914 research outputs found

    Development of a Quadruped Robot and Parameterized Stair-Climbing Behavior

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    Stair-climbing is a difficult task for mobile robots to accomplish, particularly for legged robots. While quadruped robots have previously demonstrated the ability to climb stairs, none have so far been capable of climbing stairs of variable height while carrying all required sensors, controllers, and power sources on-board. The goal of this thesis was the development of a self-contained quadruped robot capable of detecting, classifying, and climbing stairs of any height within a specified range. The design process for this robot is described, including the development of the joint, leg, and body configuration, the design and selection of components, and both dynamic and finite element analyses performed to verify the design. A parameterized stair-climbing gait is then developed, which is adaptable to any stair height of known width and height. This behavior is then implemented on the previously discussed quadruped robot, which then demonstrates the capability to climb three different stair variations with no configuration change

    On Recognizing Transparent Objects in Domestic Environments Using Fusion of Multiple Sensor Modalities

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    Current object recognition methods fail on object sets that include both diffuse, reflective and transparent materials, although they are very common in domestic scenarios. We show that a combination of cues from multiple sensor modalities, including specular reflectance and unavailable depth information, allows us to capture a larger subset of household objects by extending a state of the art object recognition method. This leads to a significant increase in robustness of recognition over a larger set of commonly used objects.Comment: 12 page

    Assessing automatic data processing algorithms for RGB-D cameras to predict fruit size and weight in apples

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    Data acquired using an RGB-D Azure Kinect DK camera were used to assess different automatic algorithms to estimate the size, and predict the weight of non-occluded and occluded apples. The programming of the algorithms included: (i) the extraction of images of regions of interest (ROI) using manual delimitation of bounding boxes or binary masks; (ii) estimating the lengths of the major and minor geometric axes for the purpose of apple sizing; and (iii) predicting the final weight by allometric modelling. In addition to the use of bounding boxes, the algorithms also allowed other post-mask settings (circles, ellipses and rotated rectangles) to be implemented, and different depth options (distance between the RGB-D camera and the fruits detected) for subsequent sizing through the application of the thin lens theory. Both linear and nonlinear allometric models demonstrated the ability to predict apple weight with a high degree of accuracy (R2 greater than 0.942 and RMSE < 16 g). With respect to non-occluded apples, the best weight predictions were achieved using a linear allometric model including both the major and minor axes of the apples as predictors. The mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) ranged from 5.1% to 5.7% with respective RMSE of 11.09 g and 13.02 g, depending to whether circles, ellipses, or bounding boxes were used to adjust fruit shape. The results were therefore promising and open up the possibility of implementing reliable in-field apple measurements in real time. Importantly, final weight prediction error and intermediate size estimation errors (from sizing algorithms) interact but in a way that is not easily quantifiable when weight allometric models with implicit prediction error are used. In addition, allometric models should be reviewed when applied to other apple cultivars, fruit development stages or even for different fruit growth conditions depending on canopy management.This work was partly funded by the Department of Research and Universities of the Generalitat de Catalunya (grants 2017, SGR 646 and 2021 LLAV 00088), by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation / AEI/10.13039/501100011033 / ERDF (grants RTI2018-094222-B-I00 [PAgFRUIT project], PID2021-126648OB-I00 [PAgPROTECT project]) and by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation / AEI/10.13039/501100011033 / European Union NextGeneration / PRTR (grantTED2021-131871B-I00 [DIGIFRUIT project]). We would also like to thank the Secretariat of Universities and Research of the Department of Business and Knowledge of the Generalitat de Catalunya and the European Social Fund (ESF) for financing Juan Carlos Miranda’s pre-doctoral fellowship (2020 FI_B 00586). The work of Jordi Gené-Mola was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Universities through a Margarita Salas postdoctoral grant funded by the European Union - NextGenerationEU.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Polarized 3D: High-Quality Depth Sensing with Polarization Cues

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    Coarse depth maps can be enhanced by using the shape information from polarization cues. We propose a framework to combine surface normals from polarization (hereafter polarization normals) with an aligned depth map. Polarization normals have not been used for depth enhancement before. This is because polarization normals suffer from physics-based artifacts, such as azimuthal ambiguity, refractive distortion and fronto-parallel signal degradation. We propose a framework to overcome these key challenges, allowing the benefits of polarization to be used to enhance depth maps. Our results demonstrate improvement with respect to state-of-the-art 3D reconstruction techniques.Charles Stark Draper Laboratory (Doctoral Fellowship)Singapore. Ministry of Education (Academic Research Foundation MOE2013-T2-1-159)Singapore. National Research Foundation (Singapore University of Technology and Design

    Modeling and Compensating of Noise in Time-of-Flight Sensors

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    Three-dimensional (3D) sensors provide the ability to perform contactless measurements of objects and distances that are within their field of view. Unlike traditional two-dimensional (2D) cameras, which only provide RGB data about objects within a scene, 3D sensors are able to directly provide depth information for objects within a scene. Of these 3D sensing technologies, Time-of-Flight (ToF) sensors are becoming more compact which allows them to be more easily integrated with other devices and to find use in more applications. ToF sensors also provide several benefits over other 3D sensing technologies that increase the types of applications where ToF sensors can be used. For example, over the last decade, ToF sensors have become more widely used in applications such as 3D scanning, drone positioning, robotics, logistics, structural health monitoring, and road surveillance. To further extend the applications where ToF sensors can be employed, this work focuses on how to improve the performance of ToF sensors by suppressing and mitigating the effects of noise artifacts that are associated with ToF sensors. These issues include multipath interference, motion blur, and multicamera interference in 3D depth maps and point clouds

    Hybrid Single and Dual Pattern Structured Light Illumination

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    Structured Light Illumination is a widely used 3D shape measurement technique in non-contact surface scanning. Multi-pattern based Structured Light Illumination methods reconstruct 3-D surface with high accuracy, but are sensitive to object motion during the pattern projection and the speed of scanning process is relatively long. To reduce this sensitivity, single pattern techniques are developed to achieve a high speed scanning process, such as Composite Pattern (CP) and Modified Composite Pattern (MCP) technique. However, most of single patter techniques have a significant banding artifact and sacrifice the accuracy. We focus on developing SLI techniques can achieve both high speed, high accuracy and have the tolerance to the relative motion. We first present a novel Two-Pattern Full Lateral Resolution (2PFLR) SLI method utilizing an MCP pattern for non-ambiguous phase followed by a single sinusoidal pattern for high accuracy. The surface phase modulates the single sinusoidal pattern which is demodulated using a Quadrature demodulation technique and then unwrapped by the MCP phase result. A single sinusoidal pattern reconstruction inherently has banding error. To effective de-band the surface, we propose Projector Space De-banding algorithm (PSDb). We use projector space because the band error is aligned with the projector coordinates allowing more accurate estimation of the banding error. 2PFLR system only allows the relative motion within the FOV of the scanner, to extend the application of the SLI, we present the research on Relative Motion 3-D scanner which utilize a single pattern technique. The pattern in RM3D system is designed based on MCP but has white space area to capture the surface texture, and a constellation correlation filter method is used to estimate the scanner\u27s trajectory and then align the 3-D surface reconstructed by each frame to a point cloud of the whole object surface

    Advanced Visualization and Intuitive User Interface Systems for Biomedical Applications

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    Modern scientific research produces data at rates that far outpace our ability to comprehend and analyze it. Such sources include medical imaging data and computer simulations, where technological advancements and spatiotemporal resolution generate increasing amounts of data from each scan or simulation. A bottleneck has developed whereby medical professionals and researchers are unable to fully use the advanced information available to them. By integrating computer science, computer graphics, artistic ability and medical expertise, scientific visualization of medical data has become a new field of study. The objective of this thesis is to develop two visualization systems that use advanced visualization, natural user interface technologies and the large amount of biomedical data available to produce results that are of clinical utility and overcome the data bottleneck that has developed. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is a tool used to study the quantities associated with the movement of blood by computer simulation. We developed methods of processing spatiotemporal CFD data and displaying it in stereoscopic 3D with the ability to spatially navigate through the data. We used this method with two sets of display hardware: a full-scale visualization environment and a small-scale desktop system. The advanced display and data navigation abilities provide the user with the means to better understand the relationship between the vessel\u27s form and function. Low-cost 3D, depth-sensing cameras capture and process user body motion to recognize motions and gestures. Such devices allow users to use hand motions as an intuitive interface to computer applications. We developed algorithms to process and prepare the biomedical and scientific data for use with a custom control application. The application interprets user gestures as commands to a visualization tool and allows the user to control the visualization of multi-dimensional data. The intuitive interface allows the user to control the visualization of data without manual contact with an interaction device. In developing these methods and software tools we have leveraged recent trends in advanced visualization and intuitive interfaces in order to efficiently visualize biomedical data in such a way that provides meaningful information that can be used to further appreciate it
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