293 research outputs found

    Adaptive fault-tolerant routing in hypercube multicomputers

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    A connected hypercube with faulty links and/or nodes is called an injured hypercube. To enable any non-faulty node to communicate with any other non-faulty node in an injured hypercube, the information on component failures has to be made available to non-faulty nodes so as to route messages around the faulty components. A distributed adaptive fault tolerant routing scheme is proposed for an injured hypercube in which each node is required to know only the condition of its own links. Despite its simplicity, this scheme is shown to be capable of routing messages successfully in an injured hypercube as long as the number of faulty components is less than n. Moreover, it is proved that this scheme routes messages via shortest paths with a rather high probabiltiy and the expected length of a resulting path is very close to that of a shortest path. Since the assumption that the number of faulty components is less than n in an n-dimensional hypercube might limit the usefulness of the above scheme, a routing scheme is introduced based on depth-first search which works in the presence of an arbitrary number of faulty components. Due to the insufficient information on faulty components, the paths chosen by the above scheme may not always be the shortest. To guarantee that all messages be routed via shortest paths, it is proposed that every mode be equipped with more information than that on its own links. The effects of this additional information on routing efficiency are analyzed, and the additional information to be kept at each node for the shortest path routing is determined. Several examples and remarks are also given to illustrate the results

    Embedding cube-connected cycles graphs into faulty hypercubes

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    We consider the problem of embedding a cube-connected cycles graph (CCC) into a hypercube with edge faults. Our main result is an algorithm that, given a list of faulty edges, computes an embedding of the CCC that spans all of the nodes and avoids all of the faulty edges. The algorithm has optimal running time and tolerates the maximum number of faults (in a worst-case setting). Because ascend-descend algorithms can be implemented efficiently on a CCC, this embedding enables the implementation of ascend-descend algorithms, such as bitonic sort, on hypercubes with edge faults. We also present a number of related results, including an algorithm for embedding a CCC into a hypercube with edge and node faults and an algorithm for embedding a spanning torus into a hypercube with edge faults

    Architectural Considerations for a Self-Configuring Routing Scheme for Spontaneous Networks

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    Decoupling the permanent identifier of a node from the node's topology-dependent address is a promising approach toward completely scalable self-organizing networks. A group of proposals that have adopted such an approach use the same structure to: address nodes, perform routing, and implement location service. In this way, the consistency of the routing protocol relies on the coherent sharing of the addressing space among all nodes in the network. Such proposals use a logical tree-like structure where routes in this space correspond to routes in the physical level. The advantage of tree-like spaces is that it allows for simple address assignment and management. Nevertheless, it has low route selection flexibility, which results in low routing performance and poor resilience to failures. In this paper, we propose to increase the number of paths using incomplete hypercubes. The design of more complex structures, like multi-dimensional Cartesian spaces, improves the resilience and routing performance due to the flexibility in route selection. We present a framework for using hypercubes to implement indirect routing. This framework allows to give a solution adapted to the dynamics of the network, providing a proactive and reactive routing protocols, our major contributions. We show that, contrary to traditional approaches, our proposal supports more dynamic networks and is more robust to node failures

    Fault-tolerant meshes and hypercubes with minimal numbers of spares

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    Many parallel computers consist of processors connected in the form of a d-dimensional mesh or hypercube. Two- and three-dimensional meshes have been shown to be efficient in manipulating images and dense matrices, whereas hypercubes have been shown to be well suited to divide-and-conquer algorithms requiring global communication. However, even a single faulty processor or communication link can seriously affect the performance of these machines. This paper presents several techniques for tolerating faults in d-dimensional mesh and hypercube architectures. Our approach consists of adding spare processors and communication links so that the resulting architecture will contain a fault-free mesh or hypercube in the presence of faults. We optimize the cost of the fault-tolerant architecture by adding exactly k spare processors (while tolerating up to k processor and/or link faults) and minimizing the maximum number of links per processor. For example, when the desired architecture is a d-dimensional mesh and k = 1, we present a fault-tolerant architecture that has the same maximum degree as the desired architecture (namely, 2d) and has only one spare processor. We also present efficient layouts for fault-tolerant two- and three-dimensional meshes, and show how multiplexers and buses can be used to reduce the degree of fault-tolerant architectures. Finally, we give constructions for fault-tolerant tori, eight-connected meshes, and hexagonal meshes

    Self-stabilizing wormhole routing in hypercubes

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    Wormhole routing is an efficient technique used to communicate message packets between processors when they are not completely connected. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt at designing a self-stabilizing wormhole routing algorithm for hypercubes. Our first algorithm handles all types of faults except for node/link failures. This algorithm achieves optimality in terms of routing path length by following only the preferred dimensions. In an n-dimensional hypercube, those dimensions in which source and destination address bits differ are called preferred dimensions. Our second algorithm handles topological changes. We propose an efficient scheme of rerouting flits in case of node/link failures. Similar to the first algorithm, this algorithm also tries to follow preferred dimensions if they are nonfaulty at the time of transmitting the flits. However, due to topological faults it is necessary to take non-preferred dimensions resulting in suboptimality of path selection. Formal proof of correctness for both solutions is given. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)

    Fault-tolerance embedding of rings and arrays in star and pancake graphs

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    The star and pancake graphs are useful interconnection networks for connecting processors in a parallel and distributed computing environment. The star network has been widely studied and is shown to possess attactive features like sublogarithmic diameter, node and edge symmetry and high resilience. The star/pancake interconnection graphs, {dollar}S\sb{n}/P\sb{n}{dollar} of dimension n have n! nodes connected by {dollar}{(n-1).n!\over2}{dollar} edges. Due to their large number of nodes and interconnections, they are prone to failure of one or more nodes/edges; In this thesis, we present methods to embed Hamiltonian paths (H-path) and Hamiltonian cycles (H-cycle) in a star graph {dollar}S\sb{n}{dollar} and pancake graph {dollar}P\sb{n}{dollar} in a faulty environment. Such embeddings are important for solving computational problems, formulated for array and ring topologies, on star and pancake graphs. The models considered include single-processor failure, double-processor failure, and multiple-processor failures. All the models are applied to an H-cycle which is formed by visiting all the ({dollar}{n!\over4!})\ S\sb4/P\sb4{dollar}s in an {dollar}S\sb{n}/P\sb{n}{dollar} in a particular order. Each {dollar}S\sb4/P\sb4{dollar} has an entry node where the cycle/path enters that particular {dollar}S\sb4/P\sb4{dollar} and an exit node where the path leaves it. Distributed algorithms for embedding hamiltonian cycle in the presence of multiple faults, are also presented for both {dollar}S\sb{n}{dollar} and {dollar}P\sb{n}{dollar}