1,269 research outputs found


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    Human face recognition is best application in pattern recognition for identification and recognition. Development of face recognition system is increasing day by day in market and research organizations. Different parameters and methods are used for face recognition. In this research project, we will discuss about the different algorithms used for face recognition that are Zernike Moments (ZMs) and correlation classification (CC) etc and compare these algorithms with proposed algorithm Z_CC (Zernike with Correlation Classification).The angular information or rotation of the face is calculated by using the Zernike moments (ZM) to obtain the degree or radian of face rotation from the frontal view. The robust combination of angle-invariant and scale-invariant features with the combination of Zernike moments and correlation classification has been proposed with the neural network classification. The experiments will be performed on the variety of datasets. The multi-object dataset has been combined by collection the samples with faces rotated in the training samples. Z_NN (Zernike with neural network) algorithm provide best recognition rate for human face recognition 90%. In this algorithm we use Zernike Moments and correlation for global feature extraction and after that these features are compared by using neural network

    Image Description using Radial Associated Laguerre Moments

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    This study proposes a new set of moment functions for describing gray-level and color images based on the associated Laguerre polynomials, which are orthogonal over the whole right-half plane. Moreover, the mathematical frameworks of radial associated Laguerre moments (RALMs) and associated rotation invariants are introduced. The proposed radial Laguerre invariants retain the basic form of disc-based moments, such as Zernike moments (ZMs), pseudo-Zernike moments (PZMs), Fourier-Mellin moments (OFMMs), and so on. Therefore, the rotation invariants of RALMs can be easily obtained. In addition, the study extends the proposed moments and invariants defined in a gray-level image to a color image using the algebra of quaternion to avoid losing some significant color information. Finally, the paper verifies the feature description capacities of the proposed moment function in terms of image reconstruction and invariant pattern recognition accuracy. Experimental results confirmed that the associated Laguerre moments (ALMs) perform better than orthogonal OFMMs in both noise-free and noisy conditions

    Applying machine learning methods for characterization of hexagonal prisms from their 2D scattering patterns – an investigation using modelled scattering data

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    This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of the following article: Emmanuel Oluwatobi Salawu, Evelyn Hesse, Chris Stopford, Neil Davey, and Yi Sun, 'Applying machine learning methods for characterization of hexagonal prisms from their 2D scattering patterns – an investigation using modelled scattering data', Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, Vol. 201, pp. 115-127, first published online 5 July 2017. Under embargo. Embargo end date: 5 July 2019. The Version of Record is available online at doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jqsrt.2017.07.001. © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Better understanding and characterization of cloud particles, whose properties and distributions affect climate and weather, are essential for the understanding of present climate and climate change. Since imaging cloud probes have limitations of optical resolution, especially for small particles (with diameter < 25 μm), instruments like the Small Ice Detector (SID) probes, which capture high-resolution spatial light scattering patterns from individual particles down to 1 μm in size, have been developed. In this work, we have proposed a method using Machine Learning techniques to estimate simulated particles’ orientation-averaged projected sizes (PAD) and aspect ratio from their 2D scattering patterns. The two-dimensional light scattering patterns (2DLSP) of hexagonal prisms are computed using the Ray Tracing with Diffraction on Facets (RTDF) model. The 2DLSP cover the same angular range as the SID probes. We generated 2DLSP for 162 hexagonal prisms at 133 orientations for each. In a first step, the 2DLSP were transformed into rotation-invariant Zernike moments (ZMs), which are particularly suitable for analyses of pattern symmetry. Then we used ZMs, summed intensities, and root mean square contrast as inputs to the advanced Machine Learning methods. We created one random forests classifier for predicting prism orientation, 133 orientation-specific (OS) support vector classification models for predicting the prism aspect-ratios, 133 OS support vector regression models for estimating prism sizes, and another 133 OS Support Vector Regression (SVR) models for estimating the size PADs. We have achieved a high accuracy of 0.99 in predicting prism aspect ratios, and a low value of normalized mean square error of 0.004 for estimating the particle’s size and size PADs.Peer reviewe

    Zernike velocity moments for sequence-based description of moving features

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    The increasing interest in processing sequences of images motivates development of techniques for sequence-based object analysis and description. Accordingly, new velocity moments have been developed to allow a statistical description of both shape and associated motion through an image sequence. Through a generic framework motion information is determined using the established centralised moments, enabling statistical moments to be applied to motion based time series analysis. The translation invariant Cartesian velocity moments suffer from highly correlated descriptions due to their non-orthogonality. The new Zernike velocity moments overcome this by using orthogonal spatial descriptions through the proven orthogonal Zernike basis. Further, they are translation and scale invariant. To illustrate their benefits and application the Zernike velocity moments have been applied to gait recognition—an emergent biometric. Good recognition results have been achieved on multiple datasets using relatively few spatial and/or motion features and basic feature selection and classification techniques. The prime aim of this new technique is to allow the generation of statistical features which encode shape and motion information, with generic application capability. Applied performance analyses illustrate the properties of the Zernike velocity moments which exploit temporal correlation to improve a shape's description. It is demonstrated how the temporal correlation improves the performance of the descriptor under more generalised application scenarios, including reduced resolution imagery and occlusion

    Covariate conscious approach for Gait recognition based upon Zernike moment invariants

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    Gait recognition i.e. identification of an individual from his/her walking pattern is an emerging field. While existing gait recognition techniques perform satisfactorily in normal walking conditions, there performance tend to suffer drastically with variations in clothing and carrying conditions. In this work, we propose a novel covariate cognizant framework to deal with the presence of such covariates. We describe gait motion by forming a single 2D spatio-temporal template from video sequence, called Average Energy Silhouette image (AESI). Zernike moment invariants (ZMIs) are then computed to screen the parts of AESI infected with covariates. Following this, features are extracted from Spatial Distribution of Oriented Gradients (SDOGs) and novel Mean of Directional Pixels (MDPs) methods. The obtained features are fused together to form the final well-endowed feature set. Experimental evaluation of the proposed framework on three publicly available datasets i.e. CASIA dataset B, OU-ISIR Treadmill dataset B and USF Human-ID challenge dataset with recently published gait recognition approaches, prove its superior performance.Comment: 11 page
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