7 research outputs found

    Double energy profile of pBR322 plasmid

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    A small circular DNA - plasmid pBR322, is considered as a complex dynamic system where nonlinear conformational perturbations which are often named open states or kinks, can arise and propagate. To describe the internal dynamics of the plasmid we use mathematical model consisting of two coupled sine-Gordon equations that in the average field approximation are transformed to two sine-Gordon independent equations with renormalized coefficients. The first equation describes angular oscillations of nitrous bases of the main chain. The second equation describes angular oscillations of nitrous bases in the complementary chain. As a result, two types of kink-like solutions have been obtained. One type kinks were the solutions of the first equation, and the other kinks were the solutions of the second equation. We calculated the main characteristics of the kink motion, including the time dependences of the kink velocity, coordinates, and total energy. These calculations were performed at the initial velocity equal to 1881 m/s which was chosen to avoid reflections from energy barriers corresponding to CDS-1 and CDS-2. The movement of the kinks was investigated by the method of the double energy profile. The maximum complete set of the DNA dynamic parameters was used to calculate the double profile. To calculate the velocity, energy and trajectory of the kinks, the block method was used. The results obtained made it possible to explain in which region of the plasmid the formation of a transcription bubble is most likely, as well to understand in which direction the bubble will move and the transcription process will go

    Trajectories of the DNA kinks in the sequences containing CDS regions

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    Coding regions (CDS) being an integral part of any gene sequence, play an important role in the process of transcription. One of the tasks associated with the CDS regions, consists in the modeling of the passage of transcription bubbles named also open states or DNA kinks through the coding regions. In this paper, we present a simple and convenient approach to the modeling of the passage. It includes the calculation of the energy profile of the sequence and reducing the initial task to the modeling of the movement of a quasi particle in the field with this energy profile. To illustrate the method, we present the results of the calculations of the trajectories of the DNA kinks moving in the sequence of gene coding interferon alpha 17 (IFNA17) that consists of the three regions: the coding region and the two regions with unknown functional properties. To analyze the kink dynamics, we apply approximation where the DNA parameters are being averaged separately over each of the three regions. In the absences of dissipation, the total kink energy is constant. At the same time the kink velocity is constant only inside each of the regions. In the presence of dissipation, the total kink energy decreases. It is shown that the greater the total initial energy of the kink, the faster the energy decrease. It is suggested that the proposed approach could be useful in finding the ways to govern the movement of transcription bubbles at the first stage of the process of transcription

    Rotational dynamics of bases in the gene coding interferon alpha 17 (IFNA17)

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    In the present work, rotational oscillations of nitrogenous bases in the DNA with the sequence of the gene coding interferon alpha 17 (IFNA17), are investigated. As a mathematical model simulating oscillations of the bases, we use a system of two coupled nonlinear partial differential equations that takes into account effects of dissipation, action of external fields and dependence of the equation coefficients on the sequence of bases. We apply the methods of the theory of oscillations to solve the equations in the linear approach and to construct the dispersive curves determining the dependence of the frequency of the plane waves (ω) on the wave vector (q). In the nonlinear case, the solutions in the form of kink are considered, and the main characteristics of the kink: the rest energy (E0), the rest mass (m0), the size (d) and sound velocity (C0), are calculated. With the help of the energetic method, the kink velocity (υ), the path (S), and the lifetime (τ) are also obtained

    Rotational dynamics of bases in the gene coding interferon alpha 17 (IFNA17)

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    In the present work, rotational oscillations of nitrogenous bases in the DNA with the sequence of the gene coding interferon alpha 17 (IFNA17), are investigated. As a mathematical model simulating oscillations of the bases, we use a system of two coupled nonlinear partial differential equations that takes into account effects of dissipation, action of external fields and dependence of the equation coefficients on the sequence of bases. We apply the methods of the theory of oscillations to solve the equations in the linear approach and to construct the dispersive curves determining the dependence of the frequency of the plane waves (ω) on the wave vector (q). In the nonlinear case, the solutions in the form of kink are considered, and the main characteristics of the kink: the rest energy (E0), the rest mass (m0), the size (d) and sound velocity (C0), are calculated. With the help of the energetic method, the kink velocity (υ), the path (S), and the lifetime (τ) are also obtained

    Rotational dynamics of bases in the gene coding interferon alpha 17 (IFNA17)

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    In the present work, rotational oscillations of nitrogenous bases in the DNA with the sequence of the gene coding interferon alpha 17 (IFNA17), are investigated. As a mathematical model simulating oscillations of the bases, we use a system of two coupled nonlinear partial differential equations that takes into account effects of dissipation, action of external fields and dependence of the equation coefficients on the sequence of bases. We apply the methods of the theory of oscillations to solve the equations in the linear approach and to construct the dispersive curves determining the dependence of the frequency of the plane waves (ω) on the wave vector (q). In the nonlinear case, the solutions in the form of kink are considered, and the main characteristics of the kink: the rest energy (E0), the rest mass (m0), the size (d) and sound velocity (C0), are calculated. With the help of the energetic method, the kink velocity (υ), the path (S), and the lifetime (τ) are also obtained