11 research outputs found

    Design and stability analysis of high performance packet switches

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    With the rapid development of optical interconnection technology, high-performance packet switches are required to resolve contentions in a fast manner to satisfy the demand for high throughput and high speed rates. Combined input-crosspoint buffered (CICB) switches are an alternative to input-buffered (IB) packet switches to provide high-performance switching and to relax arbitration timing for packet switches with high-speed ports. A maximum weight matching (MWM) scheme can provide 100% throughput under admissible traffic for lB switches. However, the high complexity of MWM prohibits its implementation in high-speed switches. In this dissertation, a feedback-based arbitration scheme for CICB switches is studied, where cell selection is based on the provided service to virtual output queues (VOQs). The feedback-based scheme is named round-robin with adaptable frame size (RR-AF) arbitration. The frame size in RR-AF is adaptably changed by the serviced and unserviced traffic. If a switch is stable, the switch provides 100% throughput. Here, it is proved that RR-AF can achieve 100% throughput under uniform admissible traffic. Switches with crosspoint buffers need to consider the transmission delays, or round-trip times to define the crosspoint buffer size. As the buffered crossbar switch can be physically located far from the input ports, actual round-trip times can be non-negligible. To support non-negligible round-trip times in a buffered crossbar switch, the crosspoint buffer size needs to be increased. To satisfy this demand, this dissertation investigates how to select the crosspoint buffer size under non-negligible round trip times and under uniform traffic. With the analysis of stability margin, the relationship between the crosspoint buffer size and round-trip time is derived. Considering that CICB switches deliver higher performance than lB switches and require no speedup, this dissertation investigates the maximum throughput performance that these switches can achieve. It is shown that CICB switches without speedup achieve 100% throughput under any admissible traffic through a fluid model. In addition, a new hybrid scheme, based on longest queue-first (as input arbitration) and longest column occupancy first (as output arbitration) is proposed, which achieves 100% throughput under uniform and non-uniform traffic patterns. In order to give a better insight of the feedback nature of arbitration scheme for CICB switches, a frame-based round-robin arbitration scheme with explicit feedback control (FRE) is introduced. FRE dynamically sets the frame size according to the input load and to the accumulation of cells in a VOQ. FRE is used as the input arbitration scheme and it is combined with RR, PRR, and FRE as output arbitration schemes. These combined schemes deliver high performance under uniform and nonuniform traffic models using a buffered crossbar with one-cell crosspoint buffers. The novelty of FRE lies in that each VOQ sets the frame size by an adjustable parameter, Δ(i,j) which indicates the degree of service needed by VOQ(i, j). This value is adjusted according to the input loading and the accumulation of cells experienced in previous service cycles. This dissertation also explores an analysis technique based on feedback control theory. This methodology is proposed to study the stability of arbitration and matching schemes for packet switches. A continuous system is used and a control model is used to emulate a queuing system. The technique is applied to a matching scheme. In addition, the study shows that the dwell time, which is defined as the time a queue receives service in a service opportunity, is a factor that affects the stability of a queuing system. This feedback control model is an alternative approach to evaluate the stability of arbitration and matching schemes

    Architecture design and performance analysis of practical buffered-crossbar packet switches

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    Combined input crosspoint buffered (CICB) packet switches were introduced to relax inputoutput arbitration timing and provide high throughput under admissible traffic. However, the amount of memory required in the crossbar of an N x N switch is N2x k x L, where k is the crosspoint buffer size and needs to be of size RTT in cells, L is the packet size. RTT is the round-trip time which is defined by the distance between line cards and switch fabric. When the switch size is large or RTT is not negligible, the memory amount required makes the implementation costly or infeasible for buffered crossbar switches. To reduce the required memory amount, a family of shared memory combined-input crosspoint-buffered (SMCB) packet switches, where the crosspoint buffers are shared among inputs, are introduced in this thesis. One of the proposed switches uses a memory speedup of in and dynamic memory allocation, and the other switch avoids speedup by arbitrating the access of inputs to the crosspoint buffers. These two switches reduce the required memory of the buffered crossbar by 50% or more and achieve equivalent throughput under independent and identical traffic with uniform distributions when using random selections. The proposed mSMCB switch is extended to support differentiated services and long RTT. To support P traffic classes with different priorities, CICB switches have been reported to use N2x k x L x P amount of memory to avoid blocking of high priority cells.The proposed SMCB switch with support for differentiated services requires 1/mP of the memory amount in the buffered crossbar and achieves similar throughput performance to that of a CICB switch with similar priority management, while using no speedup in the shared memory. The throughput performance of SMCB switch with crosspoint buffers shared by inputs (I-SMCB) is studied under multicast traffic. An output-based shared-memory crosspoint buffered (O-SMCB) packet switch is proposed where the crosspoint buffers are shared by two outputs and use no speedup. The proposed O-SMCB switch provides high performance under admissible uniform and nonuniform multicast traffic models while using 50% of the memory used in CICB switches. Furthermore, the O-SMCB switch provides higher throughput than the I-SMCB switch. As SMCB switches can efficiently support an RTT twice as long as that supported by CICB switches and as the performance of SMCB switches is bounded by a matching between inputs and crosspoint buffers, a new family of CICB switches with flexible access to crosspoint buffers are proposed to support longer RTTs than SMCB switches and to provide higher throughput under a wide variety of admissible traffic models. The CICB switches with flexible access allow an input to use any available crosspoint buffer at a given output. The proposed switches reduce the required crosspoint buffer size by a factor of N , keep the service of cells in sequence, and use no speedup. This new class of switches achieve higher throughput performance than CICB switches under a large variety of traffic models, while supporting long RTTs. Crosspoint buffered switches that are implemented in single chips have limited scalability. To support a large number of ports in crosspoint buffered switches, memory-memory-memory (MMM) Clos-network switches are an alternative. The MMM switches that use minimum memory amount at the central module is studied. Although, this switch can provide a moderate throughput, MMM switch may serve cells out of sequence. As keeping cells in sequence in an MMM switch may require buffers be distributed per flow, an MMM with extended memory in the switch modules is studied. To solve the out of sequence problem in MMM switches, a queuing architecture is proposed for an MMM switch. The service of cells in sequence is analyzed

    Verkkoliikenteen hajauttaminen rinnakkaisprosessoitavaksi ohjelmoitavan piirin avulla

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    The expanding diversity and amount of traffic in the Internet requires increasingly higher performing devices for protecting our networks against malicious activities. The computational load of these devices may be divided over multiple processing nodes operating in parallel to reduce the computation load of a single node. However, this requires a dedicated controller that can distribute the traffic to and from the nodes at wire-speed. This thesis concentrates on the system topologies and on the implementation aspects of the controller. A field-programmable gate array (FPGA) device, based on a reconfigurable logic array, is used for implementation because of its integrated circuit like performance and high-grain programmability. Two hardware implementations were developed; a straightforward design for 1-gigabit Ethernet, and a modular, highly parameterizable design for 10-gigabit Ethernet. The designs were verified by simulations and synthesizable testbenches. The designs were synthesized on different FPGA devices while varying parameters to analyze the achieved performance. High-end FPGA devices, such as Altera Stratix family, met the target processing speed of 10-gigabit Ethernet. The measurements show that the controller's latency is comparable to a typical switch. The results confirm that reconfigurable hardware is the proper platform for low-level network processing where the performance is prioritized over other features. The designed architecture is versatile and adaptable to applications expecting similar characteristics.Internetin edelleen lisääntyvä ja monipuolistuva liikenne vaatii entistä tehokkaampia laitteita suojaamaan tietoliikenneverkkoja tunkeutumisia vastaan. Tietoliikennelaitteiden kuormaa voidaan jakaa rinnakkaisille yksiköille, jolloin yksittäisen laitteen kuorma pienenee. Tämä kuitenkin vaatii erityisen kontrolloijan, joka kykenee hajauttamaan liikennettä yksiköille linjanopeudella. Tämä tutkimus keskittyy em. kontrolloijan järjestelmätopologioiden tutkimiseen sekä kontrolloijan toteuttamiseen ohjelmoitavalla piirillä, kuten kenttäohjelmoitava järjestelmäpiiri (eng. field programmable gate-array, FPGA). Kontrolloijasta tehtiin yksinkertainen toteutus 1-gigabitin Ethernet-verkkoihin sekä modulaarinen ja parametrisoitu toteutus 10-gigabitin Ethernet-verkkoihin. Toteutukset verifioitiin simuloimalla sekä käyttämällä syntetisoituvia testirakenteita. Toteutukset syntetisoitiin eri FPGA-piireille vaihtelemalla samalla myös toteutuksen parametrejä. Tehokkaimmat FPGA-piirit, kuten Altera Stratix -piirit, saavuttivat 10-gigabitin prosessointivaatimukset. Mittaustulokset osoittavat, että kontrollerin vasteaika ei poikkea tavallisesta verkkokytkimestä. Työn tulokset vahvistavat käsitystä, että ohjelmoitavat piirit soveltuvat hyvin verkkoliikenteen matalantason prosessointiin, missä vaaditaan ensisijaisesti suorituskykyä. Suunniteltu arkkitehtuuri on monipuolinen ja soveltuu joustavuutensa ansiosta muihin samantyyppiseen sovelluksiin

    Non-minimal adaptive routing for efficient interconnection networks

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    RESUMEN: La red de interconexión es un concepto clave de los sistemas de computación paralelos. El primer aspecto que define una red de interconexión es su topología. Habitualmente, las redes escalables y eficientes en términos de coste y consumo energético tienen bajo diámetro y se basan en topologías que encaran el límite de Moore y en las que no hay diversidad de caminos mínimos. Una vez definida la topología, quedando implícitamente definidos los límites de rendimiento de la red, es necesario diseñar un algoritmo de enrutamiento que se acerque lo máximo posible a esos límites y debido a la ausencia de caminos mínimos, este además debe explotar los caminos no mínimos cuando el tráfico es adverso. Estos algoritmos de enrutamiento habitualmente seleccionan entre rutas mínimas y no mínimas en base a las condiciones de la red. Las rutas no mínimas habitualmente se basan en el algoritmo de balanceo de carga propuesto por Valiant, esto implica que doblan la longitud de las rutas mínimas y por lo tanto, la latencia soportada por los paquetes se incrementa. En cuanto a la tecnología, desde su introducción en entornos HPC a principios de los años 2000, Ethernet ha sido usado en un porcentaje representativo de los sistemas. Esta tesis introduce una implementación realista y competitiva de una red escalable y sin pérdidas basada en dispositivos de red Ethernet commodity, considerando topologías de bajo diámetro y bajo consumo energético y logrando un ahorro energético de hasta un 54%. Además, propone un enrutamiento sobre la citada arquitectura, en adelante QCN-Switch, el cual selecciona entre rutas mínimas y no mínimas basado en notificaciones de congestión explícitas. Una vez implementada la decisión de enrutar siguiendo rutas no mínimas, se introduce un enrutamiento adaptativo en fuente capaz de adaptar el número de saltos en las rutas no mínimas. Este enrutamiento, en adelante ACOR, es agnóstico de la topología y mejora la latencia en hasta un 28%. Finalmente, se introduce un enrutamiento dependiente de la topología, en adelante LIAN, que optimiza el número de saltos de las rutas no mínimas basado en las condiciones de la red. Los resultados de su evaluación muestran que obtiene una latencia cuasi óptima y mejora el rendimiento de algoritmos de enrutamiento actuales reduciendo la latencia en hasta un 30% y obteniendo un rendimiento estable y equitativo.ABSTRACT: Interconnection network is a key concept of any parallel computing system. The first aspect to define an interconnection network is its topology. Typically, power and cost-efficient scalable networks with low diameter rely on topologies that approach the Moore bound in which there is no minimal path diversity. Once the topology is defined, the performance bounds of the network are determined consequently, so a suitable routing algorithm should be designed to accomplish as much as possible of those limits and, due to the lack of minimal path diversity, it must exploit non-minimal paths when the traffic pattern is adversarial. These routing algorithms usually select between minimal and non-minimal paths based on the network conditions, where the non-minimal paths are built according to Valiant load-balancing algorithm. This implies that these paths double the length of minimal ones and then the latency supported by packets increases. Regarding the technology, from its introduction in HPC systems in the early 2000s, Ethernet has been used in a significant fraction of the systems. This dissertation introduces a realistic and competitive implementation of a scalable lossless Ethernet network for HPC environments considering low-diameter and low-power topologies. This allows for up to 54% power savings. Furthermore, it proposes a routing upon the cited architecture, hereon QCN-Switch, which selects between minimal and non-minimal paths per packet based on explicit congestion notifications instead of credits. Once the miss-routing decision is implemented, it introduces two mechanisms regarding the selection of the intermediate switch to develop a source adaptive routing algorithm capable of adapting the number of hops in the non-minimal paths. This routing, hereon ACOR, is topology-agnostic and improves average latency in all cases up to 28%. Finally, a topology-dependent routing, hereon LIAN, is introduced to optimize the number of hops in the non-minimal paths based on the network live conditions. Evaluations show that LIAN obtains almost-optimal latency and outperforms state-of-the-art adaptive routing algorithms, reducing latency by up to 30.0% and providing stable throughput and fairness.This work has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports under grant FPU14/02253, the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness under contracts TIN2010-21291-C02-02, TIN2013-46957-C2-2-P, and TIN2013-46957-C2-2-P (AEI/FEDER, UE), the Spanish Research Agency under contract PID2019-105660RBC22/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, the European Union under agreements FP7-ICT-2011- 7-288777 (Mont-Blanc 1) and FP7-ICT-2013-10-610402 (Mont-Blanc 2), the University of Cantabria under project PAR.30.P072.64004, and by the European HiPEAC Network of Excellence through an internship grant supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No. H2020-ICT-2015-687689

    Topical Workshop on Electronics for Particle Physics

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    Optical fibre distributed access transmission systems (OFDATS)

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    Topical Workshop on Electronics for Particle Physics

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    The purpose of the workshop was to present results and original concepts for electronics research and development relevant to particle physics experiments as well as accelerator and beam instrumentation at future facilities; to review the status of electronics for the LHC experiments; to identify and encourage common efforts for the development of electronics; and to promote information exchange and collaboration in the relevant engineering and physics communities