10 research outputs found

    Model-Driven Development of a Web Service-Oriented Architecture and Security Policies.

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    Applying model-driven development methodologies provide inherent benefits such as increased productivity, greater reuse, and better maintainability, to name a few. Efforts on achieving model-driven development of web services already exist. However, there is currently no complete solution that addresses non-functional aspects of these services as well. This paper presents an ongoing work which seeks to integrate these non-functional aspects in the development of web services, with a clear emphasis on security

    Comparativa de Métricas de Seguridad de Diseño Software

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    Sin métricas de seguridad no podríamos medir el éxito de las políticas, mecanismos e implementaciones de seguridad, ni tampoco se podría mejorar la seguridad si no se pudiera medir. Por lo tanto, es ampliamente admitida la importancia que tiene la utilización de métricas para la calidad de la seguridad. Sin embargo, la definición de métricas de seguridad se trata de una disciplina que está aún dando los primeros pasos, y de la que hasta ahora no había muchos recursos documentados o trabajos centrados en ella. Es por ello que en este artículo se estudian los últimos modelos existentes que definan métricas de seguridad y sus componentes como aspectos que inciden en la calidad de los productos software. A fin de que sirva como base para seguir avanzando en la investigación en esta área de conocimiento.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    Engineering security into distributed systems: a survey of methodologies

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    Rapid technological advances in recent years have precipitated a general shift towards software distribution as a central computing paradigm. This has been accompanied by a corresponding increase in the dangers of security breaches, often causing security attributes to become an inhibiting factor for use and adoption. Despite the acknowledged importance of security, especially in the context of open and collaborative environments, there is a growing gap in the survey literature relating to systematic approaches (methodologies) for engineering secure distributed systems. In this paper, we attempt to fill the aforementioned gap by surveying and critically analyzing the state-of-the-art in security methodologies based on some form of abstract modeling (i.e. model-based methodologies) for, or applicable to, distributed systems. Our detailed reviews can be seen as a step towards increasing awareness and appreciation of a range of methodologies, allowing researchers and industry stakeholders to gain a comprehensive view of the field and make informed decisions. Following the comprehensive survey we propose a number of criteria reflecting the characteristics security methodologies should possess to be adopted in real-life industry scenarios, and evaluate each methodology accordingly. Our results highlight a number of areas for improvement, help to qualify adoption risks, and indicate future research directions.Anton V. Uzunov, Eduardo B. Fernandez, Katrina Falkne

    UML-SOA-Sec and Saleem's MDS Services Composition Framework for Secure Business Process Modelling of Services Oriented Applications

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    In Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) environment, a software application is a composition of services, which are scattered across enterprises and architectures. Security plays a vital role during the design, development and operation of SOA applications. However, analysis of today's software development approaches reveals that the engineering of security into the system design is often neglected. Security is incorporated in an ad-hoc manner or integrated during the applications development phase or administration phase or out sourced. SOA security is cross-domain and all of the required information is not available at downstream phases. The post-hoc, low-level integration of security has a negative impact on the resulting SOA applications. General purpose modeling languages like Unified Modeling Language (UML) are used for designing the software system; however, these languages lack the knowledge of the specific domain and "security" is one of the essential domains. A Domain Specific Language (DSL), named the "UML-SOA-Sec" is proposed to facilitate the modeling of security objectives along the business process modeling of SOA applications. Furthermore, Saleem's MDS (Model Driven Security) services composition framework is proposed for the development of a secure web service composition

    UML-SOA-Sec and Saleem’s MDS Services Composition Framework for Secure Business Process Modelling of Services Oriented Applications

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    In Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) environment, a software application is a composition of services, which are scattered across enterprises and architectures. Security plays a vital role during the design, development and operation of SOA applications. However, analysis of today’s software development approaches reveals that the engineering of security into the system design is often neglected. Security is incorporated in an ad-hoc manner or integrated during the applications development phase or administration phase or out sourced. SOA security is cross-domain and all of the required information is not available at downstream phases. The post-hoc, low-level integration of security has a negative impact on the resulting SOA applications. General purpose modeling languages like Unified Modeling Language (UML) are used for designing the software system; however, these languages lack the knowledge of the specific domain and “security” is one of the essential domains. A Domain Specific Language (DSL), named the “UML-SOA-Sec” is proposed to facilitate the modeling of security objectives along the business process modeling of SOA applications. Furthermore, Saleem’s MDS (Model Driven Security) services composition framework is proposed for the development of a secure web service composition