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    Facial Expression Recognition

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    LEARNet Dynamic Imaging Network for Micro Expression Recognition

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    Unlike prevalent facial expressions, micro expressions have subtle, involuntary muscle movements which are short-lived in nature. These minute muscle movements reflect true emotions of a person. Due to the short duration and low intensity, these micro-expressions are very difficult to perceive and interpret correctly. In this paper, we propose the dynamic representation of micro-expressions to preserve facial movement information of a video in a single frame. We also propose a Lateral Accretive Hybrid Network (LEARNet) to capture micro-level features of an expression in the facial region. The LEARNet refines the salient expression features in accretive manner by incorporating accretion layers (AL) in the network. The response of the AL holds the hybrid feature maps generated by prior laterally connected convolution layers. Moreover, LEARNet architecture incorporates the cross decoupled relationship between convolution layers which helps in preserving the tiny but influential facial muscle change information. The visual responses of the proposed LEARNet depict the effectiveness of the system by preserving both high- and micro-level edge features of facial expression. The effectiveness of the proposed LEARNet is evaluated on four benchmark datasets: CASME-I, CASME-II, CAS(ME)^2 and SMIC. The experimental results after investigation show a significant improvement of 4.03%, 1.90%, 1.79% and 2.82% as compared with ResNet on CASME-I, CASME-II, CAS(ME)^2 and SMIC datasets respectively.Comment: Dynamic imaging, accretion, lateral, micro expression recognitio

    A Robust Online Method for Face Recognition under Illumination Invariant Conditions

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    In case of incremental inputs to an online face recognition with illumination invariant face samples which maximize the class-separation criterion but also incorporates the asymmetrical property of training data distributions In this paper we alleviate this problem with an incremental learning algorithm to effectively adjust a boosted strong classifier with domain-partitioning weak hypotheses to online samples which adopts a novel approach to efficient estimation of training losses received from offline samples An illumination invariant face representation is obtained by extracting local binary pattern LBP features NIR images The Ada-boost procedure is used to learn a powerful face recognition engine based on the invariant representation We use Incremental linear discriminant analysis ILDA in case of sparse function for active near infrared NIR imaging system that is able to produce face images of good condition regardless of visible lights in the environment accuracy by changes in environmental illumination The experiments show convincing results of our incremental method on challenging face detection in extreme illumination

    Extended LBP based Facial Expression Recognition System for Adaptive AI Agent Behaviour

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    Automatic facial expression recognition is widely used for various applications such as health care, surveillance and human-robot interaction. In this paper, we present a novel system which employs automatic facial emotion recognition technique for adaptive AI agent behaviour. The proposed system is equipped with kirsch operator based local binary patterns for feature extraction and diverse classifiers for emotion recognition. First, we nominate a novel variant of the local binary pattern (LBP) for feature extraction to deal with illumination changes, scaling and rotation variations. The features extracted are then used as input to the classifier for recognizing seven emotions. The detected emotion is then used to enhance the behaviour selection of the artificial intelligence (AI) agents in a shooter game. The proposed system is evaluated with multiple facial expression datasets and outperformed other state-of-the-art models by a significant margin

    Fusion of Learned Multi-Modal Representations and Dense Trajectories for Emotional Analysis in Videos

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    When designing a video affective content analysis algorithm, one of the most important steps is the selection of discriminative features for the effective representation of video segments. The majority of existing affective content analysis methods either use low-level audio-visual features or generate handcrafted higher level representations based on these low-level features. We propose in this work to use deep learning methods, in particular convolutional neural networks (CNNs), in order to automatically learn and extract mid-level representations from raw data. To this end, we exploit the audio and visual modality of videos by employing Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC) and color values in the HSV color space. We also incorporate dense trajectory based motion features in order to further enhance the performance of the analysis. By means of multi-class support vector machines (SVMs) and fusion mechanisms, music video clips are classified into one of four affective categories representing the four quadrants of the Valence-Arousal (VA) space. Results obtained on a subset of the DEAP dataset show (1) that higher level representations perform better than low-level features, and (2) that incorporating motion information leads to a notable performance gain, independently from the chosen representation
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