816 research outputs found

    Coupled wave-2D hydrodynamics modeling at the Reno River mouth (Italy) under climate change scenarios

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    This work presents the results of the numerical study implemented for the natural area of Lido di Spina, a touristic site along the Italian coast of the North Adriatic Sea, close to the mouth of River Reno. High-resolution simulations of nearshore dynamics are carried out under climate change conditions estimated for the site. The adopted modeling chain is based on the implementation of multiple-nested, open-source numerical models. More specifically, the coupled wave-2D hydrodynamics runs, using the open-source TELEMAC suite, are forced at the offshore boundary by waves resulting from the wave model (SWAN) simulations for the Adriatic Sea, and sea levels computed following a joint probability analysis approach. The system simulates presentday scenarios, as well as conditions reflecting the high IPCC greenhouse concentration trajectory named RCP8.5 under predicted climate changes. Selection of sea storms directed from SE (Sirocco events) and E-NE (Bora events) is performed together with Gumbel analysis, in order to define ordinary and extreme sea conditions. The numerical results are here presented in terms of local parameters such as wave breaking position, alongshore currents intensity and direction and flooded area, aiming to provide insights on how climate changes may impact hydrodynamics at a site scale. Although the wave energy intensity predicted for Sirocco events is expected to increase only slightly, modifications of the wave dynamics, current patterns, and inland flooding induced by climate changes are expected to be significant for extreme conditions, especially during Sirocco winds, with an increase in the maximum alongshore currents and in the inundated area compared to past conditions. \ua9 2018 by the authors

    Remediation strategies and management of oil spill hazard along the Emilia-Romagna coast (Italy)

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    In the Adriatic Sea, large vessel traffic is dense, and accordingly there is a great deal of operational pollution along with the constant threat of accidents and incidents. The Emilia-Romagna region does not have any planning documents for managing the oil spill risk. The aim of the thesis is to propose strategies for a management plan (not currently available) and intervention strategies of coastal protection from oil spill events utilizing models (simulations) of potential scenarios which could happen near the Emiglia-Romagna coast, and how it should be the proper reaction due to this possible accidents, in a way to build preparedness and improve the efficiency regarding to the response, raising the level of safety and marine security security towards those events that can impact not only environmental units, but also other society development pillars as economy and health.I would like to thank my professors from the Univesity of Algarve, specially to Óscar Ferreira, José Paulo Monteiro and Alice Newton, for believing in my capabilities and giving me proper background to follow this master sharing with excellence their knowledge. Fourthly the WACOMA consortium, for believing in a sustainable,diverse and multicultural future uniting all the different parts of the world for a main cause; A proper use and management of our coasts and body of waters

    Monoclonal antibodies in type 2 asthma : a systematic review and network meta-analysis

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    Since novel treatments to target eosinophilic inflammation in Type 2 asthma are emerging, we aimed to evaluate and meta-analyze the efficacy of monoclonal antibodies to reduce exacerbation rate. PubMed and Web of Science were searched for phase II and phase III randomized clinical trials with monoclonal antibodies targeting key mediators of type 2-associated asthma. Thirty trials were selected involving biologics that target the IL-5 pathway, IL-13, the common IL-4 and IL-13 receptor, IL-9, IL-2 and TSLP. As no head-to-head trials were retrieved from literature, we performed an arm-based network meta-analysis to compare effects on exacerbation rate between the different treatments. Mepolizumab, reslizumab and benralizumab significantly reduced the risk of exacerbations compared to placebo (by 47-52%, 50-60%, and 28-51% respectively). Reslizumab and benralizumab also improved lung function. Dupilumab and tezepelumab improved lung function in frequent exacerbators. Lebrikizumab had no significant effect on the number of exacerbations, symptom control or health-related quality of life. Tralokinumab improved lung function compared to placebo. Network meta-analysis of all treatment and placebo arms, showed no superiority of one biologic over the others. Large reductions in exacerbation rates were observed compared to placebo, though only benralizumab was sufficiently powered (n = 2051) to demonstrate significantly decreased exacerbation rates in the subgroup analysis of IL-5 acting agents compared to placebo. Monoclonal antibodies such as mepolizumab, reslizumab and benralizumab have proven their benefit to reduce exacerbation rates in severe persistent eosinophilic asthma in the published trials. However, no statistically significant superiority was observed of one biologic over the other in the network meta-analysis. More studies with direct head to head comparisons and better defined endotypes are required

    The application of UAV-derived SfM-MVS photogrammetry for the investigation of storm wave boulder deposits on a small rocky island in the semi-enclosed Northern Adriatic Sea

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    The inventory and categorization of an extensive coastal boulder assemblage originating from storm wave transport on the coastline of Fenoliga Island (Northern Adriatic Sea, southern Istria, Croatia) are presented and discussed herein. The study adopted the use of a commercial Uncrewed Aerial Vehicle (UAV) and Structure from Motion-MultiView Stereo (SfM-MVS) photogrammetry for the construction of a 3D model of the island. A Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and an orthomosaic were produced and employed for the mapping of the boulder assemblage in a GIS. In total, 592 boulders were identified and mapped. Using SfM-MVS-derived products allowed for the identified boulders to be categorized based on size classification. Amassed data relating to the boulder characteristics was inserted and stored in a GIS, including the results of a comparative assessment with historical Google Earth imagery which enabled the ‘quantification of boulder transport over a 9-year timeframe’. Field evidence indicates that boulders were created in-situ via the quarrying of bedrock strata by breaking waves causing increased water pressure within preexisting surfaces of weakness such as bedding planes and sub-vertical fractures. Once detached, the boulders were transported and deposited during storm wave events. Repeated storm events can further displace previously detached clasts

    Wave forecasting dependent from bottom roughness: The case of the Marano and Grado Lagoon

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    Several forecasting curves have been developed in order to provide a useful estimation of the wind wave field generated on shallow depths. In particular, these equations can be successfully applied in confined and sheltered basins, such as lakes, or even lagoons and semi \u2013 enclosed estuarine in coastal environments. The important role of the bottom friction dissipation in the generation process has been deeply recognized, leading to a reformulation of the available curves in terms of the equivalent bed roughness. In the present study, the recent new set of equations is considered and applied to a coastal lagoon. The results in terms of significant wave height and peak period are compared to those derived from a complete numerical model and other previous curves. The performed application corroborates and further validate the forecasting equations

    An Integrated Approach to Study the Morphodynamics of the Lignano Tidal Inlet

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    The morphological evolution of a tidal inlet is the combined result of tides and wind waves, which interact in a non\u2010linear manner and over very different time\u2010scales. Likewise, the presence of maritime structures built in the vicinity of the tidal inlet, for coastal or port defense or to stabilize the inlet itself, can greatly affect this dynamic equilibrium, changing erosional and depositional patterns of the adjacent shoreline. In this study, the narrowing phenomenon of the Lignano tidal inlet subsequent to the construction of the related port, is examined through an integrated approach in order to propose and verify a possible form of evolution. This approach is the result of the combination of three methods\u2014the historical reconstruction of the shifting of the coastline, an empirical scheme which describes the qualitative morphology of a mixed\u2010energy tidal inlet, and a process\u2010based morphodynamic modeling\u2014which adopt a bi\u2010dimensional depth averaged (2DH) approach. The application of numerical modeling has required the definition of a reduced input set of data representing an average year, in particular for wind and tidal conditions, including the meteorological component. The magnitude and the directions of the simulated dominant sediment transport are coherent with real processes both from a qualitative and a quantitative point of view

    Superstatistical analysis of sea surface currents in the Gulf of Trieste, measured by HF Radar, and its relation to wind regimes, using the maximum entropy principle

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    Two years (2021&ndash;2022) of High Frequency Radar (HFR) sea surface current data in the Gulf of Trieste (Northern Adriatic Sea) are analysed. Two different time scales are extracted using superstatistical formalism: a relaxation time and a larger timescale over which the system is gaussian. A new analytical universality class of Probability Density Functions (PDFs) is proposed for ocean current data combining a gaussian PDF for the fast fluctuations and a convolution of exponential PDFs for the slowly evolving variance of the gaussian. The Gaussian PDF has maximum entropy for real-valued variables with a given variance. If a positive variable, as is a variance, has a specified mean, the maximum entropy solution is an exponential PDF. Here it is the sum of two exponentials, reflecting the two spatial degrees of freedom. In the Gulf of Trieste there are three distinct main wind forcing regimes: Bora, Sirocco and low wind, leading to a succession of different sea current dynamics on different time scales. The universality class PDF successfully fits the observed data over the two observation years and also for each wind regime separately with a different variance of the variance PDF, which is the only free parameter in all the fits.</p

    A validated energy model of a solar dish-Stirling system considering the cleanliness of mirrors

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    Solar systems based on the coupling of parabolic concentrating collectors and thermal engines (i.e. dish-Stirling systems) are among the most efficient generators of solar power currently available. This study focuses on the modelling of functioning data from a 32 kWe dish-Stirling solar plant installed at a facility test site on the University of Palermo campus, in Southern Italy. The proposed model, based on real monitored data, the energy balance of the collector and the partial load efficiency of the Stirling engine, can be used easily to simulate the annual energy production of such systems, making use of the solar radiation database, with the aim of encouraging a greater commercialisation of this technology. Introducing further simplifying assumptions based on our experimental data, the model can be linearised providing a new analytical expression of the parameters that characterise the widely used Stine empirical model. The model was calibrated against data corresponding to the collector with clean mirrors and used to predict the net electric production of the dish-Stirling accurately. A numerical method for assessing the daily level of mirror soiling without the use of direct reflectivity measures was also defined. The proposed methodology was used to evaluate the history of mirror soiling for the observation period, which shows a strong correlation with the recorded sequence of rains and dust depositions. The results of this study emphasise how desert dust transport events, frequent occurrences in parts of the Mediterranean, can have a dramatic impact on the electric power generation of dish-Stirling plants
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