7 research outputs found

    Enhancing the Building Information Modeling Lifecycle of Complex Structures with IoT: Phases, Capabilities and Use Cases

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    In the construction sector, projects for building complex structures often exceed estimated costs and time. Therefore, enterprises in this sector rethink and improve their processes. For addressing this challenge, the discipline of Building Information Modeling (BIM) developed new process models to optimize the lifecycle of structures by leveraging technology and data sharing. Recently, enterprises explored the use of IoT technology for generating valid and up-to-date data. In this paper, we present an IoT capabilities map for BIM. This map employs BIM phases and capabilities to provide a structured overview of use cases from the literature and an empirical study we conducted in the rail construction sector. The map helps to guide further research in this area and provides blueprints for companies in the construction industry that seek to make use of IoT for improving their processes

    Roles and responsibilities of construction players in projects using building information modeling (BIM)

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    Building Information Modeling (BIM) has been implemented in construction projects to overcome problems such as project delay, cost overrun and poor quality of project. BIM enhances construction player to perform their activities in effective and efficient through the development of three dimensional (3D) model. However, BIM requires changes in current practices among construction players in terms of the processes and technology that use for managing projects. Therefore, this paper is aimed to discuss on roles and responsibilities of construction players in projects using BIM. This is a review paper that discusses on BIM, its definition, activities with roles and responsibilities of construction players in managing projects. The findings revealed that roles and responsibilities of construction players in projects using BIM are differ from conventional practice by the use of BIM tool. The findings of this paper provide useful information for construction players that considering implementing BIM in projects

    Roles and Responsibilities of Construction Players in Projects Using Building Information Modeling (BIM)

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    Part 4: Building Information Modeling (BIM)International audienceBuilding Information Modeling (BIM) has been implemented in construction projects to overcome problems such as project delay, cost overrun and poor quality of project. BIM enhances construction player to perform their activities in effective and efficient through the development of three dimensional (3D) model. However, BIM requires changes in current practices among construction players in terms of the processes and technology that use for managing projects. Therefore, this paper is aimed to discuss on roles and responsibilities of construction players in projects using BIM. This is a review paper that discusses on BIM, its definition, activities with roles and responsibilities of construction players in managing projects. The findings revealed that roles and responsibilities of construction players in projects using BIM are differ from conventional practice by the use of BIM tool. The findings of this paper provide useful information for construction players that considering implementing BIM in projects

    Roles and responsibilities of construction players in projects using building information modeling (BIM)

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    Building Information Modeling (BIM) has been implemented in construction projects to overcome problems such as project delay, cost overrun and poor quality of project. BIM enhances construction player to perform their activities in effective and efficient through the development of three dimensional (3D) model. However, BIM requires changes in current practices among construction players in terms of the processes and technology that use for managing projects. Therefore, this paper is aimed to discuss on roles and responsibilities of construction players in projects using BIM. This is a review paper that discusses on BIM, its definition, activities with roles and responsibilities of construction players in managing projects. The findings revealed that roles and responsibilities of construction players in projects using BIM are differ from conventional practice by the use of BIM tool. The findings of this paper provide useful information for construction players that considering implementing BIM in projects

    Nivel de implementación de la metodología BIM en empresas constructoras y consultoras de la ciudad de Cajamarca y plan de implementación

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    La presente investigación aborda el tema: Nivel de implementación de la metodología BIM en empresas constructoras y consultoras de la ciudad de Cajamarca. Para llevar a cabo la investigación se elaboraron encuestas las cuales fueron aplicadas a una población de treinta (30) empresas entre constructoras y consultoras de la ciudad de Cajamarca. Asimismo, se realizó la coordinación 3D de una edificación y elaboró un plan de implementación BIM para una empresa constructora. Como resultado se obtuvo que del 100% de las empresas encuestadas ninguna tiene implementada, en su totalidad, la metodología BIM, lo cual implica utilizar herramientas y procesos simultáneamente. Asimismo, se determinó que el 40% (12) de las empresas constructoras/consultoras ya tienen implementado alguna herramienta de modelamiento digital de la información para la construcción, como los softwares Revit y Archicad, pero según el diagnóstico solo se utiliza actualmente para visualización 3D, planos y en algunos casos para realizar análisis estructural, por lo que analizando otros indicadores se determinó que su implementación es baja. También se determinó los problemas más usuales en las etapas de diseño y construcción de los proyectos realizados tradicionalmente, según la perspectiva de los profesionales que laboran en las empresas, a partir de este análisis se planteó un plan de implementación BIM para una empresa, en el cual se establecieron lo usos BIM que deberían ser adoptados para lograr mejorar la eficiencia de los proyectos. En la investigación se demostró la hipótesis planteada

    Development of an Ontology-based Framework and Tool for Employer Information Requirements (OntEIR)

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    The identification of proper requirements is a key factor for a successful construction project. Many attempts in the form of frameworks, models, and tools have been put forward to assist in identifying those requirements. In projects using Building Information Modelling (BIM), the Employer Information Requirements (EIR) is a fundamental ingredient in achieving a successful BIM project.As of April 2016, Building Information Modelling (BIM) was mandated for all UK government projects, as part of the Government Construction Strategy. This means that all central Government departments must only tender with suppliers that demonstrate their capability on working with the Level-2 BIM.One of the fundamental ingredients of achieving the BIM Level-2 is the provision of full and clear Employer Information Requirements (EIR). As defined by PAS 1192-2, EIR is a “pre- tender document that sets out the information to be delivered and the standards and processes to be adopted by the suppler as part of the project delivery process”. it also notes that “EIR should be incorporated into tender documentation to enable suppliers to produce an initial BIM Execution Plan (BEP)”.Effective definition of EIRs can contribute to better productivity; within the budget and time limit set and improve the quality of the built facility. Also, EIR contribute to the information clients get at the end of the project, which will enable the effective management and operation of the asset at less cost, in an industry, where typically 60% of the cost go towards maintenance and operation.The aim of this research is to develop a better approach, for producing a full and complete set of EIRs, which ensures that the clients information needs for the final model delivered by BIM be clearly defined from the very beginning of the BIM process. It also manages the collaboration between the different stakeholders of the project, which allows them to communicate and deliver to the client’s requirements. In other words, an EIR that manages the whole BIM process and the information delivered throughout its lifecycle, and the standards to be adopted by the suppliers as an essential ingredient for the success of a BIM project. For the research to be able to achieve the aims set and the formulated objectives, firstly a detailed and critical review on related work and issues was conducted. Then the initial design of the OntEIR Framework, which introduced the new categorisation system of the information requirements and the elicitation of requirements from high-level needs using ontology was presented. A research prototype of an online tool was developed as a proof-of- concept to implement and operationalise the research framework.The evaluation of the framework and prototype tool via interviews and questionnaires was conducted with both industry experts and inexperienced stakeholders. The findings indicateivthat the adoption of the framework and tool, in addition to the new categorisation system, could contribute towards effective and efficient development of EIRs that provide a better understanding of the information requirements as requested by BIM, and support the production of a complete BIM Execution Plan (BEP) and a Master Information Delivery Plan (MIDP)

    Developing A Bim-Knowledge (Bim-K) Framework For Improved Decision-Making In Building Construction Projects

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    The construction industry is a knowledge-intensive industry, and knowledge has been identified as a vital resource for improving decision-making and a critical factor for increasing productivity and gaining organisational competitive advantage within the construction industry. Although, building information modelling BIM has been described as a 'shared knowledge resource for information' which forms the basis for 'reliable decisions during the lifecycle of a project', evidence from the literature indicate that current BIM implementation (BI) has not been able to effectively integrated knowledge into BIM. While BIM has significantly improved the quality of information available for use within the industry, capturing and integrating experiential knowledge (EK) into BIM implementation (BI) for improved decision-making in BIM projects is still very challenging. Knowledge management (KM) as a discipline can provide processes and tools/techniques for capturing and integrating EK into BI. Hence, leveraging KM processes and tools, this study develops a conceptual BIM-Knowledge framework for integrating EK into BI for improved decision-making in BIM projects. The study adopts convergent parallel mixed methods based on a pragmatic paradigm, which combines both qualitative and quantitative methods concurrently in a single study. Pragmatism philosophical stance provides the flexibility required to address the complex nature of the research question, which explores how the integration of EK into BI could improve decision-making in BIM projects. The study starts with the review of extant literature to explore the key concepts in the study, culminating in developing a preliminary framework. The preliminary framework provides the basic constructs that were further explored and investigated using semi-structured interviews and questionnaire surveys. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with thirty highly experienced stakeholders within the UK construction industry to explore their lived experiences about the constructs. Transcripts of the interviews were subjected to content analysis using NVivo 11 to identify prevalent codes from the quotations. In line with the adopted research philosophy, constructs from the literature review were also put together in a questionnaire survey and distributed to industry practitioners via Bristol Online Survey (BOS) to investigate their opinions about the constructs. The questionnaire's responses were subjected to rigorous statistical and factor analyses using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS-21). Findings from the analysis of both semi-structured interviews and questionnaires were triangulated for corroboration. The triangulation results led to the development of a conceptual BIM-Knowledge (BIM-K) framework for integrating EK into BI for improved decision-making in BIM projects. The proposed conceptual BIM-K framework consists of three main components: the BIM-K Core, which forms the framework's nucleus; the SKI, which consists an inventory of the skills and knowledge important to key decision-makers in BI; and the Output, which is the improved decision-making in BIM projects. The BIM-K Core component consists of three layers of concentric circles: (i) the integration layer where EK from best practice, past mistakes and creative ideas from different project phases are integrated into BI, (ii) the KM process layer, where the five KM processes and their appropriate tools and techniques help facilitate the effective integration process, and (iii) the layer of impacting factors, where four categories of factors that could impact on the effectiveness of the integration process are domiciled. The conceptual BIM-K framework was partially validated with industry experts virtually to test its suitability for practical implementation. The framework will benefit all key decision-makers in BIM projects, especially the client, designers, the engineer, contractors and suchlike, by improving the quality of decisions regarding BI tasks and activities right from the pre-design phase of the project