425 research outputs found

    Trust, but Verify: Two-Phase Typing for Dynamic Languages

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    A key challenge when statically typing so-called dynamic languages is the ubiquity of value-based overloading, where a given function can dynamically reflect upon and behave according to the types of its arguments. Thus, to establish basic types, the analysis must reason precisely about values, but in the presence of higher-order functions and polymorphism, this reasoning itself can require basic types. In this paper we address this chicken-and-egg problem by introducing the framework of two-phased typing. The first "trust" phase performs classical, i.e. flow-, path- and value-insensitive type checking to assign basic types to various program expressions. When the check inevitably runs into "errors" due to value-insensitivity, it wraps problematic expressions with DEAD-casts, which explicate the trust obligations that must be discharged by the second phase. The second phase uses refinement typing, a flow- and path-sensitive analysis, that decorates the first phase's types with logical predicates to track value relationships and thereby verify the casts and establish other correctness properties for dynamically typed languages

    Reify Your Collection Queries for Modularity and Speed!

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    Modularity and efficiency are often contradicting requirements, such that programers have to trade one for the other. We analyze this dilemma in the context of programs operating on collections. Performance-critical code using collections need often to be hand-optimized, leading to non-modular, brittle, and redundant code. In principle, this dilemma could be avoided by automatic collection-specific optimizations, such as fusion of collection traversals, usage of indexing, or reordering of filters. Unfortunately, it is not obvious how to encode such optimizations in terms of ordinary collection APIs, because the program operating on the collections is not reified and hence cannot be analyzed. We propose SQuOpt, the Scala Query Optimizer--a deep embedding of the Scala collections API that allows such analyses and optimizations to be defined and executed within Scala, without relying on external tools or compiler extensions. SQuOpt provides the same "look and feel" (syntax and static typing guarantees) as the standard collections API. We evaluate SQuOpt by re-implementing several code analyses of the Findbugs tool using SQuOpt, show average speedups of 12x with a maximum of 12800x and hence demonstrate that SQuOpt can reconcile modularity and efficiency in real-world applications.Comment: 20 page

    Rast: A Language for Resource-Aware Session Types

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    Traditional session types prescribe bidirectional communication protocols for concurrent computations, where well-typed programs are guaranteed to adhere to the protocols. However, simple session types cannot capture properties beyond the basic type of the exchanged messages. In response, recent work has extended session types with refinements from linear arithmetic, capturing intrinsic attributes of processes and data. These refinements then play a central role in describing sequential and parallel complexity bounds on session-typed programs. The Rast language provides an open-source implementation of session-typed concurrent programs extended with arithmetic refinements as well as ergometric and temporal types to capture work and span of program execution. To further support generic programming, Rast also enhances arithmetically refined session types with recently developed nested parametric polymorphism. Type checking relies on Cooper's algorithm for quantifier elimination in Presburger arithmetic with a few significant optimizations, and a heuristic extension to nonlinear constraints. Rast furthermore includes a reconstruction engine so that most program constructs pertaining the layers of refinements and resources are inserted automatically. We provide a variety of examples to demonstrate the expressivity of the language

    Manifest Contracts

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    Eiffel popularized design by contract, a software design philosophy where programmers specify the requirements and guarantees of functions via executable pre- and post-conditions written in code. Findler and Felleisen brought contracts to higher-order programming, inspiring the PLT Racket implementation of contracts. Existing approaches for runtime checking lack reasoning principles and stop short of their full potential---most Racket contracts check only simple types. Moreover, the standard algorithm for higher-order contract checking can lead to unbounded space consumption and can destroy tail recursion. In this dissertation, I develop so-called manifest contract systems which integrate more coherently in the type system, and relate them to Findler-and-Felleisen-style latent contracts. I extend a manifest system with type abstraction and relational parametricity, and also show how to integrate dynamic types and contracts in a space efficient way, i.e., in a way that doesn\u27t destroy tail recursion. I put manifest contracts on a firm type-theoretic footing, showing that they support extensions necessary for real programming. Developing these principles is the first step in designing and implementing higher-order languages with contracts and refinement types

    A database model for object dynamics.

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    Object-oriented database systems, Dynamic object re-classification, Object role model, Dynamic class hierarchy, Object migration

    Behavioral types in programming languages

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    A recent trend in programming language research is to use behav- ioral type theory to ensure various correctness properties of large- scale, communication-intensive systems. Behavioral types encompass concepts such as interfaces, communication protocols, contracts, and choreography. The successful application of behavioral types requires a solid understanding of several practical aspects, from their represen- tation in a concrete programming language, to their integration with other programming constructs such as methods and functions, to de- sign and monitoring methodologies that take behaviors into account. This survey provides an overview of the state of the art of these aspects, which we summarize as the pragmatics of behavioral types

    Type soundness for dependent object types (DOT)

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    Scala's type system unifies aspects of ML modules, object-oriented, and functional programming. The Dependent Object Types (DOT) family of calculi has been proposed as a new theoretic foundation for Scala and similar expressive languages. Unfortunately, type soundness has only been established for restricted subsets of DOT. In fact, it has been shown that important Scala features such as type refinement or a subtyping relation with lattice structure break at least one key metatheoretic property such as environment narrowing or invertible subtyping transitivity, which are usually required for a type soundness proof. The main contribution of this paper is to demonstrate how, perhaps surprisingly, even though these properties are lost in their full generality, a rich DOT calculus that includes recursive type refinement and a subtyping lattice with intersection types can still be proved sound. The key insight is that subtyping transitivity only needs to be invertible in code paths executed at run time, with contexts consisting entirely of valid runtime objects, whereas inconsistent subtyping contexts can be permitted for code that is never executed

    The object-oriented paradigm

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