50 research outputs found

    Rotational Projection Statistics for 3D Local Surface Description and Object Recognition

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    Recognizing 3D objects in the presence of noise, varying mesh resolution, occlusion and clutter is a very challenging task. This paper presents a novel method named Rotational Projection Statistics (RoPS). It has three major modules: Local Reference Frame (LRF) definition, RoPS feature description and 3D object recognition. We propose a novel technique to define the LRF by calculating the scatter matrix of all points lying on the local surface. RoPS feature descriptors are obtained by rotationally projecting the neighboring points of a feature point onto 2D planes and calculating a set of statistics (including low-order central moments and entropy) of the distribution of these projected points. Using the proposed LRF and RoPS descriptor, we present a hierarchical 3D object recognition algorithm. The performance of the proposed LRF, RoPS descriptor and object recognition algorithm was rigorously tested on a number of popular and publicly available datasets. Our proposed techniques exhibited superior performance compared to existing techniques. We also showed that our method is robust with respect to noise and varying mesh resolution. Our RoPS based algorithm achieved recognition rates of 100%, 98.9%, 95.4% and 96.0% respectively when tested on the Bologna, UWA, Queen's and Ca' Foscari Venezia Datasets.Comment: The final publication is available at link.springer.com International Journal of Computer Vision 201

    The 3D object recognition with environmental adaptability based on VFH descriptor and region growing segmentation

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    3D object recognition is a basic research in the machine vision field. Microsoft KINECT V2 is utilized to collect external environmental information. The point cloud file is obtained after processing the collected information. In order to filter the point cloud and obtain point cloud model of a single object in the environment after region growing segmentation, the point cloud is applied to point cloud library. Then, the VFH descriptor of the point cloud model is calculated. After inputting point cloud model of the trained target, the point cloud model with the minimum CHI square distance between the VFH descriptor of the target and VFH descriptor of the point cloud model can be found. The 3D object corresponding to the found model is the identified object. For the 3D object recognition in an unfamiliar environment, the algorithm of 3D object recognition with environmental adaptability is proposed. After the 3D object recognition system built, the physical verification is conducted about the proposed algorithm. Giving the target model, the system successfully identifies the 3D object in the unfamiliar environment, that demonstrates the correctness of the algorithm

    Quasi Spin Images

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    The increasing adoption of 3D capturing equipment, now also found in mobile devices, means that 3D content is increasingly prevalent. Common operations on such data, including 3D object recognition and retrieval, are based on the measurement of similarity between 3D objects. A common way to measure object similarity is through local shape descriptors, which aim to do part-to-part matching by describing portions of an object's shape. The Spin Image is one of the local descriptors most suitable for use in scenes with high degrees of clutter and occlusion but its practical use has been hampered by high computational demands. The rise in processing power of the GPU represents an opportunity to significantly improve the generation and comparison performance of descriptors, such as the Spin Image, thereby increasing the practical applicability of methods making use of it. In this paper we introduce a GPU-based Quasi Spin Image (QSI) algorithm, a variation of the original Spin Image, and show that a speedup of an order of magnitude relative to a reference CPU implementation can be achieved in terms of the image generation rate. In addition, the QSI is noise free, can be computed consistently, and a preliminary evaluation shows it correlates well relative to the original Spin Image

    Histogram of distances for local surface description

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    3D object recognition is proven superior compared to its 2D counterpart with numerous implementations, making it a current research topic. Local based proposals specifically, although being quite accurate, they limit their performance on the stability of their local reference frame or axis (LRF/A) on which the descriptors are defined. Additionally, extra processing time is demanded to estimate the LRF for each local patch. We propose a 3D descriptor which overrides the necessity of a LRF/A reducing dramatically processing time needed. In addition robustness to high levels of noise and non-uniform subsampling is achieved. Our approach, namely Histogram of Distances is based on multiple L2-norm metrics of local patches providing a simple and fast to compute descriptor suitable for time-critical applications. Evaluation on both high and low quality popular point clouds showed its promising performance