6 research outputs found

    Multichannel equalisation for high-order spherical microphone arrays using beamformed channels

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    High-order spherical microphone arrays offer many practical benefits including relatively fine spatial resolution in all directions and rotation invariant processing using eigenbeams. Spatial filtering can reduce interference from noise and reverberation but in even moderately reverberant environments the beam pattern fails to suppress reverberation to a level adequate for typical applications. In this paper we investigate the feasibility of applying dereverberation by considering multiple beamformer outputs as channels to be dereverberated. In one realisation we process directly in the spherical harmonic domain where the beampatterns are mutually orthogonal. In a second realisation, which is not limited to spherical microphone arrays, beams are pointed in the direction of dominant reflections. Simulations demonstrate that in both cases reverberation is significantly reduced and, in the best case, clarity index is improved by 15 dB

    Blind MultiChannel Identification and Equalization for Dereverberation and Noise Reduction based on Convolutive Transfer Function

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    This paper addresses the problems of blind channel identification and multichannel equalization for speech dereverberation and noise reduction. The time-domain cross-relation method is not suitable for blind room impulse response identification, due to the near-common zeros of the long impulse responses. We extend the cross-relation method to the short-time Fourier transform (STFT) domain, in which the time-domain impulse responses are approximately represented by the convolutive transfer functions (CTFs) with much less coefficients. The CTFs suffer from the common zeros caused by the oversampled STFT. We propose to identify CTFs based on the STFT with the oversampled signals and the critical sampled CTFs, which is a good compromise between the frequency aliasing of the signals and the common zeros problem of CTFs. In addition, a normalization of the CTFs is proposed to remove the gain ambiguity across sub-bands. In the STFT domain, the identified CTFs is used for multichannel equalization, in which the sparsity of speech signals is exploited. We propose to perform inverse filtering by minimizing the â„“1\ell_1-norm of the source signal with the relaxed â„“2\ell_2-norm fitting error between the micophone signals and the convolution of the estimated source signal and the CTFs used as a constraint. This method is advantageous in that the noise can be reduced by relaxing the â„“2\ell_2-norm to a tolerance corresponding to the noise power, and the tolerance can be automatically set. The experiments confirm the efficiency of the proposed method even under conditions with high reverberation levels and intense noise.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, 5 table

    Multichannel Online Dereverberation based on Spectral Magnitude Inverse Filtering

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    This paper addresses the problem of multichannel online dereverberation. The proposed method is carried out in the short-time Fourier transform (STFT) domain, and for each frequency band independently. In the STFT domain, the time-domain room impulse response is approximately represented by the convolutive transfer function (CTF). The multichannel CTFs are adaptively identified based on the cross-relation method, and using the recursive least square criterion. Instead of the complex-valued CTF convolution model, we use a nonnegative convolution model between the STFT magnitude of the source signal and the CTF magnitude, which is just a coarse approximation of the former model, but is shown to be more robust against the CTF perturbations. Based on this nonnegative model, we propose an online STFT magnitude inverse filtering method. The inverse filters of the CTF magnitude are formulated based on the multiple-input/output inverse theorem (MINT), and adaptively estimated based on the gradient descent criterion. Finally, the inverse filtering is applied to the STFT magnitude of the microphone signals, obtaining an estimate of the STFT magnitude of the source signal. Experiments regarding both speech enhancement and automatic speech recognition are conducted, which demonstrate that the proposed method can effectively suppress reverberation, even for the difficult case of a moving speaker.Comment: Paper submitted to IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing. IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 201

    Robust Multichannel Dereverberation using Relaxed Multichannel Least Squares

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    Robust acoustic beamforming in the presence of channel propagation uncertainties

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    Beamforming is a popular multichannel signal processing technique used in conjunction with microphone arrays to spatially filter a sound field. Conventional optimal beamformers assume that the propagation channels between each source and microphone pair are a deterministic function of the source and microphone geometry. However in real acoustic environments, there are several mechanisms that give rise to unpredictable variations in the phase and amplitudes of the propagation channels. In the presence of these uncertainties the performance of beamformers degrade. Robust beamformers are designed to reduce this performance degradation. However, robust beamformers rely on tuning parameters that are not closely related to the array geometry. By modeling the uncertainty in the acoustic channels explicitly we can derive more accurate expressions for the source-microphone channel variability. As such we are able to derive beamformers that are well suited to the application of acoustics in realistic environments. Through experiments we validate the acoustic channel models and through simulations we show the performance gains of the associated robust beamformer. Furthermore, by modeling the speech short time Fourier transform coefficients we are able to design a beamformer framework in the power domain. By utilising spectral subtraction we are able to see performance benefits over ideal conventional beamformers. Including the channel uncertainties models into the weights design improves robustness.Open Acces