2,610 research outputs found

    360ORB-SLAM: A Visual SLAM System for Panoramic Images with Depth Completion Network

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    To enhance the performance and effect of AR/VR applications and visual assistance and inspection systems, visual simultaneous localization and mapping (vSLAM) is a fundamental task in computer vision and robotics. However, traditional vSLAM systems are limited by the camera's narrow field-of-view, resulting in challenges such as sparse feature distribution and lack of dense depth information. To overcome these limitations, this paper proposes a 360ORB-SLAM system for panoramic images that combines with a depth completion network. The system extracts feature points from the panoramic image, utilizes a panoramic triangulation module to generate sparse depth information, and employs a depth completion network to obtain a dense panoramic depth map. Experimental results on our novel panoramic dataset constructed based on Carla demonstrate that the proposed method achieves superior scale accuracy compared to existing monocular SLAM methods and effectively addresses the challenges of feature association and scale ambiguity. The integration of the depth completion network enhances system stability and mitigates the impact of dynamic elements on SLAM performance.Comment: 6 pages, 9 figure

    A minimalistic approach to appearance-based visual SLAM

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    This paper presents a vision-based approach to SLAM in indoor / outdoor environments with minimalistic sensing and computational requirements. The approach is based on a graph representation of robot poses, using a relaxation algorithm to obtain a globally consistent map. Each link corresponds to a relative measurement of the spatial relation between the two nodes it connects. The links describe the likelihood distribution of the relative pose as a Gaussian distribution. To estimate the covariance matrix for links obtained from an omni-directional vision sensor, a novel method is introduced based on the relative similarity of neighbouring images. This new method does not require determining distances to image features using multiple view geometry, for example. Combined indoor and outdoor experiments demonstrate that the approach can handle qualitatively different environments (without modification of the parameters), that it can cope with violations of the “flat floor assumption” to some degree, and that it scales well with increasing size of the environment, producing topologically correct and geometrically accurate maps at low computational cost. Further experiments demonstrate that the approach is also suitable for combining multiple overlapping maps, e.g. for solving the multi-robot SLAM problem with unknown initial poses

    Real-Time Panoramic Tracking for Event Cameras

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    Event cameras are a paradigm shift in camera technology. Instead of full frames, the sensor captures a sparse set of events caused by intensity changes. Since only the changes are transferred, those cameras are able to capture quick movements of objects in the scene or of the camera itself. In this work we propose a novel method to perform camera tracking of event cameras in a panoramic setting with three degrees of freedom. We propose a direct camera tracking formulation, similar to state-of-the-art in visual odometry. We show that the minimal information needed for simultaneous tracking and mapping is the spatial position of events, without using the appearance of the imaged scene point. We verify the robustness to fast camera movements and dynamic objects in the scene on a recently proposed dataset and self-recorded sequences.Comment: Accepted to International Conference on Computational Photography 201

    Panoramic Annular Localizer: Tackling the Variation Challenges of Outdoor Localization Using Panoramic Annular Images and Active Deep Descriptors

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    Visual localization is an attractive problem that estimates the camera localization from database images based on the query image. It is a crucial task for various applications, such as autonomous vehicles, assistive navigation and augmented reality. The challenging issues of the task lie in various appearance variations between query and database images, including illumination variations, dynamic object variations and viewpoint variations. In order to tackle those challenges, Panoramic Annular Localizer into which panoramic annular lens and robust deep image descriptors are incorporated is proposed in this paper. The panoramic annular images captured by the single camera are processed and fed into the NetVLAD network to form the active deep descriptor, and sequential matching is utilized to generate the localization result. The experiments carried on the public datasets and in the field illustrate the validation of the proposed system.Comment: Accepted by ITSC 201

    Space and camera path reconstruction for omni-directional vision

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    In this paper, we address the inverse problem of reconstructing a scene as well as the camera motion from the image sequence taken by an omni-directional camera. Our structure from motion results give sharp conditions under which the reconstruction is unique. For example, if there are three points in general position and three omni-directional cameras in general position, a unique reconstruction is possible up to a similarity. We then look at the reconstruction problem with m cameras and n points, where n and m can be large and the over-determined system is solved by least square methods. The reconstruction is robust and generalizes to the case of a dynamic environment where landmarks can move during the movie capture. Possible applications of the result are computer assisted scene reconstruction, 3D scanning, autonomous robot navigation, medical tomography and city reconstructions

    Vision-Based Localization Algorithm Based on Landmark Matching, Triangulation, Reconstruction, and Comparison

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    Many generic position-estimation algorithms are vulnerable to ambiguity introduced by nonunique landmarks. Also, the available high-dimensional image data is not fully used when these techniques are extended to vision-based localization. This paper presents the landmark matching, triangulation, reconstruction, and comparison (LTRC) global localization algorithm, which is reasonably immune to ambiguous landmark matches. It extracts natural landmarks for the (rough) matching stage before generating the list of possible position estimates through triangulation. Reconstruction and comparison then rank the possible estimates. The LTRC algorithm has been implemented using an interpreted language, onto a robot equipped with a panoramic vision system. Empirical data shows remarkable improvement in accuracy when compared with the established random sample consensus method. LTRC is also robust against inaccurate map data