of groundwater observation includes 7 drillholes in Nadlimanskoe village and around. These drillholes located in different geomorphological, hydrogeological and technogenic conditions. The groundwater level was surveyed monthly in 2017.  Sentinel-2 2A images for each month from March 2017 to December 2017 were used for studied area. All satellite images has atmospheric correction. Three water indexes NDWI, MNDWI, NDPI were calculated for drillhole points for each month in 2017 year. Significant correlation coefficients obtained in comparison between groundwater level changes and water indexes in some drillholes points. The highest numbers of correlation connected with free of construction areas and for drillholes, which are located outside of villages

    Suicide attempt of young woman by Propafenone overdose - case report

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    Introduction and purpose: Over the last few years, the number of suicide attempts in Polish women has been steadily increasing. This report presents a case of a 18 years old woman hospitalized in the Toxicology and Cardiology Department due to poisoning with antiarrhythmic drug – Propafenone, taken for suicide purpose. Brief description of the state of knowledge: Propafenone is an antiarrhythmic drug which belongs to class IC according to the Vaughan-Williams classification. The overdose of this drug can cause various symptoms and complications such as cardiac arrhythmias, liver damage, cardiac arrest and even death. This drug has no specific antidote.   Conclusions: Propafenone poisoning is a significant clinical challenge and the consequences are often unpredictable and life-threatening. Treatment options such as natrium bicarbonicum, insulin, intravenous lipid emulsion, calcium gluconate seem to be good choices and the effects of treatment with these drugs are promising for the future

    Clinical and psychopathological features of the course and outcome of the first psychotic episode.

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    Recently it has been established that cytokines are involved in the regulation of the body’s defense reactions in response to a pathogen and form an independent system  for regulating homeostasis.  The aim of this work is to study the relationship of the polymorphic marker TNFα (rs1800620) with its quantitative content and the degree of liver fibrosis in patients with various chronic hepatitis (VHC, VHB, VHB+C). The 82 patients with chronic hepatitis B, 62 patients with hepatitis B+C, and 100 patients with chronic hepatitis C were examined. GGTNFα (rs1800620) genotype is protective for patients with various viral hepatitis, and the GATNFα (rs1800620)and AATNFα (rs1800620)genotypes are profibrogenic for patients with chronic hepatitis B, chronic hepatitis B+C and chronic hepatitis C, respectively, since a high degree of fibrosis than in carriers of the homozygous GGTNFα (rs1800620)genotype. It is possible that the rate of fibrosis progression is influenced not only by the qualitative content of TNFα, but also by a certain genotype

    Anxiety disorders pharmacological and non-pharmacological methods of therapy

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    Introduction and purpose: Anxiety disorders are a heterogeneous cluster of common mental health disorders typically characterized by hyperarousal, excessive fear and worry. Unfortunately, a large portion of the world's population does not have access to traditional mental health care, this is influenced by the paucity of available psychiatric services, particularly in many low- and middle-income countries. This article will discuss how patients suffering from depression or anxiety disorders turn to non-pharmacological and unconventional interventions such as exercise, yoga, meditation, aromatherapy or music therapy. The aim of study: The purpose of this literature review was to assemble and analyse the available data about anxiety disorders. Material and method: Standard criteria were used to review the literature data. The search of articles in Pubmed database was carried out using following keywords: Anxiety disorders; depression; mental illness; alternative treatment methods. Description of the State of Knowledge: Pathologically increased anxiety is found not only in anxiety disorders per se, but also in most other types of mental illness. The first-line methods are pharmacotherapy and cognitive-behavioral therapy. Of particular interest is the use of physical activity and exercise in the treatment of anxiety disorders. This treatment is inexpensive and has few undesired effects. Exercises such as yoga, meditation, tai chi or qi gong are becoming more and more popular. Summary: Anxiety disorders can now be treated effectively. Current research focuses on individualized forms. We hope that even more effective methods of therapy will be developed than those currently available. Keywords: Anxiety disorders; depression; mental illness; alternative treatment methods