198 research outputs found

    Collaborative Learning for Information Security Topics: A Pilot Study

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    Collaborative learning has seen a growing popularity in computing education with promising results. The purpose of this research study is to determine if the collaborative guided learning pedagogy is valid for the diverse information security-related topics. We have developed and tested on three security topics and learning activities, including input validation, security in operating systems, and SQL injection in the pilot study. Applied pre-test and post-test surveys to measure the effectiveness of the learning experiences. We have conducted statistical analysis and qualitative analysis to compare the pre- and post-surveys results. Furthermore, we found that team experience is helpful to research with security topics, and more time allowed for the activity could benefit the learning experience

    TextCode: A Tool to Support Problem Solving Among Novice Programmers

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    Several tools have been developed to support novices learning to program. Most of them focus on the code and provide features regarding the visualization of the data structures or the debugging. However, in introductory programming courses, students are typically given exercises in the form of a problem written in natural language; and the first challenge they face is understanding the problem, identifying the relevant information, and then translating that information into code. To our knowledge, little attention has been paid to proposing tools targeted at supporting this problem-solving step, even though it is crucial for deriving a correct solution. In this paper, we present an IDE to encourage novices to understand the problem before start coding, decompose it down into subproblems, explore alternative implementations for each subproblem, and arrange these implementations to build a general solution. Finally, the adopted problem-solving approach is discussed

    "It's Weird That it Knows What I Want": Usability and Interactions with Copilot for Novice Programmers

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    Recent developments in deep learning have resulted in code-generation models that produce source code from natural language and code-based prompts with high accuracy. This is likely to have profound effects in the classroom, where novices learning to code can now use free tools to automatically suggest solutions to programming exercises and assignments. However, little is currently known about how novices interact with these tools in practice. We present the first study that observes students at the introductory level using one such code auto-generating tool, Github Copilot, on a typical introductory programming (CS1) assignment. Through observations and interviews we explore student perceptions of the benefits and pitfalls of this technology for learning, present new observed interaction patterns, and discuss cognitive and metacognitive difficulties faced by students. We consider design implications of these findings, specifically in terms of how tools like Copilot can better support and scaffold the novice programming experience.Comment: 26 pages, 2 figures, TOCH

    Learning Renewable Energy by Scratch Programming

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    Scratch is a simple, media-rich programming language that has been developed to support self-directed learning through exploration, tinkering and collaboration with peers. It is being used more and more from teachers and students as a tool for building scientific models and evaluating students’ behavior in schools. Students, while sharing interactive projects, develop skills in areas such as acquisition and development of concepts, problem solving abilities, creative thinking, working collaboratively and all of that in a playful spirit. In this paper, we present Scratch as a useful tool for teaching renewable energy issues, mainly between the ages of 11 and 16, in order students to develop an effective understanding through interactive sustainability projects and to cultivate awareness and attitudes towards energy sustainability with new media. We also present how students can work on renewable energy and its types and control the experiments about solar and wind energy using Scratch. The key design goal of the project is to deep students’ understanding in the world of renewable energy and to help students in interacting with solar and wind energy experiments

    Experience report on the use of technology to manage capstone course projects

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    Conversing with Copilot: Exploring Prompt Engineering for Solving CS1 Problems Using Natural Language

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    GitHub Copilot is an artificial intelligence model for automatically generating source code from natural language problem descriptions. Since June 2022, Copilot has officially been available for free to all students as a plug-in to development environments like Visual Studio Code. Prior work exploring OpenAI Codex, the underlying model that powers Copilot, has shown it performs well on typical CS1 problems thus raising concerns about the impact it will have on how introductory programming courses are taught. However, little is known about the types of problems for which Copilot does not perform well, or about the natural language interactions that a student might have with Copilot when resolving errors. We explore these questions by evaluating the performance of Copilot on a publicly available dataset of 166 programming problems. We find that it successfully solves around half of these problems on its very first attempt, and that it solves 60\% of the remaining problems using only natural language changes to the problem description. We argue that this type of prompt engineering, which we believe will become a standard interaction between human and Copilot when it initially fails, is a potentially useful learning activity that promotes computational thinking skills, and is likely to change the nature of code writing skill development

    ITSS: Interactive Web-Based Authoring and Playback Integrated Environment for Programming Tutorials

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    Video-based programming tutorials are a popular form of tutorial used by authors to guide learners to code. Still, the interactivity of these videos is limited primarily to control video flow. There are existing works with increased interactivity that are shown to improve the learning experience. Still, these solutions require setting up a custom recording environment and are not well-integrated with the playback environment. This paper describes our integrated ITSS environment and evaluates the ease of authoring and playback of our interactive programming tutorials. Our environment is designed to run within the browser sandbox and is less intrusive to record interactivity actions. We develop a recording approach that tracks the author's interactivity actions (e.g., typing code, highlighting words, scrolling panels) on the browser and stored in text and audio formats. We replay these actions using the recorded artefacts for learners to have a more interactive, integrated and realistic playback of the author's actions instead of watching video frames. Our design goals are 1) efficient recording and playback, 2) extensible interactivity features to help students learn better, and 3) a scalable web-based environment. Our first user study of 20 participants who carry out the author tasks agree that it is efficient and easy to author interactive videos in our environment with no additional software needed. Our second user study of 84 students using the environment agrees that the increased interactivity can help them learn better over a video-based tutorial. Our performance test shows that the environment can scale to support up to 500 concurrent users. We hope our open-source environment enable more educators to create interactive programming tutorials

    Experiences from Teaching Automated Testing with CrowdSorcerer

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    Software testing is an important process when ensuring a program's quality. However, testing has not traditionally been a very substantial part of computer science education. Some attempts to integrate it into the curriculum has been made but best practices still prove to be an open question. This thesis discusses multiple attempts of teaching software testing during the years. It also introduces CrowdSorcerer, a system for gathering programming assignments with tests from students. It has been used in introductory programming courses in University of Helsinki. To study if the students benefit from creating assignments with CrowdSorcerer, we analysed the number of assignments and tests they created and if they correlate with their performance in a testing-related question in the course exam. We also gathered feedback from the students on their experiences from using CrowdSorcerer. Looking at the results, it seems that more research on how to teach testing would be beneficial. Improving CrowdSorcerer would also be a good idea

    Automating Source Code Refactoring in the Classroom

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    Refactoring is the practice of improving software quality without altering its external behavior. Developers intuitively refactor their code for multiple purposes, such as improving program comprehension, reducing code complexity, dealing with technical debt, and removing code smells. However, no prior studies have exposed the students to an experience of the process of antipatterns detection and refactoring correction, and provided students with toolset to practice it. To understand and increase the awareness of refactoring concepts, in this paper, we aim to reflect on our experience with teaching refactoring and how it helps students become more aware of bad programming practices and the importance of correcting them via refactoring. This paper discusses the results of an experiment in the classroom that involved carrying out various refactoring activities for the purpose of removing antipatterns using JDeodorant, an Eclipse plugin that supports antipatterns detection and refactoring. The results of the quantitative and qualitative analysis with 171 students show that students tend to appreciate the idea of learning refactoring and are satisfied with various aspects of the JDeodorant plugin's operation. Through this experiment, refactoring can turn into a vital part of the computing educational plan. We envision our findings enabling educators to support students with refactoring tools tuned towards safer and trustworthy refactoring

    On the Quality of Crowdsourced Programming Assignments

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    Crowdsourcing has been used in computer science education to alleviate the teachers’ workload in creating course content, and as a learning and revision method for students through its use in educational systems. Tools that utilize crowdsourcing can act as a great way for students to further familiarize themselves with the course concepts, all while creating new content for their peers and future course iterations. In this study, student-created programming assignments from the second week of an introductory Java programming course are examined alongside the peer reviews these assignments received. The quality of the assignments and the peer reviews is inspected, for example, through comparing the peer reviews with expert reviews using inter-rater reliability. The purpose of this study is to inspect what kinds of programming assignments novice students create, and whether the same novice students can act as reliable reviewers. While it is not possible to draw definite conclusions from the results of this study due to limitations concerning the usability of the tool, the results seem to indicate that novice students are able to recognise differences in programming assignment quality, especially with sufficient guidance and well thought-out instructions
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