891 research outputs found

    Robust Stereo Visual Odometry through a Probabilistic Combination of Points and Line Segments

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    Most approaches to stereo visual odometry reconstruct the motion based on the tracking of point features along a sequence of images. However, in low-textured scenes it is often difficult to encounter a large set of point features, or it may happen that they are not well distributed over the image, so that the behavior of these algorithms deteriorates. This paper proposes a probabilistic approach to stereo visual odometry based on the combination of both point and line segment that works robustly in a wide variety of scenarios. The camera motion is recovered through non-linear minimization of the projection errors of both point and line segment features. In order to effectively combine both types of features, their associated errors are weighted according to their covariance matrices, computed from the propagation of Gaussian distribution errors in the sensor measurements. The method, of course, is computationally more expensive that using only one type of feature, but still can run in real-time on a standard computer and provides interesting advantages, including a straightforward integration into any probabilistic framework commonly employed in mobile robotics.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Project "PROMOVE: Advances in mobile robotics for promoting independent life of elders", funded by the Spanish Government and the "European Regional Development Fund ERDF" under contract DPI2014-55826-R

    Direct Monocular Odometry Using Points and Lines

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    Most visual odometry algorithm for a monocular camera focuses on points, either by feature matching, or direct alignment of pixel intensity, while ignoring a common but important geometry entity: edges. In this paper, we propose an odometry algorithm that combines points and edges to benefit from the advantages of both direct and feature based methods. It works better in texture-less environments and is also more robust to lighting changes and fast motion by increasing the convergence basin. We maintain a depth map for the keyframe then in the tracking part, the camera pose is recovered by minimizing both the photometric error and geometric error to the matched edge in a probabilistic framework. In the mapping part, edge is used to speed up and increase stereo matching accuracy. On various public datasets, our algorithm achieves better or comparable performance than state-of-the-art monocular odometry methods. In some challenging texture-less environments, our algorithm reduces the state estimation error over 50%.Comment: ICRA 201

    SPLODE: Semi-Probabilistic Point and Line Odometry with Depth Estimation from RGB-D Camera Motion

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    Active depth cameras suffer from several limitations, which cause incomplete and noisy depth maps, and may consequently affect the performance of RGB-D Odometry. To address this issue, this paper presents a visual odometry method based on point and line features that leverages both measurements from a depth sensor and depth estimates from camera motion. Depth estimates are generated continuously by a probabilistic depth estimation framework for both types of features to compensate for the lack of depth measurements and inaccurate feature depth associations. The framework models explicitly the uncertainty of triangulating depth from both point and line observations to validate and obtain precise estimates. Furthermore, depth measurements are exploited by propagating them through a depth map registration module and using a frame-to-frame motion estimation method that considers 3D-to-2D and 2D-to-3D reprojection errors, independently. Results on RGB-D sequences captured on large indoor and outdoor scenes, where depth sensor limitations are critical, show that the combination of depth measurements and estimates through our approach is able to overcome the absence and inaccuracy of depth measurements.Comment: IROS 201

    Geometric-based Line Segment Tracking for HDR Stereo Sequences

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    In this work, we propose a purely geometrical approach for the robust matching of line segments for challenging stereo streams with severe illumination changes or High Dynamic Range (HDR) environments. To that purpose, we exploit the univocal nature of the matching problem, i.e. every observation must be corresponded with a single feature or not corresponded at all. We state the problem as a sparse, convex, `1-minimization of the matching vector regularized by the geometric constraints. This formulation allows for the robust tracking of line segments along sequences where traditional appearance-based matching techniques tend to fail due to dynamic changes in illumination conditions. Moreover, the proposed matching algorithm also results in a considerable speed-up of previous state of the art techniques making it suitable for real-time applications such as Visual Odometry (VO). This, of course, comes at expense of a slightly lower number of matches in comparison with appearance based methods, and also limits its application to continuous video sequences, as it is rather constrained to small pose increments between consecutive frames.We validate the claimed advantages by first evaluating the matching performance in challenging video sequences, and then testing the method in a benchmarked point and line based VO algorithm.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech.This work has been supported by the Spanish Government (project DPI2017-84827-R and grant BES-2015-071606) and by the Andalucian Government (project TEP2012-530)

    Robust Visual SLAM in Challenging Environments with Low-texture and Dynamic Illumination

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    - Robustness to Dynamic Illumination conditions is also one of the main open challenges in visual odometry and SLAM, e.g. high dynamic range (HDR) environments. The main difficulties in these situations come from both the limitations of the sensors, for instance automatic settings of a camera might not react fast enough to properly record dynamic illumination changes, and also from limitations in the algorithms, e.g. the track of interest points is typically based on brightness constancy. The work of this thesis contributes to mitigate these phenomena from two different perspectives. The first one addresses this problem from a deep learning perspective by enhancing images to invariant and richer representations for VO and SLAM, benefiting from the generalization properties of deep neural networks. In this work it is also demonstrated how the insertion of long short term memory (LSTM) allows us to obtain temporally consistent sequences, since the estimation depends on previous states. Secondly, a more traditional perspective is exploited to contribute with a purely geometric-based tracking of line segments in challenging stereo streams with complex or varying illumination, since they are intrinsically more informative. Fecha de lectura de Tesis Doctoral: 26 de febrero 2020In the last years, visual Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) has played a role of capital importance in rapid technological advances, e.g. mo- bile robotics and applications such as virtual, augmented, or mixed reality (VR/AR/MR), as a vital part of their processing pipelines. As its name indicates, it comprises the estimation of the state of a robot (typically the pose) while, simultaneously, incrementally building and refining a consistent representation of the environment, i.e. the so-called map, based on the equipped sensors. Despite the maturity reached by state-of-art visual SLAM techniques in controlled environments, there are still many open challenges to address be- fore reaching a SLAM system robust to long-term operations in uncontrolled scenarios, where classical assumptions, such as static environments, do not hold anymore. This thesis contributes to improve robustness of visual SLAM in harsh or difficult environments, in particular: - Low-textured Environments, where traditional approaches suffer from an accuracy impoverishment and, occasionally, the absolute failure of the system. Fortunately, many of such low-textured environments contain planar elements that are rich in linear shapes, so an alternative feature choice such as line segments would exploit information from structured parts of the scene. This set of contributions exploits both type of features, i.e. points and line segments, to produce visual odometry and SLAM algorithms robust in a broader variety of environments, hence leveraging them at all instances of the related processes: monocular depth estimation, visual odometry, keyframe selection, bundle adjustment, loop closing, etc. Additionally, an open-source C++ implementation of the proposed algorithms has been released along with the published articles and some extra multimedia material for the benefit of the community

    Probabilistic RGB-D Odometry based on Points, Lines and Planes Under Depth Uncertainty

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    This work proposes a robust visual odometry method for structured environments that combines point features with line and plane segments, extracted through an RGB-D camera. Noisy depth maps are processed by a probabilistic depth fusion framework based on Mixtures of Gaussians to denoise and derive the depth uncertainty, which is then propagated throughout the visual odometry pipeline. Probabilistic 3D plane and line fitting solutions are used to model the uncertainties of the feature parameters and pose is estimated by combining the three types of primitives based on their uncertainties. Performance evaluation on RGB-D sequences collected in this work and two public RGB-D datasets: TUM and ICL-NUIM show the benefit of using the proposed depth fusion framework and combining the three feature-types, particularly in scenes with low-textured surfaces, dynamic objects and missing depth measurements.Comment: Major update: more results, depth filter released as opensource, 34 page

    Accurate Stereo Visual Odometry with Gamma Distributions

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    Point-based stereo visual odometry systems typically estimate the camera motion by minimizing a cost function of the projection residuals between consecutive frames. Under some mild assumptions, such minimization is equivalent to maximizing the probability of the measured residuals given a certain pose change, for which a suitable model of the error distribution (sensor model) becomes of capital importance in order to obtain accurate results. This paper proposes a robust probabilistic model for projection errors, based on real world data. For that, we argue that projection distances follow Gamma distributions, and hence, the introduction of these models in a probabilistic formulation of the motion estimation process increases both precision and accuracy. Our approach has been validated through a series of experiments with both synthetic and real data, revealing an improvement in accuracy while not increasing the computational burden.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Project "PROMOVE: Advances in mobile robotics for promoting independent life of elders", funded by the Spanish Government and the "European Regional Development Fund ERDF" under contract DPI2014-55826-R
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