5 research outputs found

    Motion segmentation based on joint swings

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    Synchronization Functions of “Mickey-Mousing” in Animation Film Rhapsody Rabbit

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    Synchronization between visual animation and music has been widely known as mickey-mousing. Notable old animation films have used this particular technique to reinforce action with a musical flourish and convey a certain meaning. Furthermore, animation music is commonly based on popular music, such as The Hungarian Rhapsody No.2 in Rhapsody Rabbit. The music is utilized not just as a scoring aspect but to dictate every Bugs Bunny's action when playing the piano. This research aims to study the implementation of the mickey-mousing technique in Rhapsody Rabbit film. It uses a qualitative content analysis approach to analyze visual and aural aspects—primary data is sourced from the Rhapsody Rabbit film and the Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2 music sheet. Secondary data is collected from literature studies related to the topic. Data collection is conducted through observation, interview, and documentation study. The data is analyzed using Klaus Krippendorf's content analysis technique which divided into six steps. The result of this study is that the mickey-mousing technique is implemented through a combination of a fast pace of visual and musical play altogether. Animation adapts to several parts of the musical composition so that articulation, illustration, and accentuation occur as a function of the mickey-mousing technique

    A multi scale motion saliency method for keyframe extraction from motion capture sequences

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    Ankara : The Department of Computer Engineering and the Institute of Engineering and Science of Bilkent University, 2010.Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 2010.Includes bibliographical references leaves 47-50.Motion capture is an increasingly popular animation technique; however data acquired by motion capture can become substantial. This makes it di cult to use motion capture data in a number of applications, such as motion editing, motion understanding, automatic motion summarization, motion thumbnail generation, or motion database search and retrieval. To overcome this limitation, we propose an automatic approach to extract keyframes from a motion capture sequence. We treat the input sequence as motion curves, and obtain the most salient parts of these curves using a new proposed metric, called 'motion saliency'. We select the curves to be analyzed by a dimension reduction technique, Principal Component Analysis. We then apply frame reduction techniques to extract the most important frames as keyframes of the motion. With this approach, around 8% of the frames are selected to be keyframes for motion capture sequences. We have quanti ed our results both mathematically and through user tests.Halit, CihanM.S

    Animasi gerakan exaggeration pukulan tinju berbasis pendekatan kurva bezier

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    Pukulan dapat digunakan sebagai objek gerak yang ditangkap dengan motion capture (mocap). Gerakan tersebut banyak di temukan pada olahraga tinju. Data mocap berisi informasi titik-titik koordinat yang mewakili rangka manusia. Titik-titik koordinat tersebut ketika disusun berdasarkan perubahan waktu akan membentuk lintasan gerakan. Gerakan exaggeration merupakan salah satu prinsip animasi 2D yang melebih-lebihkan gerakan. Prinsip ini tidak dapat secara langsung diaplikasikan ke dalam animasi 3D berbasis mocap. Karena membutuhkan pengambilan data yang berulang-ulang. Pada penelitian ini, data mocap dimodifikasi dengan menggunakan rotasi matriks. Modifikasi ini menghasilkan data mocap baru. Animasi gerakan pada data tersebut terlihat exaggeration dan tidak alami. Untuk mengembalikan kealamian gerakan tersebut maka digunakan metode interpolasi yaitu kurva linear bezier dan kurva kuadratik bezier. Hasil percobaan diujikan dengan menggunakan kuesioner kepada 35 responden. Pengujian tersebut yaitu hasil rotasi 15 terhadap sumbu X pada pukulan Cross, responden memilih “Sangat Setuju” sebesar 60,5%. Rotasi 15 terhadap sumbu X pada pukulan Uppercut, responden memilih “Sangat Setuju” sebesar 28,9%. Rotasi 60 terhadap sumbu X pada pukulan Jab, responden memilih “Sangat Setuju” sebesar 68,4%. Rotasi 15 terhadap sumbu X pada pukulan Hook, responden memilih “Sangat Setuju” sebesar 54,1%. ============================================================================================== Punch can be used as an object motion captured. The movements are found in the boxing. Mocap data contains information coordinate points representing the human frame. The coordinate points when compiled based on time will form the trajectory of movement. Exaggeration is one of the principles of 2D animation. This principle can not be directly applied to the 3D animation based mocap. Because it need a data record repeatedly. In this study, we modified data mocap by using the rotation matrix. These resulted make new data mocap. When data motion generated, movement that animation looks exaggeration and unnatural. To restore the naturalness of the movement then used interpolation. That method is linear bezier curves and quadratic bezier curves. Results of the experiment was tested by using questionnaires to 35 respondents. The testing is the result of 15 to the axis of rotation X on a punch Cross, respondents chose "Strongly Agree" amounted to 60.5%. 15 to the axis of rotation X on a punch Uppercut, respondents chose "Strongly Agree" amounted to 28.9%. 60 to the axis of rotation X on a punch Jab, respondents chose "Strongly Agree" amounted to 68.4%. 15 to the axis of rotation X on a punch Hook, respondents chose "Strongly Agree" amounted to 54.1%