13 research outputs found

    A Memory Bandwidth-Efficient Hybrid Radix Sort on GPUs

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    Sorting is at the core of many database operations, such as index creation, sort-merge joins, and user-requested output sorting. As GPUs are emerging as a promising platform to accelerate various operations, sorting on GPUs becomes a viable endeavour. Over the past few years, several improvements have been proposed for sorting on GPUs, leading to the first radix sort implementations that achieve a sorting rate of over one billion 32-bit keys per second. Yet, state-of-the-art approaches are heavily memory bandwidth-bound, as they require substantially more memory transfers than their CPU-based counterparts. Our work proposes a novel approach that almost halves the amount of memory transfers and, therefore, considerably lifts the memory bandwidth limitation. Being able to sort two gigabytes of eight-byte records in as little as 50 milliseconds, our approach achieves a 2.32-fold improvement over the state-of-the-art GPU-based radix sort for uniform distributions, sustaining a minimum speed-up of no less than a factor of 1.66 for skewed distributions. To address inputs that either do not reside on the GPU or exceed the available device memory, we build on our efficient GPU sorting approach with a pipelined heterogeneous sorting algorithm that mitigates the overhead associated with PCIe data transfers. Comparing the end-to-end sorting performance to the state-of-the-art CPU-based radix sort running 16 threads, our heterogeneous approach achieves a 2.06-fold and a 1.53-fold improvement for sorting 64 GB key-value pairs with a skewed and a uniform distribution, respectively.Comment: 16 pages, accepted at SIGMOD 201

    Efficient and Scalable Listing of Four-Vertex Subgraph

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    Identifying four-vertex subgraphs has long been recognized as a fundamental technique in bioinformatics and social networks. However, listing these structures is a challenging task, especially for graphs that do not fit in RAM. To address this problem, we build a set of algorithms, models, and implementations that can handle massive graphs on commodity hardware. Our technique achieves 4 – 5 orders of magnitude speedup compared to the best prior methods on graphs with billions of edges, with external-memory operation equally efficient

    A High Performance FPGA-Based Sorting Accelerator with a Data Compression Mechanism

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    Sorting is an extremely important computation kernel that has been accelerated in a lot of fields such as databases, image processing, and genome analysis. Given that advent of Internet of Things (IoT) era due to mobile technology progressions, the future needs a sorting method that is available on any environment, such as not only high performance systems like servers but also low computational performance machines like embedded systems. In this paper, we present an FPGA-based sorting accelerator combining Sorting Network and Merge Sorter Tree, which is customizable by means of tuning design parameters. The proposed FPGA accelerator sorts data sent from a host PC via the PCIe bus, and sends back the fully sorted data sequence to it. We also present a detailed analytical model that accurately estimates the sorting performance. Due to these characteristics, designers can know how fast a developed sorting hardware is in advance and can implement the best one to fulfill the cost and performance constraints. Our experiments show that the proposed hardware achieves up to 19.5x sorting performance, compared with Intel Core i7-3770K operating at 3.50GHz, when sorting 256M 32-bits integer elements. However, this result is limited because of insufficient memory bandwidth. To overcome this problem, we propose a data compression mechanism and the experimental result shows that the sorting hardware with it achieves almost 90% of the estimated performance, while the hardware without it does about 60%. In order to allow every designer to easily and freely use this accelerator, the RTL source code is released as open-source hardware

    Efficient and Scalable Listing of Four-Vertex Subgraph

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    Identifying four-vertex subgraphs has long been recognized as a fundamental technique in bioinformatics and social networks. However, listing these structures is a challenging task, especially for graphs that do not fit in RAM. To address this problem, we build a set of algorithms, models, and implementations that can handle massive graphs on commodity hardware. Our technique achieves 4 – 5 orders of magnitude speedup compared to the best prior methods on graphs with billions of edges, with external-memory operation equally efficient

    Massiv-Parallele Algorithmen zum Laden von Daten auf Moderner Hardware

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    While systems face an ever-growing amount of data that needs to be ingested, queried and analysed, processors are seeing only moderate improvements in sequential processing performance. This thesis addresses the fundamental shift towards increasingly parallel processors and contributes multiple massively parallel algorithms to accelerate different stages of the ingestion pipeline, such as data parsing and sorting.Systeme sehen sich mit einer stetig anwachsenden Menge an Daten konfrontiert, die geladen und analysiert, sowie Anfragen darauf bearbeitet werden mĂĽssen. Gleichzeitig nimmt die sequentielle Verarbeitungsgeschwindigkeit von Prozessoren nur noch moderat zu. Diese Arbeit adressiert den Wandel hin zu zunehmend parallelen Prozessoren und leistet mit mehreren massiv-parallelen Algorithmen einen Beitrag um unterschiedliche Phasen der Datenverarbeitung wie zum Beispiel Parsing und Sortierung zu beschleunigen

    Abstracting Multi-Core Topologies with MCTOP

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    Portability and efficiency are usually antagonists in multi-core computing. In order to develop efficient code, one needs to take into account the topology of the target multi-cores (e.g., for locality). This clearly hampers code portability. In this paper, we show that you can have the cake and eat it too. We introduce MCTOP, an abstraction of multi-core topologies augmented with important low-level hardware information, such as memory bandwidths and communication latencies. We show how to automatically generate MCTOP using libmctop, our library that leverages the determinism of cache-coherence protocols to infer the topology of multi-cores using only latency measurements. MCTOP enables developers to accurately and portably define high-level performance optimization policies. We illustrate several such policies through four examples: (i-ii) thread placement in OpenMP and in a MapReduce library, (iii) a topology-aware mergesort algorithm, as well as (iv) automatic backoff schemes for locks. We illustrate the portability of these optimizations on five processors from Intel, AMD, and Oracle, with low effort