6 research outputs found

    Network Orchestration in Reliable 5G/NFV/SDN Infrastructures

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    In this paper, we elaborate an SDN orchestration solution aiming at the dynamic adaptation of service chain paths thereby addressing high-availability requirements of 5G applications. We present an SDN orchestrator that periodically monitors the availability of the network and, if necessary, promptly adapts service chain paths to recover from congestion events and to preserve network QoS performance of service data flows. A set of performance results are finally presented.This work has been partially supported by the EU H2020 5G Exchange (5GEx) innovation project (grant no. 671636) and by EU H2020 5G-Transformer Project (grant no. 761536

    Latency-Aware Network Service Orchestration over an SDN-Controlled Multi-Layer Transport Infrastructure

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    In this paper, we present latency-aware orchestration strategies that jointly consider satisfying both the allocation of computing resources (in distributed DCs) and the bandwidth and latency networks requirements, which are experimentally evaluated within a Multi-Layer (Packet over Optical Flexi-Grid) Transport Network and considering different DC set-ups and capabilities.This work is partially funded by the EU H2020 5G TRANSFORMER project (761536)

    ScienceSDS: A Novel Software Defined Security Framework for Large-scale Data-intensive Science

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    Experimental science workflows from projects such as Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) [6] and Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory (LIGO) [2] are characterized by data-intensive computational tasks over large datasets transferred over encrypted channels. The Science DMZ [7] approach to network design favors lossless packet forwarding through a separate isolated network over secure lossy forwarding through stateful packet processors (e.g. fire-walls). We propose ScienceSDS, a novel software denied security framework for securely monitoring large-scale science datasets over a software defined networking and network functions virtualization (SDN/NFV) infrastructure

    Realizing services and slices across multiple operator domains

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    Supporting end-to-end network slices and services across operators has become an important use case of study for 5G networks as can be seen by 5G use cases published in 3GPP, ETSI as well as NGMN. This paper presents the in- depth architecture, implementation and experiment on a multidomain orchestration framework that is ab le to deploy such multi-operator service as well as monitor the service for SLA compliance. Our implemented architecture allows operators to abstract their sensitive details while exposing the relevant amount of information to support inter-operator slice creation. Our experiment shows that the implemented framework is capable of creating services across operators while fulfilling the respective service requirements

    Approaches to Addressing Service Selection Ties in Ad Hoc Mobile Cloud Computing

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    SDN controller for context-Aware data delivery in dynamic service chaining

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    Recent advances in network control and management technologies, such as software defined networking (SDN) and network function virtualization (NFV), are expected to make the network effectively able to cope with application service requirements in a more flexible and timely manner. We argue that SDN and NFV capabilities can be exploited in Next Generation Service Overlay Networks (NGSONs) for addressing contex-Aware end-To-end data delivery services with adaptive composition of middlebox services when dynamically provisioned as virtual functions. In this paper we present a Service-Oriented SDN controller that allows for the programmable provision of data delivery paths through a dynamically established sequence of virtual middlebox functions, thereby accomplishing the deployment of adaptive network service chains in NGSON. In this way, an extended set of QoS requirements can be addressed that include specifications on processing functions to be traversed by service data while taking advantages from context-Awareness and self-Adaptation capabilities of NGSON. A use case analyis have been carried out on an experimental testbed about the effectiveness of the proposed approach in differentiating service data processing while optimizing the use of forwarding tables in the switches