128 research outputs found

    Stream-based dynamic data race detection

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    Detecting data races in modern code executing on multicore processors is challenging. Instrumentation-based techniques for race detection not only have a high performance impact, but also are not likely to be certified for safety-critical systems. This paper presents a data race detector based on the well-known lockset algorithm in the runtime verification language TeSSLa, which is a stream-based specification using dynamic data structures to record lock operations and memory accesses. Such a specification can then be instantiated with particular parameters to make it suitable for the more limited planned monitoring using field- programmable gate arrays

    Space Generic Open Avionics Architecture (SGOAA) reference model technical guide

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    This report presents a full description of the Space Generic Open Avionics Architecture (SGOAA). The SGOAA consists of a generic system architecture for the entities in spacecraft avionics, a generic processing architecture, and a six class model of interfaces in a hardware/software system. The purpose of the SGOAA is to provide an umbrella set of requirements for applying the generic architecture interface model to the design of specific avionics hardware/software systems. The SGOAA defines a generic set of system interface points to facilitate identification of critical interfaces and establishes the requirements for applying appropriate low level detailed implementation standards to those interface points. The generic core avionics system and processing architecture models provided herein are robustly tailorable to specific system applications and provide a platform upon which the interface model is to be applied

    Ghost in the PLC vs GhostBuster:on the feasibility of detecting pin control attack in Programmable Logic Controllers

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    Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) are a family of embedded devices used for physical process control. Similar to other embedded devices, PLCs are vulnerable to cyber attacks. Because they are used to control the physical processes of critical infrastructures, compromised PLCs constitute a significant security and safety risk. Previously we introduced specific attack against PLCs which can stealthily manipulate the physical process it controls by tampering with the device I/O at a low level. We implemented different variants of the attack in the form of a rootkit and a user-space malicious code over a candidate PLC. We then move forward with a tailored defense which specifically detect modification of PLCs I/O to detect our attack

    Evaluation of a Simple, Scalable, Parallel Best-First Search Strategy

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    Large-scale, parallel clusters composed of commodity processors are increasingly available, enabling the use of vast processing capabilities and distributed RAM to solve hard search problems. We investigate Hash-Distributed A* (HDA*), a simple approach to parallel best-first search that asynchronously distributes and schedules work among processors based on a hash function of the search state. We use this approach to parallelize the A* algorithm in an optimal sequential version of the Fast Downward planner, as well as a 24-puzzle solver. The scaling behavior of HDA* is evaluated experimentally on a shared memory, multicore machine with 8 cores, a cluster of commodity machines using up to 64 cores, and large-scale high-performance clusters, using up to 2400 processors. We show that this approach scales well, allowing the effective utilization of large amounts of distributed memory to optimally solve problems which require terabytes of RAM. We also compare HDA* to Transposition-table Driven Scheduling (TDS), a hash-based parallelization of IDA*, and show that, in planning, HDA* significantly outperforms TDS. A simple hybrid which combines HDA* and TDS to exploit strengths of both algorithms is proposed and evaluated.Comment: in press, to appear in Artificial Intelligenc

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationPortable electronic devices will be limited to available energy of existing battery chemistries for the foreseeable future. However, system-on-chips (SoCs) used in these devices are under a demand to offer more functionality and increased battery life. A difficult problem in SoC design is providing energy-efficient communication between its components while maintaining the required performance. This dissertation introduces a novel energy-efficient network-on-chip (NoC) communication architecture. A NoC is used within complex SoCs due it its superior performance, energy usage, modularity, and scalability over traditional bus and point-to-point methods of connecting SoC components. This is the first academic research that combines asynchronous NoC circuits, a focus on energy-efficient design, and a software framework to customize a NoC for a particular SoC. Its key contribution is demonstrating that a simple, asynchronous NoC concept is a good match for low-power devices, and is a fruitful area for additional investigation. The proposed NoC is energy-efficient in several ways: simple switch and arbitration logic, low port radix, latch-based router buffering, a topology with the minimum number of 3-port routers, and the asynchronous advantages of zero dynamic power consumption while idle and the lack of a clock tree. The tool framework developed for this work uses novel methods to optimize the topology and router oorplan based on simulated annealing and force-directed movement. It studies link pipelining techniques that yield improved throughput in an energy-efficient manner. A simulator is automatically generated for each customized NoC, and its traffic generators use a self-similar message distribution, as opposed to Poisson, to better match application behavior. Compared to a conventional synchronous NoC, this design is superior by achieving comparable message latency with half the energy

    Optimierung der Energie und Power getriebenen Architekturexploration fĂĽr Multicore und heterogenes System on Chip

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    The contribution of this work builds on top of the established virtual prototype platforms to improve both SoC design quality and productivity. Initially, an automatic system-level power estimation framework was developed to address the critical issue of early power estimation in SoC design. The estimation framework models the static and dynamic power consumption of the hardware components. These models are created from the normalized values of the basic design components of SoC, obtained through one-time power simulation of RTL hardware models. The framework allows dynamic technology node reconfiguration for power estimation models. Its instantaneous power reporting aids the detection of possible hotspot early into the design process. Adding this additional data in conjunction with a steadily growing design space of complex heterogeneous SoC, finding the right parameter configuration is a challenging and laborious task for a system-level designer. This work addresses this bottleneck by optimizing the design space exploration (DSE) process for MPSoC design. An automatic DSE framework for virtual platforms (VPs) was developed which is flexible and allows the selection optimal parameter configuration without pre-existing knowledge. To reduce exploration time, the framework is equipped with several multi-objective optimization techniques based on simulated annealing and a genetic algorithm. Lastly, to aid HW/SW partitioning at system-level, a flexible and automated workflow (SW2TLM) is presented. It allows the designer to explore various possible partitioning scenarios without going into depth of the hardware architecture complexity and software integration. The framework generates system-level hardware accelerators from corresponding functionality encoded in the software code and integrates them into the VP. Power consumption and time speedups of acceleration is reported to the designer, which further increases the quality and productivity of the development process towards the final architecture. The presented tools are evaluated using a state-of-the-art VP for a range of single and multi-core applications. Viewing the energy delay product, a reduction in exploration time was recorded at approximately 62% (worst case), maintaining optimal parameter accuracy of 90% compared to previous techniques. While the SW2TLM further increases the exploration versatility by combining modern high-level synthesis with system-level architectural exploration.Der Beitrag dieser Arbeit baut auf dem etablierten Konzept der virtuellen Prototyp (VP) Plattformen auf, um die Qualität und die Produktivität des Entwurfsprozesses zu verbessern. Zunächst wurde ein automatisches System-Level-Framework entwickelt, um Verlustleistungsabschätzung für SoC-Designs in einer deutlich früheren Entwicklungsphase zu ermöglichen. Hierfür werden statischen und dynamischen Energieverbrauchsanteile individueller Hardwareelemente durch ein abstraktes Modell ausgedrückt. Das Framework ermöglicht eine dynamische Anpassung des Technologieknotens sowie die Integration neuer Leistungsmodelle für Drittanbieterkomponenten. Die kontinuierliche Erfassung der Energieverbrauchseigenschaften und ihre grafische Darstellung Benutzeroberfläche unterstützt zusätzlich die frühzeitige Identifikation möglicher Hotspots. Durch die Bereitstellung zusätzlicher Daten, in Verbindung mit einem stetig wachsenden Entwurfsraum komplexer SoCs, ist die Identifikation der richtigen Parameterkonfiguration eine zeitintensive Aufgabe. Die vorgelegten Konzepte erlauben eine gesteigerte Automatisierung des Explorationsprozesses. Techniken der mehrdimensionalen Optimierung, basierend auf Simulated Annealing und genetischer Algorithmen erlauben die Identifikation von geeigneten Konfigurationen ohne vorheriges Wissen oder Erfahrungswerte Schließlich wurde zur Unterstützung der HW/SW -Partitionierung auf System-Ebene ein flexibler und automatisierter Workflow entwickelt. Er ermöglicht es dem Designer verschiedene mögliche Partitionierungsszenarien zu untersuchen, ohne sich in die Komplexität der Hardwarearchitektur und der Softwareintegration zu vertiefen. Das Framework erzeugt abstrakte Beschleunigermodelle aus entsprechenden Softwarefunktionen und integriert sie nahtlos in den ausführbare VP. Detaillierte Daten zum Energieverbrauch, Beschleunigungsfaktor und Kommunikationsoverhead der Partitionierung werden erfasst und dem Designer zur Verfügung gestellt, was die Qualität und Produktivität des weiter erhöht. Die vorgestellten Tools werden mit einer modernen VP für verschiedene SW-Anwendungen evaluiert. Bei Betrachtung des Energieverzögerungsprodukts wurde eine Verringerung der Explorationszeit um mehr als 62% bei 90% Parametergenauigkeit festgestell. Darauf aufbauend, erleichtert die automatisierte Untersuchung verschiedener HW/SW Partitionierungen die Entwicklung heterogener Architekturen durch die Kombination moderner HLS mit Architektur-Exploration auf der Systemebene
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