26,523 research outputs found

    Counterfactual Estimation and Optimization of Click Metrics for Search Engines

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    Optimizing an interactive system against a predefined online metric is particularly challenging, when the metric is computed from user feedback such as clicks and payments. The key challenge is the counterfactual nature: in the case of Web search, any change to a component of the search engine may result in a different search result page for the same query, but we normally cannot infer reliably from search log how users would react to the new result page. Consequently, it appears impossible to accurately estimate online metrics that depend on user feedback, unless the new engine is run to serve users and compared with a baseline in an A/B test. This approach, while valid and successful, is unfortunately expensive and time-consuming. In this paper, we propose to address this problem using causal inference techniques, under the contextual-bandit framework. This approach effectively allows one to run (potentially infinitely) many A/B tests offline from search log, making it possible to estimate and optimize online metrics quickly and inexpensively. Focusing on an important component in a commercial search engine, we show how these ideas can be instantiated and applied, and obtain very promising results that suggest the wide applicability of these techniques

    Ranking and Selection under Input Uncertainty: Fixed Confidence and Fixed Budget

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    In stochastic simulation, input uncertainty (IU) is caused by the error in estimating the input distributions using finite real-world data. When it comes to simulation-based Ranking and Selection (R&S), ignoring IU could lead to the failure of many existing selection procedures. In this paper, we study R&S under IU by allowing the possibility of acquiring additional data. Two classical R&S formulations are extended to account for IU: (i) for fixed confidence, we consider when data arrive sequentially so that IU can be reduced over time; (ii) for fixed budget, a joint budget is assumed to be available for both collecting input data and running simulations. New procedures are proposed for each formulation using the frameworks of Sequential Elimination and Optimal Computing Budget Allocation, with theoretical guarantees provided accordingly (e.g., upper bound on the expected running time and finite-sample bound on the probability of false selection). Numerical results demonstrate the effectiveness of our procedures through a multi-stage production-inventory problem

    Counterfactual Risk Minimization: Learning from Logged Bandit Feedback

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    We develop a learning principle and an efficient algorithm for batch learning from logged bandit feedback. This learning setting is ubiquitous in online systems (e.g., ad placement, web search, recommendation), where an algorithm makes a prediction (e.g., ad ranking) for a given input (e.g., query) and observes bandit feedback (e.g., user clicks on presented ads). We first address the counterfactual nature of the learning problem through propensity scoring. Next, we prove generalization error bounds that account for the variance of the propensity-weighted empirical risk estimator. These constructive bounds give rise to the Counterfactual Risk Minimization (CRM) principle. We show how CRM can be used to derive a new learning method -- called Policy Optimizer for Exponential Models (POEM) -- for learning stochastic linear rules for structured output prediction. We present a decomposition of the POEM objective that enables efficient stochastic gradient optimization. POEM is evaluated on several multi-label classification problems showing substantially improved robustness and generalization performance compared to the state-of-the-art.Comment: 10 page

    Analysis-of-marginal-Tail-Means (ATM): a robust method for discrete black-box optimization

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    We present a new method, called Analysis-of-marginal-Tail-Means (ATM), for effective robust optimization of discrete black-box problems. ATM has important applications to many real-world engineering problems (e.g., manufacturing optimization, product design, molecular engineering), where the objective to optimize is black-box and expensive, and the design space is inherently discrete. One weakness of existing methods is that they are not robust: these methods perform well under certain assumptions, but yield poor results when such assumptions (which are difficult to verify in black-box problems) are violated. ATM addresses this via the use of marginal tail means for optimization, which combines both rank-based and model-based methods. The trade-off between rank- and model-based optimization is tuned by first identifying important main effects and interactions, then finding a good compromise which best exploits additive structure. By adaptively tuning this trade-off from data, ATM provides improved robust optimization over existing methods, particularly in problems with (i) a large number of factors, (ii) unordered factors, or (iii) experimental noise. We demonstrate the effectiveness of ATM in simulations and in two real-world engineering problems: the first on robust parameter design of a circular piston, and the second on product family design of a thermistor network
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