62 research outputs found

    Robust Transmission of H.264/AVC Streams Using Adaptive Group Slicing and Unequal Error Protection

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    We present a novel scheme for the transmission of H.264/AVC video streams over lossy packet networks. The proposed scheme exploits the error-resilient features of H.264/AVC codec and employs Reed-Solomon codes to protect effectively the streams. A novel technique for adaptive classification of macroblocks into three slice groups is also proposed. The optimal classification of macroblocks and the optimal channel rate allocation are achieved by iterating two interdependent steps. Dynamic programming techniques are used for the channel rate allocation process in order to reduce complexity. Simulations clearly demonstrate the superiority of the proposed method over other recent algorithms for transmission of H.264/AVC streams

    Robust Transmission of H.264/AVC Video Using Adaptive Slice Grouping and Unequal Error Protection

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    We present a novel scheme for the transmission of H.264/AVC video streams over lossy packet networks. The proposed scheme exploits the error resilient features of H.264/AVC codec and employs Reed-Solomon codes to protect effectively the streams. The optimal classification of macroblocks into slice groups and the optimal channel rate allocation are achieved by iterating two interdependent steps. Simulations clearly demonstrate the superiority of the proposed method over other recent algorithms for transmission of H.264/AVC stream

    Application layer systematic network coding for sliced H.264/AVC video streaming

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    Application Layer Forward Error Correction (AL-FEC) with rateless codes can be applied to protect the video data over lossy channels. Expanding Window Random Linear Codes (EW RLCs) are a flexible unequal error protection fountain coding scheme which can provide prioritized data transmission. In this paper, we propose a system that exploits systematic EW RLC for H.264/Advanced Video Coding (AVC) slice-partitioned data. The system prioritizes slices based on their PSNR contribution to reconstruction as well as temporal significance. Simulation results demonstrate usefulness of using relative slice priority with systematic codes for multimedia broadcast applications

    Error and Congestion Resilient Video Streaming over Broadband Wireless

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    In this paper, error resilience is achieved by adaptive, application-layer rateless channel coding, which is used to protect H.264/Advanced Video Coding (AVC) codec data-partitioned videos. A packetization strategy is an effective tool to control error rates and, in the paper, source-coded data partitioning serves to allocate smaller packets to more important compressed video data. The scheme for doing this is applied to real-time streaming across a broadband wireless link. The advantages of rateless code rate adaptivity are then demonstrated in the paper. Because the data partitions of a video slice are each assigned to different network packets, in congestion-prone wireless networks the increased number of packets per slice and their size disparity may increase the packet loss rate from buffer overflows. As a form of congestion resilience, this paper recommends packet-size dependent scheduling as a relatively simple way of alleviating the buffer-overflow problem arising from data-partitioned packets. The paper also contributes an analysis of data partitioning and packet sizes as a prelude to considering scheduling regimes. The combination of adaptive channel coding and prioritized packetization for error resilience with packet-size dependent packet scheduling results in a robust streaming scheme specialized for broadband wireless and real-time streaming applications such as video conferencing, video telephony, and telemedicine

    Adaptive robust video broadcast via satellite

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    © 2016 Springer Science+Business Media New YorkWith increasing demand for multimedia content over channels with limited bandwidth and heavy packet losses, higher coding efficiency and stronger error resiliency is required more than ever before. Both the coding efficiency and error resiliency are two opposing processes that require appropriate balancing. On the source encoding side the video encoder H.264/AVC can provide higher compression with strong error resiliency, while on the channel error correction coding side the raptor code has proven its effectiveness, with only modest overhead required for the recovery of lost data. This paper compares the efficiency and overhead of both the raptor codes and the error resiliency techniques of video standards so that both can be balanced for better compression and quality. The result is also improved by confining the robust stream to the period of poor channel conditions by adaptively switching between the video streams using switching frames introduced in H.264/AVC. In this case the video stream is initially transmitted without error resiliency assuming the channel to be completely error free, and then the robustness is increased based on the channel conditions and/or user demand. The results showed that although switching can increase the peak signal to noise ratio in the presence of losses but at the same time its excessive repetition can be irritating to the viewers. Therefore to evaluate the perceptual quality of the video streams and to find the optimum number of switching during a session, these streams were scored by different viewers for quality of enhancement. The results of the proposed scheme show an increase of 3 to 4 dB in peak signal to noise ratio with acceptable quality of enhancement

    Robust Transmission of Multi-View Video Streams Using Flexible Macroblock Ordering and Systematic LT codes

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    The transmission of fully compatible H.264/AVC multi-view video coded streams over packet erasure networks is examined. Macroblock classification into unequally important slice groups is considered using the flexible macroblock ordering (FMO) tool of H.264/AVC. Systematic LT codes are used for error protection due to their low complexity and advanced performance. The optimal slice grouping and channel rate allocation are jointly determined by an iterative optimization algorithm based on dynamic programming. The experimental evaluation clearly demonstrates the validity of the proposed method

    Robust transmission of multi-view video streams using flexible macroblock ordering and systematic LT codes

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    The transmission of fully compatible H.264/AVC multi-view video coded streams over packet erasure networks is examined. Macroblock classification into unequally important slice groups is considered using the Flexible Macroblock Ordering (FMO) tool of H.264/AVC Systematic LT codes are used for error protection due to their low complexity and advanced performance. The optimal slice grouping and channel rate allocation are jointly determined by an iterative optimization algorithm based on dynamic programming. The experimental evaluation clearly demonstrates the validity of the proposed method. © 2007 IEEE

    Resource-Constrained Low-Complexity Video Coding for Wireless Transmission

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