188,538 research outputs found

    What do implicit measures measure?

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    We identify several ongoing debates related to implicit measures, surveying prominent views and considerations in each debate. First, we summarize the debate regarding whether performance on implicit measures is explained by conscious or unconscious representations. Second, we discuss the cognitive structure of the operative constructs: are they associatively or propositionally structured? Third, we review debates whether performance on implicit measures reflects traits or states. Fourth, we discuss the question of whether a person’s performance on an implicit measure reflects characteristics of the person who is taking the test or characteristics of the situation in which the person is taking the test. Finally, we survey the debate about the relationship between implicit measures and (other kinds of) behavior

    Virtue through Harmony: An Exploration of the Ethical Role of Music in Society

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    Music can profoundly affect individuals and societies. Individuals use music to express themselves, their opinions, their worldview, their emotions, all channeled through the medium of sound. Societies use music to help give identity to their culture. Music has inspired people to take up arms for their country, or to revolt. It has gathered people of different backgrounds together under the banner of peace and of war. It has inspired people to march, it has driven them to yell, to scream, to dance, to pray, to kiss and hold, to break down and cry. Music can help people sleep, can affect their dreams, or it can keep them awake, help them be alert. With the right intention and inflection music can influence people in any number of ways. Given this influence and power, it then follows that there should be an ethical responsibility to people when making or listening to music. What is the normative ethical role of music in society? How does one ethically participate in musical traditions? What does the opposite look like? In this paper, I will attempt to define the relation of music to society. With that relation in mind, I will then explain the responsibility that follows from participating in a musical tradition: music should be a morally enriching cultural experience

    The Effects of Social Media Use on the Perceptions of Mental Illness Among College Students

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    This study examined individuals’ use of and perceptions of social media networking sites (i.e. Facebook and Twitter) on their perceptions of mental illness. Previous studies have consistently found that media, by means of TV shows, movies, and news reports, depict distorted views of the mentally ill. Previous studies have also consistently found that these media depictions are related to increased stigma of mental illness and the mentally ill. This current study goes a step further by examining the role of social media networking sites on individual’s perceptions, since they are newer and more widely used forms of social media today. This study aimed to answer the research question, “does the use of social media networking sites, and the negative posts on them, perpetuate the stigma of mental illness?” Data was collected using a survey asking participants about their social media use, perceptions of, and attitudes about mental illness, as well as posts they have seen on social media about mental illness. Participants were 183 undergraduate college students at Butler University. The majority of the sample were female, upper-class, Liberal Arts and Sciences students. Using regression analyses, the results of this study showed no significant relationship between social media and mental illness perceptions as hypothesized. Social media use was found to be positively correlated with social media views, and additional analyses indicated that the more one uses social media, the more often they see posts regarding mental illness, as well as see posts involving mass shootings. Gender was found to have a significant relationship with mental illness perceptions. This finding indicated that males, on average, reported higher scores on the mental illness perceptions index, indicating that they hold more stigmatizing views of mental illness in comparison to females

    Corporate social responsibility in the UK, the Netherlands and Germany: theory and forerunners

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    The results in this paper should help connect theoretical concepts with CSR practices in the current business world. This paper will present the findings of a survey sent to businesses in the UK, the Netherlands, and Germany. The empirical data indicate some interesting tendencies. CSR as perceived within the business community is strongly related to environmental management and has a longer history than might have been expected. External factors, such as legal requirements, general external pressure (NGOs, globalization), and media coverage and campaigning have triggered changes in the business world in favor of CSR, but when CSR policies and schemes are initially under discussion, internal forces, such as the board of directors and the middle management, take over and lead the process. Furthermore, the results of the questionnaire show that external forces, such as government, NGOs, and communities, are not relevant with respect to driving CSR development forward

    English for Students of Philology (Англійська мова для студентів-філологів)

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    Методичні рекомендації містять матеріал, необхідний для проведення практичних занять та організації самостійної роботи з англійської мови студентів-магістрантів ННІ філології та журналістики. Тексти, вправи, тести та рекомендації методичного характеру подані у послідовності, окресленої Програмою (затвердженою у 2013 році), для виконання чотирьох основних змістовних модулів. Матеріал розрахований на поглиблення фахових спеціальних та загальних комунікативних навичок студентів у процесі професійно спрямованого вивчення англійської мови. Для денної та заочної форм навчання