45 research outputs found

    Explaining Technology Adoption with Financial Motivation

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    Several theories and their variant extensions have been posited to explain or to suggest factors that influence technology adoption. However, these theories seem inadequate in certain scenarios. For instance, none of such technology adoption theories identify or account for the possible influence of external non-personal and non-technology incentives or rewards or compensation on persons faced with the choice to accept or use a technology. However, existing psychology research posits a positive correlation between the offer of financial incentives and task. Therefore, this paper purposes to uncover the philosophical and theoretical underpinnings to this suggested relationship, and also to provide observable empirical evidence in support

    Exploring the Impact of Perceived Convenience, Autonomy, and Satisfaction on Citizens’ Continuance with Government Chatbots

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    Chatbots are computer programs that utilize artificial intelligence techniques to simulate human-like conversations with users. Governments worldwide are increasingly employing them to engage with citizens, provide information and services, and support government activities. By employing the Information Systems Continuance Model and Resources Matching Theory as theoretical frameworks, this study explores the influence of perceived convenience, autonomy-related control, and citizens’ satisfaction on their continuance with government chatbots. The findings of the study indicate that citizens’ decision to continue using government chatbots is directly affected by their perceived convenience, autonomy-related control, and satisfaction and indirectly influenced by expectation confirmation. Theoretical and practical implications for the use of chatbots in government contexts are discussed

    Role of demographics as moderator in mobile banking adoption

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    The purpose of this paper is to analyze whether demographic characteristics influence user attitude towards mobile banking. Although earlier studies on technology adoption have received considerable empirical validation, most of the studies did not consider moderating variables. Among those which consider moderating variables, primarily explored are gender, age and income. By including other moderator variables in the model, we hope to lessen the inconsistencies found in past research studies. Two methods, viz. multiple linear regression and Fisher Z transformation have been used to test the moderating effects. The sample comprise of users of online banking in India. Results show that gender, age, qualification, experience, occupation, income and marital status were significant moderating variables. However, educational background did not show any moderating effect. Our results suggest that by extending the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) and Diffusion of Innovations (DoI) theory, the research provide insights into the moderating effect of demographics

    Key Determinants on Switching Intention in Cambodian Banking Market

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    The current study investigated the determinants affecting customers’ intentions to switch banks, with a focus on the determinants of service quality, convenience, perceived value, and customer satisfaction. Furthermore, Path Analysis was applied in this study to analyse the data collected from 323 participants. The findings highlighted that service quality significantly influenced perceived value, while convenience significantly influenced both perceived value and customer satisfaction. Likewise, perceived value significantly affected customer satisfaction. Finally, both perceived value and customer satisfaction, significantly impacted on switching intentions. As a result, the present study can help all service providers, especially banks, to better understand the significant impacts of these influential determinants on switching intentions. As a result, it can help them to design and develop an appropriate strategy to enhance these determinants and reduce future switching intentions

    Understanding perceived shopping effectiveness with omnichannel: A MOA theory perspective

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    Customers’ shopping effectiveness is a critical factor in encouraging customers to stay with the firms, the knowledge regarding how to provide shopping effectiveness in an omnichannel retailing environment remains underexplored. Thus, this study draws on Motivation-Opportunity-Ability theory (MOA) and examines MOA factors affecting customers’ perceived shopping effectiveness, which in turn influences customers’ omnichannel usage continuance intention. The expected findings may suggest that the opportunity factor, channel integration quality encompassing channel-service configuration, content consistency, process consistency, and assurance quality, positively influences customers’ percieved shopping effectiveness. Furthermore, the motivation factors such as relative advantage, perceived ease of use, personalized incentives, flow, and enjoyment, have positive effects on customers’ perceived shopping effectiveness. In addition, ability factors encompassing technology readiness and self efficacy are expected to influence perceived shopping effectiveness. As a result, perceived shopping effectiveness positively influences omnichannel usage continuance intention. These findings enhance the literature on the shopping values and channel integration quality in an omnichannel retailing environment. These findings also offer insightful implications for omnichannel retailers in terms of creating and managing customers’ shopping effectivess in the post-COVID period

    Fuzzy-Set Analysis to Understand User Experience in Mobile Applications

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    This paper examines how price value, game content quality, positive and negative emotions, gender, and gameplay time interact with each other to explain high intention to download mobile applications, and specifically mobile games. Based on complexity theory and theory of configuration, a conceptual model is drawn along with research propositions. We employ fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA) on 531 users of mobile games, and identify ten solutions that explain high intention to download mobile games. Alternative paths are presented depending on the gender and gameplay time. We highlight the importance of price value and game content quality, as well as that of positive emotions which are always core factors when present. We contributes to theory and practice (1) with new insights into the interrelationships among the predictors of user intention to download mobile games, and (2) by advancing the theoretical and methodological foundation of how these predictors combine to lead to high intention to download mobile games

    The Success of B2C Mobile Commerce: Adoption factors and Value propositions for Companies

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    La literatura ha analizado ampliamente los factores que afectan a la adopción del comercio móvil (CM) por parte de los consumidores. Sin embargo, no ha abordado de la misma manera las propuestas de valor que el empresario puede incorporar a su oferta comercial, derivadas de las características propias del canal. Para ello, este trabajo resulta original al desarrollar una visión integradora que aborda la relación B2C en el comercio móvil. En esta línea, el objetivo de este trabajo es definir propuestas de valor basadas en la tecnología móvil incluyendo los factores involucrados en el éxito del comercio móvil desde el punto de vista del consumidor. Para conseguir este objetivo, se utiliza información secundaria y se hace una extensa revisión de la literatura que permite hacer una clasificación de las diferentes propuestas de valor sugeridas en la literatura. El estudio muestra una recopilación de los factores que favorecen la adopción del comercio móvil desde el punto de vista del consumidor, y los relaciona con seis tipos de proposiciones de valor sobre las que las empresas interesadas en la venta por móvil pueden articular su negocio para lograr que el consumidor adopte este tipo de compra.The literature has extensively analysed the factors affecting the adoption of this shopping channel by consumers. However, literature has not deepened in the same way on the value propositions that the firm can incorporate into its offerings including mobile phone characteristics as a channel. In order to contribute to marketing literature, we have developed a comprehensive view that addresses the B2C relationship in mobile commerce. In this line, the aim of this study is to determine the value propositions based on mobile technology including the factors involved in the success of mobile commerce from the consumer ‘s point of view. To achieve this purpose, we used secondary information and did an extensive review of the literature to classify different proposition of value in the mobile commerce literature. As a result, this study includes several factors that favour the adoption of mobile commerce from the point of view of consumers and put a special emphasis on the offering of six types of value propositions on which companies interested in mobile selling can articulate their business to make consumers adopt this type of purchase finally.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (España) [número de referencia ECO2014-53060-R

    Pengaruh Perceived Value terhadap Purchase Intention Wattpad Premium melalui Satisfaction sebagai Variabel Mediasi; Telaah pada Pengguna Aplikasi Wattpad

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    Pertumbuhan pengguna smartphone memicu meningkatnya jumlah aplikasi, salah satunya adalah aplikasi hiburan. Wattpad merupakan platform sosial hiburan untuk membaca dan menulis cerita fiksi. Wattpad menggunakan skenario freemium, yang menawarkan layanan dasar secara gratis dan berbayar untuk layanan premiumnya. Sementara itu, riset yang dilakukan oleh Google Indonesia menunjukkan bahwa hanya sedikit pengguna yang mau menggunakan aplikasi berbayar dan berlangganan. Selain itu penetrasi pengguna aplikasi berlangganan di Indonesia juga cenderung rendah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan wawasan terkait pengaruh perceived value terhadap purchase intention Wattpad Premium dengan satisfaction sebagai mediasi. Data pada penelitian ini diperoleh melalui survei online yang kemudian diolah dengan metode structural equation model (SEM) pada Lisrel versi 8.8. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa perceived benefits berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap perceived value dan perceived sacrifices berpengaruh negatif sigifikan terhadap perceived value. Selain itu ditemukan juga bahwa perceived value berpengaruh positif terhadap satisfaction dan purchase intention Wattpad Premium. Sedangkan satisfaction berpengaruh negatif tidak signifikan terhadap purchase intention. Selain itu, ditemukan juga bahwa satisfaction tidak memediasi pengaruh antara perceived value dengan purchase intention Wattpad Premium

    Understanding Perceived Value of Mobile Payments: A Qualitative Study

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    Mobile payment (MP) applications have long been deemed as a disrupting innovation within the payments landscape given the massive take up of smartphones worldwide. However, realizing such potential can only be achieved through a deep understanding of how consumers perceive value in such innovation. This study employed the perceived value theory to provide an in-depth interpretation of the different determinants of MP value as perceived by current and prospective consumers. A total of 23 interviews have been conducted with both adopters and nonadopters. The findings suggest that the convenience value of MP represents the major value-adding factor for adopters whereas the use of existing contactless card-based payment method represented the main benchmark with which nonadopters negatively valued contactless mobile-based payment methods. These findings provide a profound understanding of the perceived value theory within the context of MP and offer suggestions to MP applications providers