1,342 research outputs found

    Vulnerability analysis of satellite-based synchronized smart grids monitoring systems

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    The large-scale deployment of wide-area monitoring systems could play a strategic role in supporting the evolution of traditional power systems toward smarter and self-healing grids. The correct operation of these synchronized monitoring systems requires a common and accurate timing reference usually provided by a satellite-based global positioning system. Although these satellites signals provide timing accuracy that easily exceeds the needs of the power industry, they are extremely vulnerable to radio frequency interference. Consequently, a comprehensive analysis aimed at identifying their potential vulnerabilities is of paramount importance for correct and safe wide-area monitoring system operation. Armed with such a vision, this article presents and discusses the results of an experimental analysis aimed at characterizing the vulnerability of global positioning system based wide-area monitoring systems to external interferences. The article outlines the potential strategies that could be adopted to protect global positioning system receivers from external cyber-attacks and proposes decentralized defense strategies based on self-organizing sensor networks aimed at assuring correct time synchronization in the presence of external attacks

    Design and testing of compact dual-band dual-polarized robust satellite navigation antenna arrays

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    Die steigende Nachfrage nach präzisen Positionierlösungen für hochautomatisiertes Fahren und sicherheitskritische Anwendungen führt zu der Verwendung von Array-basierten Satellitennavigationsempfängern, die aufgrund des verbesserten Diversity-Gewinns und der potentiellen Strahlformungsfähigkeit eine bessere Leistung aufweisen. Die Notwendigkeit, die Robustheit von Navigationsempfängern gegenüber Quellen von Signalstörungen, wie Mehrwegempfang, atmosphärische, sowie Jamming- und Spoofing, zu verbessern, verlangt, den Empfänger weiter auszubauen, um Polarisations- und Frequenz-Diversity auszunutzen. Das hieraus resultierende Design ist durch eine signifikante Zunahme der Hardware- und Softwarekomplexität gekennzeichnet. Diese Komplexität steigt noch mit dem Trend, den Navigationsempfänger zu miniaturisieren, um die Integration in Fahrzeugen oder mobilen Systemen zu erleichtern. Da die gegenseitige Verkopplung zwischen den Antennenelementen eines kompakten Antennen- Arrays steigt, verschlechtert sich deren Strahlungseffizienz und Polarisationsreinheit und damit die Systemrobustheit. In dieser Arbeit wird ein kompaktes, dualbandiges und dualpolarisiertes Antennenarray für einen Navigationsempfänger untersucht, schaltungstechnisch entworfen und aufgebaut, womit Array-, Frequenz-, und Polarisations-Diversity ermöglicht wird. Dies führt zu einer signifikant verbesserten Robustheit gegenüber den angesprochenen Störungen. Diese Arbeit umfasst das Design des dualbandigen und dualpolarisierten Patchantennenelements, das Design des kompakten Antennenarrays, das Studium der Kreuzpolarisationsquellen in Patchantennen, die Analyse des Einflusses der gegenseitigen Kopplung auf die Strahlungseffizienz und Polarisationsreinheit, und die Abschwächung beider Effekte durch eigenmode-basierten Entkopplungs- und Anpassungsnetzwerken. Darüber hinaus beinhaltet die Arbeit die Integration des Antennensystems mit einem HF-Frontend zur Leistungsverstärkung, Filterung und Signalkonvertierung der Satellitensignale. Die Arbeit umfasst auch die Integration mit einem Array-basierten digitalen Empfänger, in dem neben der Datenerfassung, auch die Richtungsschätzung, das Beamforming und die Anti-Jamming-Algorithmen implementiert wurden. Die Machbarkeit sowohl der Array-Diversity als auch der Polarisations-Diversity wurde in Automotive-related Feldmessungen bestätigt, insbesondere für Elevationswinkel unter 40 bzw. 60 Grad, wo der Einfluss des Mehrwegempfangs ausreichend hohe Pegel erreicht. Die Messungen bestätigten die Robustheit des Empfängers gegenüber Stör- Nutzsignalverhältnissen von bis zu 85 dB und übertrafen damit mehrere "State-of-the-Art" Empfänger.The increasing demand for accurate positioning solutions for highly-automated driving and safety-critical applications motivates the use of array-based satellite navigation receivers that feature better performance, due to the enhanced diversity gain and the potential beamforming capability. The need for improving the robustness of navigation receivers against sources of signal distortion such as multipath propagation, atmospheric impact, jamming, and spoofing violations requests to extend the receiver to exploit polarization and frequency diversities. The resulting design is challenged by the significant rise in hardware and software complexity. This complexity increases even more with the trend to miniaturize the navigation receiver, to ease the integration in vehicles or mobile systems, because mutual coupling rises between the radiating elements of the receiver, and deteriorates their radiation efficiencies and polarization purities, and hence degrades the system robustness. In this thesis, a compact dual-band dual-polarized array-based navigation receiver that uses array diversity, frequency diversity, and polarization diversity is studied and designed, to provide robustness against the different types of distortions. The main contributions of the presented work include the design of the dual-band dual-polarized patch antenna element, the design of the compact antenna array, the study of the cross-polarization sources in patch antennas, the analysis of the mutual coupling impact on radiation efficiency and polarization purity of radiating elements, and the mitigation of both impacts using eigenmode-based decoupling and matching networks. Furthermore, the work also involves the integration of the antenna system with an RF-IF front-end, developed in cooperation with IMMS GmbH, for power amplification, filtering, and down-converting. The dissertation covers also the integration with an array-based digital receiver, developed in cooperation with RWTH Aachen University and the German Aerospace Center (DLR), to implement data acquisition, direction-of-arrival estimation, beamforming, and anti-jamming algorithms. The feasibility of both the array diversity and the polarization diversity was confirmed in automotive-related field measurements, particularly for elevations below 40 and 60 degrees, respectively; i.e., at directions far from the main beam direction of the even mode of the array (at zenith), and where the impact of multipath propagation on strength and polarization of the signal reaches sufficient levels to disturb the receiver. Measurements proved the receiver robustness against jamming-to-signal ratios up to 85 dB, outperforming several state-of-the-art receivers described in literature

    A Portuguese Case Study

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    There is a high national dependency on Position, Navigation and Timing (PNT) Systems for several individuals, services and organisations that depend on this information on a daily basis. Those who rely on precise, accurate and continuous information need to have resilient systems in order to be highly efficient and reliable. A resilient structure and constantly available systems makes it easier to predict a threat or rapidly recover in a hazardous environment. One of these organisations is the Portuguese Navy, whose main purposes are to combat and maintain maritime safety. In combat, resilient PNT systems are needed for providing robustness in case of any threat or even a simple occasional system failure. In order to guarantee maritime safety, for example in Search and Rescue Missions, the need of PNT information is constant and indispensable for positioning control. The large diversity of PNT-dependent equipment, developed over the last two decades, is a valid showcase for the high GPS dependency that is seen nowadays – which is vulnerable to various factors like interference, jamming, spoofing and ionospheric conditions. The recent interest over integrated PNT system resolutions is related to the search for redundancy, accuracy, precision, availability, low cost, coverage, reliability and continuity. This study aimed to build a current PNT Portuguese picture based on Stakeholder Analysis and Interviews; assess the vulnerability of those who depend mainly on GPS for PNT information and, find out what the next steps should be in order to create a National PNT Strategy.Existe uma elevada dependência nacional em sistemas de Posição, Navegação e Tempo (PNT) por parte de diversos indivíduos, serviços e organizações que dependem desta informação no seu dia-a-dia. Todos os que dependem de informação precisa, exata e contínua, necessitam de ter sistemas resilientes para que sejam altamente eficientes e fiáveis. Uma estrutura resiliente e sistemas continuamente disponíveis facilitam a previsão de possíveis ameaças ou a expedita recuperação da funcionalidade, em ambientes hostis. Uma destas organizações é a Marinha Portuguesa cujas funções principais são o combate, a salvaguarda da vida humana no mar e a segurança marítima e da navegação. Para o combate, são necessários sistemas PNT, resilientes, que ofereçam robustez em caso de uma simples ameaça ou falha temporária dos sistemas. Por forma a ser possível cumprir a missão, a necessidade de ter informação PNT, fidedigna e atualizada, é constante e indispensável para o controlo preciso e exato da posição. Uma unidade naval, por forma a permanecer continuamente no mar, manter a sua prontidão, treinar a sua guarnição ou ser empenhada num cenário de guerra, necessita de saber, com confiança e sem erros, a sua posição e referência de tempo. A grande diversidade de sistemas dependentes de informação PNT, desenvolveu-se em larga escala nas últimas duas décadas e sustenta cada vez mais a alta dependência do GPS, que é vulnerável a diversas fontes de erro, tais como interferência, empastelamento, mistificação e condições ionosféricas. Atualmente, o elevado interesse na criação de sistemas PNT integrados está associado à procura da redundância, exatidão, precisão, disponibilidade, baixo custo, cobertura, fiabilidade e continuidade. Este estudo teve como objetivos construir o panorama atual, em Portugal, ao nível dos Sistemas PNT, baseando-se numa análise de Stakeholders e entrevistas; avaliar a vulnerabilidade de organizações e serviços que dependam exclusivamente do GPS como fonte de informação PNT; e propor um possível caminho para que seja possível criar uma Estratégia PNT Naciona

    A Real-Time Capable Software-Defined Receiver Using GPU for Adaptive Anti-Jam GPS Sensors

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    Due to their weak received signal power, Global Positioning System (GPS) signals are vulnerable to radio frequency interference. Adaptive beam and null steering of the gain pattern of a GPS antenna array can significantly increase the resistance of GPS sensors to signal interference and jamming. Since adaptive array processing requires intensive computational power, beamsteering GPS receivers were usually implemented using hardware such as field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). However, a software implementation using general-purpose processors is much more desirable because of its flexibility and cost effectiveness. This paper presents a GPS software-defined radio (SDR) with adaptive beamsteering capability for anti-jam applications. The GPS SDR design is based on an optimized desktop parallel processing architecture using a quad-core Central Processing Unit (CPU) coupled with a new generation Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) having massively parallel processors. This GPS SDR demonstrates sufficient computational capability to support a four-element antenna array and future GPS L5 signal processing in real time. After providing the details of our design and optimization schemes for future GPU-based GPS SDR developments, the jamming resistance of our GPS SDR under synthetic wideband jamming is presented. Since the GPS SDR uses commercial-off-the-shelf hardware and processors, it can be easily adopted in civil GPS applications requiring anti-jam capabilities

    PNT cyber resilience : a Lab2Live observer based approach, Report 1 : GNSS resilience and identified vulnerabilities. Technical Report 1

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    The use of global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) such as GPS and Galileo are vital sources of positioning, navigation and timing (PNT) information for vehicles. This information is of critical importance for connected autonomous vehicles (CAVs) due to their dependence on this information for localisation, route planning and situational awareness. A downside to solely relying on GNSS for PNT is that the signal strength arriving from navigation satellites in space is weak and currently there is no authentication included in the civilian GNSS adopted in the automotive industry. This means that cyber-attacks against the GNSS signal via jamming or spoofing are attractive to adversaries due to the potentially high impact they can achieve. This report reviews the vulnerabilities of GNSS services for CAVs (a summary is shown in Figure 1), as well as detection and mitigating techniques, summarises the opinions on PNT cyber testing sourced from a select group of experts, and finishes with a description of the associated lab-based and real-world feasibility study and proposed research methodology

    Radio Frequency Interference Impact Assessment on Global Navigation Satellite Systems

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    The Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen of the EC Joint Research Centre (IPSC-JRC) has been mandated to perform a study on the Radio Frequency (RF) threat against telecommunications and ICT control systems. This study is divided into two parts. The rst part concerns the assessment of high energy radio frequency (HERF) threats, where the focus is on the generation of electromagnetic pulses (EMP), the development of corresponding devices and the possible impact on ICT and power distribution systems. The second part of the study concerns radio frequency interference (RFI) with regard to global navigation satellite systems (GNSS). This document contributes to the second part and contains a detailed literature study disclosing the weaknesses of GNSS systems. Whereas the HERF analysis only concerns intentional interference issues, this study on GNSS also takes into account unintentional interference, enlarging the spectrum of plausible interference scenarios.JRC.DG.G.6-Security technology assessmen
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