3,558 research outputs found

    Effects of dance therapy on balance, gait and neuro-psychological performances in patients with Parkinson's disease and postural instability

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    Postural Instability (PI) is a core feature of Parkinson’s Disease (PD) and a major cause of falls and disabilities. Impairment of executive functions has been called as an aggravating factor on motor performances. Dance therapy has been shown effective for improving gait and has been suggested as an alternative rehabilitative method. To evaluate gait performance, spatial-temporal (S-T) gait parameters and cognitive performances in a cohort of patients with PD and PI modifications in balance after a cycle of dance therapy

    Interventions for improving upper limb function after stroke

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    Background: Improving upper limb function is a core element of stroke rehabilitation needed to maximise patient outcomes and reduce disability. Evidence about effects of individual treatment techniques and modalities is synthesised within many reviews. For selection of effective rehabilitation treatment, the relative effectiveness of interventions must be known. However, a comprehensive overview of systematic reviews in this area is currently lacking. Objectives: To carry out a Cochrane overview by synthesising systematic reviews of interventions provided to improve upper limb function after stroke. Methods: Search methods: We comprehensively searched the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews; the Database of Reviews of Effects; and PROSPERO (an international prospective register of systematic reviews) (June 2013). We also contacted review authors in an effort to identify further relevant reviews. Selection criteria: We included Cochrane and non‐Cochrane reviews of randomised controlled trials (RCTs) of patients with stroke comparing upper limb interventions with no treatment, usual care or alternative treatments. Our primary outcome of interest was upper limb function; secondary outcomes included motor impairment and performance of activities of daily living. When we identified overlapping reviews, we systematically identified the most up‐to‐date and comprehensive review and excluded reviews that overlapped with this. Data collection and analysis: Two overview authors independently applied the selection criteria, excluding reviews that were superseded by more up‐to‐date reviews including the same (or similar) studies. Two overview authors independently assessed the methodological quality of reviews (using a modified version of the AMSTAR tool) and extracted data. Quality of evidence within each comparison in each review was determined using objective criteria (based on numbers of participants, risk of bias, heterogeneity and review quality) to apply GRADE (Grades of Recommendation, Assessment, Development and Evaluation) levels of evidence. We resolved disagreements through discussion. We systematically tabulated the effects of interventions and used quality of evidence to determine implications for clinical practice and to make recommendations for future research. Main results: Our searches identified 1840 records, from which we included 40 completed reviews (19 Cochrane; 21 non‐Cochrane), covering 18 individual interventions and dose and setting of interventions. The 40 reviews contain 503 studies (18,078 participants). We extracted pooled data from 31 reviews related to 127 comparisons. We judged the quality of evidence to be high for 1/127 comparisons (transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) demonstrating no benefit for outcomes of activities of daily living (ADLs)); moderate for 49/127 comparisons (covering seven individual interventions) and low or very low for 77/127 comparisons. Moderate‐quality evidence showed a beneficial effect of constraint‐induced movement therapy (CIMT), mental practice, mirror therapy, interventions for sensory impairment, virtual reality and a relatively high dose of repetitive task practice, suggesting that these may be effective interventions; moderate‐quality evidence also indicated that unilateral arm training may be more effective than bilateral arm training. Information was insufficient to reveal the relative effectiveness of different interventions. Moderate‐quality evidence from subgroup analyses comparing greater and lesser doses of mental practice, repetitive task training and virtual reality demonstrates a beneficial effect for the group given the greater dose, although not for the group given the smaller dose; however tests for subgroup differences do not suggest a statistically significant difference between these groups. Future research related to dose is essential. Specific recommendations for future research are derived from current evidence. These recommendations include but are not limited to adequately powered, high‐quality RCTs to confirm the benefit of CIMT, mental practice, mirror therapy, virtual reality and a relatively high dose of repetitive task practice; high‐quality RCTs to explore the effects of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS), tDCS, hands‐on therapy, music therapy, pharmacological interventions and interventions for sensory impairment; and up‐to‐date reviews related to biofeedback, Bobath therapy, electrical stimulation, reach‐to‐grasp exercise, repetitive task training, strength training and stretching and positioning. Authors' conclusions: Large numbers of overlapping reviews related to interventions to improve upper limb function following stroke have been identified, and this overview serves to signpost clinicians and policy makers toward relevant systematic reviews to support clinical decisions, providing one accessible, comprehensive document, which should support clinicians and policy makers in clinical decision making for stroke rehabilitation. Currently, no high‐quality evidence can be found for any interventions that are currently used as part of routine practice, and evidence is insufficient to enable comparison of the relative effectiveness of interventions. Effective collaboration is urgently needed to support large, robust RCTs of interventions currently used routinely within clinical practice. Evidence related to dose of interventions is particularly needed, as this information has widespread clinical and research implications

    Chapter Emerging Techniques for Assessment of Sensorimotor Impairments after Spinal Cord Injury

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    Mechanical properties of the plantar soft tissue, which acts as the interface between the skeleton and the ground, play an important role in distributing the force underneath the foot and in influencing the load transfer to the entire body during weight-bearing activities. Hence, understanding the mechanical behaviour of the plantar soft tissue and the mathematical equations that govern such behaviour can have important applications in investigating the effect of disease and injuries on soft tissue function. The plantar soft tissue of the foot shows a viscoelastic behaviour, where the reaction force is not only dependent on the amount of deformation but also influenced by the deformation rate. This chapter provides an insight into the mechanical behaviour of plantar soft tissue during loading with specific emphasis on heel pad, which is the first point of contact during normal gait. Furthermore, the methods of assessing the mechanical behaviour including the in vitro/in situ and in vivo are discussed, and examples of creep, stress relaxation, rate dependency and hysteresis behaviour of the heel pad are shown. In addition, the viscoelastic models that represent the mechanical behaviour of the plantar soft tissue under load along with the equations that govern this behaviour are elaborated and discussed

    Emerging Techniques for Assessment of Sensorimotor Impairments after Spinal Cord Injury

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    Gait function can be altered after incomplete spinal cord (iSCI) lesions. Muscular weakness, co‐activation of antagonist muscles, and altered muscle mechanics are likely to provoke abnormal gait and postural movements. Functional scales are available for assessment of functional walking in SCI patients, such as walking index for spinal cord injury (WISCI II), timed up and go (TUG) test, 10‐meter walk test (10MWT), and 6‐minute walk test (6MWT). Novel metrics for a more detailed comprehension of neuromuscular control in terms of degree of voluntary motor control have been recently proposed. This section describes novel techniques based on muscle synergy and frequency domain analysis of electromyographic signals. Such techniques are illustrated as potential tools for assessment of motor function after SCI with experimental data and a case study describing a diagnostic scenario. This chapter presents a discussion of the current status of the emerging metrics for assessment of sensorimotor impairments. Conclusions are given with respect to the availability of enriched information about neuromuscular behavior between functional tasks (walking and pedalling) and the potential relevance of these new techniques to improve the efficacy of treatment to improve locomotion after iSCI

    Development of a hybrid robotic system based on an adaptive and associative assistance for rehabilitation of reaching movement after stroke

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    Stroke causes irreversible neurological damage. Depending on the location and the size of this brain injury, different body functions could result affected. One of the most common consequences is motor impairments. The level of motor impairment affectation varies between post-stroke subjects, but often, it hampers the execution of most activities of daily living. Consequently, the quality of life of the stroke population is severely decreased. The rehabilitation of the upper-limb motor functions has gained special attention in the scientific community due the poor reported prognosis of post-stroke patients for recovering normal upper-extremity function after standard rehabilitation therapy. Driven by the advance of technology and the design of new rehabilitation methods, the use of robot devices, functional electrical stimulation and brain-computer interfaces as a neuromodulation system is proposed as a novel and promising rehabilitation tools. Although the uses of these technologies present potential benefits with respect to standard rehabilitation methods, there still are some milestones to be addressed for the consolidation of these methods and techniques in clinical settings. Mentioned evidences reflect the motivation for this dissertation. This thesis presents the development and validation of a hybrid robotic system based on an adaptive and associative assistance for rehabilitation of reaching movements in post-stroke subjects. The hybrid concept refers the combined use of robotic devices with functional electrical stimulation. Adaptive feature states a tailored assistance according to the users’ motor residual capabilities, while the associative term denotes a precise pairing between the users’ motor intent and the peripheral hybrid assistance. The development of the hybrid platform comprised the following tasks: 1. The identification of the current challenges for hybrid robotic system, considering twofold perspectives: technological and clinical. The hybrid systems submitted in literature were critically reviewed for such purpose. These identified features will lead the subsequent development and method framed in this work. 2. The development and validation of a hybrid robotic system, combining a mechanical exoskeleton with functional electrical stimulation to assist the execution of functional reaching movements. Several subsystems are integrated within the hybrid platform, which interact each other to cooperatively complement the rehabilitation task. Complementary, the implementation of a controller based on functional electrical stimulation to dynamically adjust the level of assistance is addressed. The controller is conceived to tackle one of the main limitations when using electrical stimulation, i.e. the highly nonlinear and time-varying muscle response. An experimental procedure was conducted with healthy and post-stroke patients to corroborate the technical feasibility and the usability evaluation of the system. 3. The implementation of an associative strategy within the hybrid platform. Three different strategies based on electroencephalography and electromyography signals were analytically compared. The main idea is to provide a precise temporal association between the hybrid assistance delivered at the periphery (arm muscles) and the users’ own intention to move and to configure a feasible clinical setup to be use in real rehabilitation scenarios. 4. Carry out a comprehensive pilot clinical intervention considering a small cohort of patient with post-stroke patients to evaluate the different proposed concepts and assess the feasibility of using the hybrid system in rehabilitation settings. In summary, the works here presented prove the feasibility of using the hybrid robotic system as a rehabilitative tool with post-stroke subjects. Moreover, it is demonstrated the adaptive controller is able to adjust the level of assistance to achieve successful tracking movement with the affected arm. Remarkably, the accurate association in time between motor cortex activation, represented through the motor-related cortical potential measured with electroencephalography, and the supplied hybrid assistance during the execution of functional (multidegree of freedom) reaching movement facilitate distributed cortical plasticity. These results encourage the validation of the overall hybrid concept in a large clinical trial including an increased number of patients with a control group, in order to achieve more robust clinical results and confirm the presented herein.Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica y AutomáticaPresidente: Ramón Ceres Ruiz.- Secretario: Luis Enrique Moreno Lorente.- Vocal: Antonio Olivier

    Analysis of the Interlimb similarity of motor patterns for improving stroke assessment and neurorehabilitation

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    Stroke is the leading cause of adult disability, with upper limb hemiparesis being one of the most common consequences. Regaining voluntary arm movement is one of the major goals of rehabilitation. However, even with intensive rehabilitation, approximately 30% of patients remain permanently disabled and only 5 to 20% of them recover full independence. Hence, there is an increasing interest in incorporating the latest advances in neuroscience, medicine and engineering to improve the efficacy of conventional therapies. In the last years, a variety of promising targets have been identified to improve rehabilitation. However, there is no consensus on which measure should be applied as a gold standard to study functional recovery. This fact dramatically hinders the development of new interventions since it turns difficult to compare different clinical trials and draw consistent conclusions about therapeutic efficiency. In addition, available scales are subjective, qualitative and often lead to incongruent outcomes. Indeed, there is increasing suspicion that the lack of optimal assessment measures hampers the detection of benefits of new therapies. Moreover, existing scales totally ignore the neuromuscular state of the patient masking the ongoing recovery processes. In consequence, making appropriate clinical decisions in such environment is almost impossible. In light of all these facts, the need for new objective biomarkers to develop effective therapies is undeniable. To give response to these demands we have organized this thesis into two main branches. On the one hand, we have developed an innovative physiological scale that reveals the neuromuscular state of the patient and is able to discriminate between motor impairment levels. The innovation here resides in the concept of interlimb similarity (ILS). Based on the latest findings about the modular organization of the motor system and taking into account that stroke provokes unilateral motor damage, we propose comparing the control structure of the unaffected arm with the control structure of the paretic arm to quantify motor impairment. We have defined the control structure as the set of muscle synergies and activation coefficients needed to complete a task. The advantage of this approach is not only its capacity to provide neuromuscular information about the patient, but also that the ILS is personalized to each patient and can purposely guide rehabilitation based on the patient¿s own physiological patterns. This supposes a huge advance taking into account the heterogeneity of stroke pathogenesis. On other hand, we have characterized the therapeutic potential of Visual Feedback (VF) as a tool to purposely induce neuroplastic changes. We have chosen VF among the various interventions proven to improve motor performance, because VF is a cheap strategy that can be implemented in almost any rehabilitation center. We demonstrate that VF is able to modulate the human control structure. In healthy subjects, it seems that VF makes accessible the refined dominant motor programs for the nondominant hemisphere giving rise to an increased interlimb similarity of the control structure. Interestingly, in stroke patients VF is able to manipulate the ILS of upper-limb kinematics in favor of finer motor control but a single training session seems not to be enough to fix those changes in the neuromuscular system of a damaged brain. Overall, these findings offer a new promising framework to develop and assess an effective intervention to guide the restoration of the original neuromuscular patterns and avoid unwanted maladaptive neuroplasticity. In conclusion, this thesis seeks moving forward in the understanding of human motor recovery processes and their relationship with neuroplasticity. In this sense, it provides important advances in the design of a new biomarker of motor impairment and tests the power of VF to modulate the neuromuscular control of patients with stroke.L'ictus és la principal causa de discapacitat en adults, essent l'hemiparèsia del membre superior una de les conseqüències més comunes. Els programes de rehabilitació tenen com a objectiu fonamental restituir la mobilitat del braç afectat. No obstant això, es calcula que només entre el 5 i el 20% dels pacients aconsegueixen recuperar la seva independència mentre que el 30% queden incapacitats permanentment. En front d'aquest escenari es fa necessari incorporar els últims avenços de la neurociència, la medicina i l'enginyeria en aquesta àrea. En els darrers anys s'han identificat diversos aspectes clau per intentar millorar la rehabilitació. El problema, però, és que no hi ha consens per definir una mesura com a "gold estàndard" per avaluar la recuperació funcional, motiu pel qual, el desenvolupament de noves teràpies queda profundament afectat, ja que esdevé impossible poder comparar diferents assajos clínics i extreure conclusions consistents sobre la seva eficiència terapèutica. A més, les diverses mesures que s'utilitzen són subjectives, qualitatives i sovint donen resultats incongruents. De fet, se sospita que la manca de mesures d'avaluació òptimes dificulta la detecció dels beneficis de noves teràpies. A tot això se li ha d'afegir que les mesures actuals no consideren l'estat neuromuscular del pacient, emmascarant els processos reparadors subjacents. Així doncs, prendre les decisions clíniques adequades sota aquestes condicions esdevé pràcticament impossible. En aquestes circumstàncies, no es pot ignorar el requeriment de nous biomarcadors que proporcionin dades objectives per catalitzar el disseny de teràpies efectives. Per donar resposta a aquesta situació, la tesi s'ha estructurat en dues parts. Per una banda, s'ha desenvolupat una innovadora escala fisiològica que revela l'estat neuromuscular del pacient i és capaç de discriminar entre diferents nivells d'incapacitat motora. La innovació rau en el concepte de similitud entre membres (ILS, en anglès). Així, basant-nos en els darrers descobriments sobre l'organització modular del sistema motor, i en el fet que l'ictus provoca dany unilateral, proposem comparar l'estructura de control del braç no-afectat amb l'estructura de control del braç parètic per quantificar la incapacitat motora. L'estructura de control l'hem definida com el conjunt de sinergies musculars i coeficients d'activació que es necessiten per a dur a terme una tasca. L'avantatge d'aquesta proposta és doble, ja que proporciona informació sobre l'estat neuromuscular del pacient i en ser personalitzable, pot guiar la rehabilitació d'acord amb els patrons fisiològics propis de cada pacient. Això suposa un enorme avenç en aquesta àrea, donada la immensa heterogeneïtat de la patogènesi d'aquest trastorn. D'altra banda, s'ha caracteritzat el potencial terapèutic del feedback visual (VF) per induir canvis neuroplàstics. Aquesta és una eina molt interessant perquè a més de millorar el control motor, és assequible per gairebé qualsevol centre de rehabilitació. S'ha demostrat que el VF és capaç de modular l'estructura de control. Concretament, el VF sembla transferir els programes motors de l'hemisferi dominant al costat no dominant augmentant així el ILS dels subjectes sans. En pacients amb ictus, el VF és capaç d'augmentar el ILS cinemàtic afavorint patrons de control més fins. En conclusió, l'objectiu d'aquesta tesi és aprofundir en la comprensió dels processos de recuperació motora i la seva relació amb la neuroplasticitat. La tesi ofereix un nou i prometedor marc per desenvolupar i avaluar procediments efectius per guiar la restauració dels patrons neuromusculars originals i evitar que el cervell pateixi canvis neuroplàstics indesitjables. Així, la tesi proporciona avanços importants en el disseny d'un biomarcador per quantificar la incapacitat motora i avaluar el potencial del VF per modular el control neuromuscular de pacients amb ictus.Postprint (published version

    The Compound Muscle Action Potential as Neurophysiological Marker for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis.

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    Objectives: To definite the peripheral nervous involvement in ALS through the repeated use of the compound motor action potential (CMAP) to test the progression of disease, to determine different change of phrenic CMAP and forced vital capacity (FVC) in spinal and bulbar onset, and to establish clinical and neurophysiological features of patients with poor prognosis. Material & Methods: CMAP from phrenic, ulnar, and medial plantar nerves, Medical Research Council (MRC) score, revised ALS functional rating scale (ALSFRS-R) and FVC were evaluated in 117 ALS patients every three months in one year-period. Results: Bulbar onset patients had lower FVC but similar amplitude of phrenic CMAP at baseline compared to spinal onset patients. The patients with poor prognosis had lower phrenic CMAP and FVC at baseline. CMAP values, when compared to the rate found in the previous visit, reduced significantly in both poor and good prognosis groups during the entire follow-up period, while the FVC reduced significantly only in the first three months. Conclusions: CMAP is a reproducible sensitive marker for motor neurons loss and collateral reinnervation in ALS also in a short period of time. The changes in CMAP, MRC, FVC and ALSFRS-R score resulted correlated, but CMAP is the only parameter with the advantage to demonstrate objectively the progression of disease in both patients with poor and good prognosis for the entire period of follow-up. It should be used as clinical outcome of ALS in clinical trials, taking advantage of its objectivity and selectivity for peripheral nervous system study

    Analysis of the Interlimb similarity of motor patterns for improving stroke assessment and neurorehabilitation

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    Stroke is the leading cause of adult disability, with upper limb hemiparesis being one of the most common consequences. Regaining voluntary arm movement is one of the major goals of rehabilitation. However, even with intensive rehabilitation, approximately 30% of patients remain permanently disabled and only 5 to 20% of them recover full independence. Hence, there is an increasing interest in incorporating the latest advances in neuroscience, medicine and engineering to improve the efficacy of conventional therapies. In the last years, a variety of promising targets have been identified to improve rehabilitation. However, there is no consensus on which measure should be applied as a gold standard to study functional recovery. This fact dramatically hinders the development of new interventions since it turns difficult to compare different clinical trials and draw consistent conclusions about therapeutic efficiency. In addition, available scales are subjective, qualitative and often lead to incongruent outcomes. Indeed, there is increasing suspicion that the lack of optimal assessment measures hampers the detection of benefits of new therapies. Moreover, existing scales totally ignore the neuromuscular state of the patient masking the ongoing recovery processes. In consequence, making appropriate clinical decisions in such environment is almost impossible. In light of all these facts, the need for new objective biomarkers to develop effective therapies is undeniable. To give response to these demands we have organized this thesis into two main branches. On the one hand, we have developed an innovative physiological scale that reveals the neuromuscular state of the patient and is able to discriminate between motor impairment levels. The innovation here resides in the concept of interlimb similarity (ILS). Based on the latest findings about the modular organization of the motor system and taking into account that stroke provokes unilateral motor damage, we propose comparing the control structure of the unaffected arm with the control structure of the paretic arm to quantify motor impairment. We have defined the control structure as the set of muscle synergies and activation coefficients needed to complete a task. The advantage of this approach is not only its capacity to provide neuromuscular information about the patient, but also that the ILS is personalized to each patient and can purposely guide rehabilitation based on the patient¿s own physiological patterns. This supposes a huge advance taking into account the heterogeneity of stroke pathogenesis. On other hand, we have characterized the therapeutic potential of Visual Feedback (VF) as a tool to purposely induce neuroplastic changes. We have chosen VF among the various interventions proven to improve motor performance, because VF is a cheap strategy that can be implemented in almost any rehabilitation center. We demonstrate that VF is able to modulate the human control structure. In healthy subjects, it seems that VF makes accessible the refined dominant motor programs for the nondominant hemisphere giving rise to an increased interlimb similarity of the control structure. Interestingly, in stroke patients VF is able to manipulate the ILS of upper-limb kinematics in favor of finer motor control but a single training session seems not to be enough to fix those changes in the neuromuscular system of a damaged brain. Overall, these findings offer a new promising framework to develop and assess an effective intervention to guide the restoration of the original neuromuscular patterns and avoid unwanted maladaptive neuroplasticity. In conclusion, this thesis seeks moving forward in the understanding of human motor recovery processes and their relationship with neuroplasticity. In this sense, it provides important advances in the design of a new biomarker of motor impairment and tests the power of VF to modulate the neuromuscular control of patients with stroke.L'ictus és la principal causa de discapacitat en adults, essent l'hemiparèsia del membre superior una de les conseqüències més comunes. Els programes de rehabilitació tenen com a objectiu fonamental restituir la mobilitat del braç afectat. No obstant això, es calcula que només entre el 5 i el 20% dels pacients aconsegueixen recuperar la seva independència mentre que el 30% queden incapacitats permanentment. En front d'aquest escenari es fa necessari incorporar els últims avenços de la neurociència, la medicina i l'enginyeria en aquesta àrea. En els darrers anys s'han identificat diversos aspectes clau per intentar millorar la rehabilitació. El problema, però, és que no hi ha consens per definir una mesura com a "gold estàndard" per avaluar la recuperació funcional, motiu pel qual, el desenvolupament de noves teràpies queda profundament afectat, ja que esdevé impossible poder comparar diferents assajos clínics i extreure conclusions consistents sobre la seva eficiència terapèutica. A més, les diverses mesures que s'utilitzen són subjectives, qualitatives i sovint donen resultats incongruents. De fet, se sospita que la manca de mesures d'avaluació òptimes dificulta la detecció dels beneficis de noves teràpies. A tot això se li ha d'afegir que les mesures actuals no consideren l'estat neuromuscular del pacient, emmascarant els processos reparadors subjacents. Així doncs, prendre les decisions clíniques adequades sota aquestes condicions esdevé pràcticament impossible. En aquestes circumstàncies, no es pot ignorar el requeriment de nous biomarcadors que proporcionin dades objectives per catalitzar el disseny de teràpies efectives. Per donar resposta a aquesta situació, la tesi s'ha estructurat en dues parts. Per una banda, s'ha desenvolupat una innovadora escala fisiològica que revela l'estat neuromuscular del pacient i és capaç de discriminar entre diferents nivells d'incapacitat motora. La innovació rau en el concepte de similitud entre membres (ILS, en anglès). Així, basant-nos en els darrers descobriments sobre l'organització modular del sistema motor, i en el fet que l'ictus provoca dany unilateral, proposem comparar l'estructura de control del braç no-afectat amb l'estructura de control del braç parètic per quantificar la incapacitat motora. L'estructura de control l'hem definida com el conjunt de sinergies musculars i coeficients d'activació que es necessiten per a dur a terme una tasca. L'avantatge d'aquesta proposta és doble, ja que proporciona informació sobre l'estat neuromuscular del pacient i en ser personalitzable, pot guiar la rehabilitació d'acord amb els patrons fisiològics propis de cada pacient. Això suposa un enorme avenç en aquesta àrea, donada la immensa heterogeneïtat de la patogènesi d'aquest trastorn. D'altra banda, s'ha caracteritzat el potencial terapèutic del feedback visual (VF) per induir canvis neuroplàstics. Aquesta és una eina molt interessant perquè a més de millorar el control motor, és assequible per gairebé qualsevol centre de rehabilitació. S'ha demostrat que el VF és capaç de modular l'estructura de control. Concretament, el VF sembla transferir els programes motors de l'hemisferi dominant al costat no dominant augmentant així el ILS dels subjectes sans. En pacients amb ictus, el VF és capaç d'augmentar el ILS cinemàtic afavorint patrons de control més fins. En conclusió, l'objectiu d'aquesta tesi és aprofundir en la comprensió dels processos de recuperació motora i la seva relació amb la neuroplasticitat. La tesi ofereix un nou i prometedor marc per desenvolupar i avaluar procediments efectius per guiar la restauració dels patrons neuromusculars originals i evitar que el cervell pateixi canvis neuroplàstics indesitjables. Així, la tesi proporciona avanços importants en el disseny d'un biomarcador per quantificar la incapacitat motora i avaluar el potencial del VF per modular el control neuromuscular de pacients amb ictus

    Lower urinary tract dysfunction in Parkinsonian syndromes

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    Purpose of review: The aim of this review is to outline the clinical presentation, pathophysiology and evaluation of lower urinary tract (LUT) dysfunction in Parkinson’s disease and other parkinsonian syndromes including multiple system atrophy, dementia with Lewy bodies, progressive supranuclear palsy and corticobasal degeneration. // Recent findings: LUT dysfunction commonly occurs in neurological disorders, including patients with parkinsonian syndromes. The pattern of LUT dysfunction and its severity are variable, depending upon the site of lesion within the neural pathways. Parkinsonian syndromes are broadly divided into Parkinson’s disease (PD) and a typical parkinsonian syndromes such as multiple system atrophy (MSA), dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB), progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) and corticobasal degeneration (CBD). Different parkinsonian syndromes have distinct clinical features (e.g. dysautonomia, early dementia, supranuclear gaze palsy, higher cortical signs), and the pattern of LUT dysfunction and its severity can differ. // Conclusions: LUT dysfunction is a common feature in patients with parkinsonian syndromes. Recognising the pattern of LUT dysfunction during the assessment of these patients can help management and possibly facilitate an earlier diagnosis