20,362 research outputs found

    Role of scattering in virtual source array imaging

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    We consider imaging in a scattering medium where the illumination goes through this medium but there is also an auxiliary, passive receiver array that is near the object to be imaged. Instead of imaging with the source-receiver array on the far side of the object we image with the data of the passive array on the near side of the object. The imaging is done with travel time migration using the cross correlations of the passive array data. We showed in [J. Garnier and G. Papanicolaou, Inverse Problems {28} (2012), 075002] that if (i) the source array is infinite, (ii) the scattering medium is modeled by either an isotropic random medium in the paraxial regime or a randomly layered medium, and (iii) the medium between the auxiliary array and the object to be imaged is homogeneous, then imaging with cross correlations completely eliminates the effects of the random medium. It is as if we imaged with an active array, instead of a passive one, near the object. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the resolution of the image when both the source array and the passive receiver array are finite. We show with a detailed analysis that for isotropic random media in the paraxial regime, imaging not only is not affected by the inhomogeneities but the resolution can in fact be enhanced. This is because the random medium can increase the diversity of the illumination. We also show analytically that this will not happen in a randomly layered medium, and there may be some loss of resolution in this case.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figure

    Signal to noise ratio analysis in virtual source array imaging

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    We consider correlation-based imaging of a reflector located on one side of a passive array where the medium is homogeneous. On the other side of the array the illumination by remote impulsive sources goes through a strongly scattering medium. It has been shown in [J. Garnier and G. Papanicolaou, Inverse Problems 28 (2012), 075002] that migrating the cross correlations of the passive array gives an image whose resolution is as good as if the array was active and the array response matrix was that of a homogeneous medium. In this paper we study the signal to noise ratio of the image as a function of statistical properties of the strongly scattering medium, the signal bandwidth and the source and passive receiver array characteristics. Using a Kronecker model for the strongly scattering medium we show that image resolution is as expected and that the signal to noise ratio can be computed in an essentially explicit way. We show with direct numerical simulations using full wave propagation solvers in random media that the theoretical predictions based on the Kronecker model are accurate

    Imaging With Nature: Compressive Imaging Using a Multiply Scattering Medium

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    The recent theory of compressive sensing leverages upon the structure of signals to acquire them with much fewer measurements than was previously thought necessary, and certainly well below the traditional Nyquist-Shannon sampling rate. However, most implementations developed to take advantage of this framework revolve around controlling the measurements with carefully engineered material or acquisition sequences. Instead, we use the natural randomness of wave propagation through multiply scattering media as an optimal and instantaneous compressive imaging mechanism. Waves reflected from an object are detected after propagation through a well-characterized complex medium. Each local measurement thus contains global information about the object, yielding a purely analog compressive sensing method. We experimentally demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach for optical imaging by using a 300-micrometer thick layer of white paint as the compressive imaging device. Scattering media are thus promising candidates for designing efficient and compact compressive imagers.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figure

    Ray-optical refraction with confocal lenslet arrays

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    Two parallel lenslet arrays with focal lengths f1 and f2 that share a common focal plane (that is, which are separated by a distance f1+f2) can refract transmitted light rays according to Snell's law, but with the 'sin's replaced with 'tan's. This is the case for a limited range of input angles and other conditions. Such confocal lenslet arrays can therefore simulate the interface between optical media with different refractive indices, n1 and n2, whereby the ratio η=-f2/f1 plays the role of the refractive-index ratio n2/n1. Suitable choices of focal lengths enable positive and negative refraction. In contrast to Snell's law, which leads to nontrivial geometric imaging by a planar refractive-index interface only for the special case of n1=±n2, the modified refraction law leads to geometric imaging by planar confocal lenslet arrays for any value of η. We illustrate some of the properties of confocal lenslet arrays with images rendered using ray-tracing software