5 research outputs found

    Advanced Algorithm for Prediction of Churn in Various Industries in the Fast Growing World

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    In the study it has been proven that the cost of acquisition of a new customer is much more then thecost of the retention of the existing customer. Also, it becomes very easy for the organizations if they come to know of the customers that are likely to get churn in advance studying the behavioral aspects so that they can take appropriate measures to keep the customer in their own territory. So, there has been a lot of study on the existing algorithms to understand which can provide the better accuracy in terms of the prediction analysis of their customers. This can be very useful for the service providers to in order to maintain trust and loyaltytowards their customers and in good will against their competitors

    An optimized electronic government services adoption model using structural equation and maximum attribute relative models

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    Electronic Government (e-gov) and its adoption plays an important role in assisting countries to provide their citizen with various services. However, the literature has shown that the adoption of current e-government services adoption model does not properly precise in fulfilling the user's desires, particularly in developing countries. This is due to the fact that the key factors of the current models are not suitable and properly determined. Specifically, current adoption models have too many factors, thus resulting to difficulties to work on important factors especially when constraints are imposed. In this research, Structural Equation Model (SEM) was used to analyze the effectiveness of recent models. SEM was selected because it allows researchers to test the relationship between complex variables are either recursive or nonrecursive to obtain a thorough overview of the whole model. From the analysis, an optimized model is proposed. Then, Maximum Attribute Relative (MAR) is implemented to determine the most important factors of e-government adoption model. MAR has been chosen because it has the capability to solve the uncertainty information of the respondents’ respond. The proposed model has been tested and passed the t-test and p-value approach where the value of Behavior Intention to User Behavior are 5.584 and 0.000; value of Facilitating Condition to User Behavior are 3.535 and 0.000; value of Information Quality to Performance Expectancy are 2.714 and 0.007; value of Performance Expectancy to Behavior Intention are 6.171 and 0.000; value of System Quality to Performance Expectancy are 2.895 and 0.004; and finally, value of Trust to Behavior Intention are 5.422 and 0.000. The fit test and indices for the model proposed were proven fit enough, where Standardized Root Mean Square Residual (SRMR) was 0.063 that indicated a good fit of the model, and Normed Fit Index (NFI) was 0.778, showing the marginal fit of the model. Meanwhile, computational model analysis using MAR to support the procession of the proposed model showed that Facilitating Condition (FC) has a value of 43. This portrays that the FC variable is the highest in influencing the people to use e-government, followed by Performance Expectancy and Information Quality that resulting in the value of both 35. The findings confirmed the significance of information quality, system quality and trust perceived by the citizens in adopting e-government services, and provide insights into whether an optimization model and computational model using MAR based on the soft set theory should be integrated to explain citizens’ intention to use e-government. Additionally, the optimized model offers the stakeholders a new perspective for dealing with e-government adoption by signifying the importance of support quality perceived by citizens

    Filosofi, Teori dan Implementasi N-Soft Sets pada Data Mining

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    Pengambilan keputusan merupakan proses yang penting dalam kehidupan individu atau kelompok. N-soft set merupakan inovasi dalam teori pengambilan keputusan khususnya dalam mengatasi masalah ketidakpastian dengan merepresentasikan data dalam berbagai bentuk. Beberapa penelitian telah mengombinasikan N-soft set dengan teori-teori lain namun belum ada penelitian yang menggabungkan N-soft set dengan data mining. Oleh karena itu, Penelitian ini membahas filosofi kolabrasi antara N-soft set dan data mining serta pendekatan yang diperlukan untuk mengimplementasikan N-soft set dalam metode data mining. N-soft set dapat diaplikasikan untuk memodelkan ketidakpastian dan ambiguitas dalam data dan data mining dapat mengidentifikasi pola dan tren. Metode pencarian pola dalam data mining seperti Association Rule Mining, Clustering, dan Classification juga dapat menggunakan representasi N-soft set. Hal ini memungkinkan identifikasi pola yang relevan dan hubungan yang ada dalam data dengan mempertimbangkan tingkat keanggotaan objek dalam kelas-kelas yang relevan. Penggabungan N-soft set dengan data mining dapat menghasilkan pemodelan yang lebih representatif sesuai kebutuhan pengguna dengan mempertimbangkan lebih banyak faktor dalam pengambilan keputusan. Hal ini disebabkan pola data yang digali telah memiliki tanda atau pengenal sehingga memudahkan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor atau fitur. Penggunaan N-soft set pada data mining diharapkan dapat memberikan wawasan baru dalam pengambilan berbagai jenis keputusan dengan mempertimbangkan ketidakpastian, ambiguitas, dan kompleksitas data

    Comprehensive review on the state-of- the-arts and solutions to the test redundancy reduction problem with taxonomy

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    The process of software testing is of utmost importance and requires a major allocation of resources. It has a substantial influence on the quality and dependability of software products. Nevertheless, as the quantity of test cases escalates, the feasibility of executing all of them diminishes, and the accompanying expenses related to preparation, execution time, and upkeep grow excessively exorbitant. The objective of Test Redundancy Reduction (TRR) is to mitigate this issue by determining a minimal subset of the test suite that satisfies all the requirements of the primary test suite while lowering the number of test cases. In order to attain this objective, multiple methodologies have been suggested, encompassing heuristics, meta-heuristics, exact algorithms, hybrid approaches, and machine-learning techniques. This work provides a thorough examination of prior research on TRR, addressing deficiencies and making a valuable contribution to the current scholarly understanding. The literature study encompasses a comprehensive examination of the complete chronology of TRR, incorporating all pertinent scholarly articles and practitioner-authored research papers published in English. This study aims to provide managers with valuable insights into the strengths and shortcomings of different TRR methodologies, enabling them to make well-informed decisions regarding the most appropriate approach for their specific needs. The primary objective of this study is to offer a comprehensive analysis of Test Result Reduction (TRR) and its consequential impact on mitigating expenses related to software testing. This study makes a valuable contribution to extant literature by elucidating the present state-of-the-art and delineating potential avenues for future research

    Trends in Science and Technology for Sustainable Living

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    Dalam buku ini, dibahas mengenai perkembangan tren kajian dalam sains dan teknologi yang mendukung pembangunan berkelanjutan untuk mewujudkan kehidupan berkelanjutan. Pembangunan berkelanjutan mempunyai prinsip pembangunan yang bertujuan memenuhi kebutuhan generasi saat ini tetapi tidak mengurangi ataupun mengorbankan kemampuan generasi selanjutnya dalam memenuhi kebutuhan mereka; sehingga kehidupan yang baik akan terus berlanjut dalam waktu yang lama. Pembangunan berkelanjutan saat ini berfokus pada tiga hal, yaitu pembangunan keberlanjutan ekonomi dan sosial, serta perlindungan terhadap lingkungan untuk generasi mendatang. Ketiganya saling berhubungan dan mendukung dalam mencapai tujuan pembangunan serta stabilitas lingkungan dan sosial. Oleh karena itu, keseimbangan yang baik dalam aspek lingkungan,ekonomi, dan sosial harus dicapai untuk membentuk kehidupan berkelanjutan