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    A Novel Locality Algorithm and Peer-to-Peer Communication Infrastructure for Optimizing Network Performance in Smart Microgrids

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    [EN] Peer-to-Peer (P2P) overlay communications networks have emerged as a new paradigm for implementing distributed services in microgrids due to their potential benefits: they are robust, scalable, fault-tolerant, and they can route messages even with a large number of nodes which are frequently entering or leaving from the network. However, current P2P systems have been mainly developed for file sharing or cycle sharing applications where the processes of searching and managing resources are not optimized. Locality algorithms have gained a lot of attention due to their potential to provide an optimized path to groups with similar interests for routing messages in order to get better network performance. This paper develops a fully functional decentralized communication architecture with a new P2P locality algorithm and a specific protocol for monitoring and control of microgrids. Experimental results show that the proposed locality algorithm reduces the number of lookup messages and the lookup delay time. Moreover, the proposed communication architecture heavily depends of the lookup used algorithm as well as the placement of the communication layers within the architecture. Experimental results will show that the proposed techniques meet the network requirements of smart microgrids even with a large number of nodes on stream.This work is supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) under Grant ENE2015-64087-C2-2R. This work is supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) under BES-2013-064539.Marzal-Romeu, S.; González-Medina, R.; Salas-Puente, RA.; Figueres Amorós, E.; Garcerá, G. (2017). A Novel Locality Algorithm and Peer-to-Peer Communication Infrastructure for Optimizing Network Performance in Smart Microgrids. 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A Novel Optimal Control Method for Islanded Microgrids Based on Droop Control Using the ICA-GA Algorithm. Energies, 10(4), 485. doi:10.3390/en10040485Erol-Kantarci, M., Kantarci, B., & Mouftah, H. (2011). Reliable overlay topology design for the smart microgrid network. IEEE Network, 25(5), 38-43. doi:10.1109/mnet.2011.6033034Hassan Youssef, K. (2016). Optimal management of unbalanced smart microgrids for scheduled and unscheduled multiple transitions between grid-connected and islanded modes. Electric Power Systems Research, 141, 104-113. doi:10.1016/j.epsr.2016.07.015Giotitsas, C., Pazaitis, A., & Kostakis, V. (2015). A peer-to-peer approach to energy production. Technology in Society, 42, 28-38. doi:10.1016/j.techsoc.2015.02.002Kazmi, S. A. A., Shahzad, M. K., Khan, A. Z., & Shin, D. R. (2017). Smart Distribution Networks: A Review of Modern Distribution Concepts from a Planning Perspective. 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    Model predictive control of interconnected microgrids and electric vehicles

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    [ES] La microrred como elemento agregador de fuentes de generación, cargas y sistemas de almacenamiento de energía aparece como tecnología clave para dotar a los sistemas eléctricos de suficiente flexibilidad para una transición energética basada en fuentes renovables. Sin embargo, el problema de control para la gestión de energía se vuelve complejo cuando se incrementa el número de sistemas conectados a una misma microrred. De igual forma, se requiere flexibilidad para integrar a los vehículos eléctricos. La interacción entre las distintas microrredes y los vehículos hacen necesarias herramientas avanzadas de control para resolver el problema de optimización. El objeto del presente trabajo es presentar distintas herramientas de control predictivo basado en el modelo (Model Predictive Control, MPC) para resolver el problema de control asociado a este tipo de sistemas. En concreto, se abordan dos problemas: la conexión de vehículos eléctricos a la microrred y la interconexión de varias microrredes. Para el primer caso se analizan dos escenarios, según que el intercambio de energía sea uni o bidireccional y se presenta la forma de optimizar la operación usando MPC. En el segundo caso se aborda el problema usando técnicas de control distribuido.[EN] Microgrids, as aggregators of sources, loads and energy storage systems, appear as key technology to provide the required flexibility to electric power systems to carry out an energy transition based on renewable sources. Nevertheless, the control problem becomes complex when the number of connected components to the same microgrid increases. Also, the system requires flexibility to integrate electric vehicles. The complexity given by the associated control problem to optimize the energy exchange between microgrids and the electric vehicles makes necessary the development of advanced control tools. In this work, dierent Model Predictive Control (MPC) strategies are introduced in order to face the challenge of the control problem formulation of this kind of systems. Specifically, two problems are addressed: the connection of electric vehicles to the microgrid and the interconnection of several microgrids. For the first case, two scenarios are analyzed, depending on whether the energy exchange is uni or bidirectional, the way to optimize the operation using MPC is presented and examples of use are shown. For the second case, the problem isaddressed using distributed control techniques.Este trabajo ha sido realizado parcialmente gracias al apoyo del Ministerio de Econom´ıa, Industria y Competitividad de Espana mediante el proyecto CONFIGURA (DPI2016-78338-R) y por la Comision Europea, en el proyecto AGERAR (0076- ´ AGERAR-6-E), dentro del programa Interreg Spain-Portugal (POCTEP).Bordons, C.; Garcia-Torres, F.; Ridao, M. (2020). 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    Secure Distributed Dynamic State Estimation in Wide-Area Smart Grids

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    Smart grid is a large complex network with a myriad of vulnerabilities, usually operated in adversarial settings and regulated based on estimated system states. In this study, we propose a novel highly secure distributed dynamic state estimation mechanism for wide-area (multi-area) smart grids, composed of geographically separated subregions, each supervised by a local control center. We firstly propose a distributed state estimator assuming regular system operation, that achieves near-optimal performance based on the local Kalman filters and with the exchange of necessary information between local centers. To enhance the security, we further propose to (i) protect the network database and the network communication channels against attacks and data manipulations via a blockchain (BC)-based system design, where the BC operates on the peer-to-peer network of local centers, (ii) locally detect the measurement anomalies in real-time to eliminate their effects on the state estimation process, and (iii) detect misbehaving (hacked/faulty) local centers in real-time via a distributed trust management scheme over the network. We provide theoretical guarantees regarding the false alarm rates of the proposed detection schemes, where the false alarms can be easily controlled. Numerical studies illustrate that the proposed mechanism offers reliable state estimation under regular system operation, timely and accurate detection of anomalies, and good state recovery performance in case of anomalies

    Review of trends and targets of complex systems for power system optimization

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    Optimization systems (OSs) allow operators of electrical power systems (PS) to optimally operate PSs and to also create optimal PS development plans. The inclusion of OSs in the PS is a big trend nowadays, and the demand for PS optimization tools and PS-OSs experts is growing. The aim of this review is to define the current dynamics and trends in PS optimization research and to present several papers that clearly and comprehensively describe PS OSs with characteristics corresponding to the identified current main trends in this research area. The current dynamics and trends of the research area were defined on the basis of the results of an analysis of the database of 255 PS-OS-presenting papers published from December 2015 to July 2019. Eleven main characteristics of the current PS OSs were identified. The results of the statistical analyses give four characteristics of PS OSs which are currently the most frequently presented in research papers: OSs for minimizing the price of electricity/OSs reducing PS operation costs, OSs for optimizing the operation of renewable energy sources, OSs for regulating the power consumption during the optimization process, and OSs for regulating the energy storage systems operation during the optimization process. Finally, individual identified characteristics of the current PS OSs are briefly described. In the analysis, all PS OSs presented in the observed time period were analyzed regardless of the part of the PS for which the operation was optimized by the PS OS, the voltage level of the optimized PS part, or the optimization goal of the PS OS.Web of Science135art. no. 107

    The role of intelligent systems in delivering the smart grid

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    The development of "smart" or "intelligent" energy networks has been proposed by both EPRI's IntelliGrid initiative and the European SmartGrids Technology Platform as a key step in meeting our future energy needs. A central challenge in delivering the energy networks of the future is the judicious selection and development of an appropriate set of technologies and techniques which will form "a toolbox of proven technical solutions". This paper considers functionality required to deliver key parts of the Smart Grid vision of future energy networks. The role of intelligent systems in providing these networks with the requisite decision-making functionality is discussed. In addition to that functionality, the paper considers the role of intelligent systems, in particular multi-agent systems, in providing flexible and extensible architectures for deploying intelligence within the Smart Grid. Beyond exploiting intelligent systems as architectural elements of the Smart Grid, with the purpose of meeting a set of engineering requirements, the role of intelligent systems as a tool for understanding what those requirements are in the first instance, is also briefly discussed

    Emission-aware Energy Storage Scheduling for a Greener Grid

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    Reducing our reliance on carbon-intensive energy sources is vital for reducing the carbon footprint of the electric grid. Although the grid is seeing increasing deployments of clean, renewable sources of energy, a significant portion of the grid demand is still met using traditional carbon-intensive energy sources. In this paper, we study the problem of using energy storage deployed in the grid to reduce the grid's carbon emissions. While energy storage has previously been used for grid optimizations such as peak shaving and smoothing intermittent sources, our insight is to use distributed storage to enable utilities to reduce their reliance on their less efficient and most carbon-intensive power plants and thereby reduce their overall emission footprint. We formulate the problem of emission-aware scheduling of distributed energy storage as an optimization problem, and use a robust optimization approach that is well-suited for handling the uncertainty in load predictions, especially in the presence of intermittent renewables such as solar and wind. We evaluate our approach using a state of the art neural network load forecasting technique and real load traces from a distribution grid with 1,341 homes. Our results show a reduction of >0.5 million kg in annual carbon emissions -- equivalent to a drop of 23.3% in our electric grid emissions.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure, This paper will appear in the Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Future Energy Systems (e-Energy 20) June 2020, Australi