253 research outputs found

    Lip Localization Algorithm Using Gabor Filters

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    This paper describes a lip localization algorithm within a still image frame for subsequent tracking and audiovisual speech recognition processing. A Gabor filter-based feature space is promoted as a means to localize lips within an image based off of shape. This filtered space is shown to effectively differentiate facial features, including lips, from their backgrounds and to bound the full extent of the lips within a face-classified region of interest. Extensive training and test sets are used to justify design decisions and performance

    Articulatory features for robust visual speech recognition

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    Automatic Visual Speech Recognition

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    Intelligent SystemsElectrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Scienc

    Adaptive threshold optimisation for colour-based lip segmentation in automatic lip-reading systems

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    A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in ful lment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Johannesburg, September 2016Having survived the ordeal of a laryngectomy, the patient must come to terms with the resulting loss of speech. With recent advances in portable computing power, automatic lip-reading (ALR) may become a viable approach to voice restoration. This thesis addresses the image processing aspect of ALR, and focuses three contributions to colour-based lip segmentation. The rst contribution concerns the colour transform to enhance the contrast between the lips and skin. This thesis presents the most comprehensive study to date by measuring the overlap between lip and skin histograms for 33 di erent colour transforms. The hue component of HSV obtains the lowest overlap of 6:15%, and results show that selecting the correct transform can increase the segmentation accuracy by up to three times. The second contribution is the development of a new lip segmentation algorithm that utilises the best colour transforms from the comparative study. The algorithm is tested on 895 images and achieves percentage overlap (OL) of 92:23% and segmentation error (SE) of 7:39 %. The third contribution focuses on the impact of the histogram threshold on the segmentation accuracy, and introduces a novel technique called Adaptive Threshold Optimisation (ATO) to select a better threshold value. The rst stage of ATO incorporates -SVR to train the lip shape model. ATO then uses feedback of shape information to validate and optimise the threshold. After applying ATO, the SE decreases from 7:65% to 6:50%, corresponding to an absolute improvement of 1:15 pp or relative improvement of 15:1%. While this thesis concerns lip segmentation in particular, ATO is a threshold selection technique that can be used in various segmentation applications.MT201

    Articulatory features for robust visual speech recognition

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2004.Includes bibliographical references (p. 99-105).This thesis explores a novel approach to visual speech modeling. Visual speech, or a sequence of images of the speaker's face, is traditionally viewed as a single stream of contiguous units, each corresponding to a phonetic segment. These units are defined heuristically by mapping several visually similar phonemes to one visual phoneme, sometimes referred to as a viseme. However, experimental evidence shows that phonetic models trained from visual data are not synchronous in time with acoustic phonetic models, indicating that visemes may not be the most natural building blocks of visual speech. Instead, we propose to model the visual signal in terms of the underlying articulatory features. This approach is a natural extension of feature-based modeling of acoustic speech, which has been shown to increase robustness of audio-based speech recognition systems. We start by exploring ways of defining visual articulatory features: first in a data-driven manner, using a large, multi-speaker visual speech corpus, and then in a knowledge-driven manner, using the rules of speech production. Based on these studies, we propose a set of articulatory features, and describe a computational framework for feature-based visual speech recognition. Multiple feature streams are detected in the input image sequence using Support Vector Machines, and then incorporated in a Dynamic Bayesian Network to obtain the final word hypothesis. Preliminary experiments show that our approach increases viseme classification rates in visually noisy conditions, and improves visual word recognition through feature-based context modeling.by Ekaterina Saenko.S.M

    Automated Speaker Independent Visual Speech Recognition: A Comprehensive Survey

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    Speaker-independent VSR is a complex task that involves identifying spoken words or phrases from video recordings of a speaker's facial movements. Over the years, there has been a considerable amount of research in the field of VSR involving different algorithms and datasets to evaluate system performance. These efforts have resulted in significant progress in developing effective VSR models, creating new opportunities for further research in this area. This survey provides a detailed examination of the progression of VSR over the past three decades, with a particular emphasis on the transition from speaker-dependent to speaker-independent systems. We also provide a comprehensive overview of the various datasets used in VSR research and the preprocessing techniques employed to achieve speaker independence. The survey covers the works published from 1990 to 2023, thoroughly analyzing each work and comparing them on various parameters. This survey provides an in-depth analysis of speaker-independent VSR systems evolution from 1990 to 2023. It outlines the development of VSR systems over time and highlights the need to develop end-to-end pipelines for speaker-independent VSR. The pictorial representation offers a clear and concise overview of the techniques used in speaker-independent VSR, thereby aiding in the comprehension and analysis of the various methodologies. The survey also highlights the strengths and limitations of each technique and provides insights into developing novel approaches for analyzing visual speech cues. Overall, This comprehensive review provides insights into the current state-of-the-art speaker-independent VSR and highlights potential areas for future research

    Audio-coupled video content understanding of unconstrained video sequences

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    Unconstrained video understanding is a difficult task. The main aim of this thesis is to recognise the nature of objects, activities and environment in a given video clip using both audio and video information. Traditionally, audio and video information has not been applied together for solving such complex task, and for the first time we propose, develop, implement and test a new framework of multi-modal (audio and video) data analysis for context understanding and labelling of unconstrained videos. The framework relies on feature selection techniques and introduces a novel algorithm (PCFS) that is faster than the well-established SFFS algorithm. We use the framework for studying the benefits of combining audio and video information in a number of different problems. We begin by developing two independent content recognition modules. The first one is based on image sequence analysis alone, and uses a range of colour, shape, texture and statistical features from image regions with a trained classifier to recognise the identity of objects, activities and environment present. The second module uses audio information only, and recognises activities and environment. Both of these approaches are preceded by detailed pre-processing to ensure that correct video segments containing both audio and video content are present, and that the developed system can be made robust to changes in camera movement, illumination, random object behaviour etc. For both audio and video analysis, we use a hierarchical approach of multi-stage classification such that difficult classification tasks can be decomposed into simpler and smaller tasks. When combining both modalities, we compare fusion techniques at different levels of integration and propose a novel algorithm that combines advantages of both feature and decision-level fusion. The analysis is evaluated on a large amount of test data comprising unconstrained videos collected for this work. We finally, propose a decision correction algorithm which shows that further steps towards combining multi-modal classification information effectively with semantic knowledge generates the best possible results

    Speech Recognition

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    Chapters in the first part of the book cover all the essential speech processing techniques for building robust, automatic speech recognition systems: the representation for speech signals and the methods for speech-features extraction, acoustic and language modeling, efficient algorithms for searching the hypothesis space, and multimodal approaches to speech recognition. The last part of the book is devoted to other speech processing applications that can use the information from automatic speech recognition for speaker identification and tracking, for prosody modeling in emotion-detection systems and in other speech processing applications that are able to operate in real-world environments, like mobile communication services and smart homes


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    Lip-reading is typically known as visually interpreting the speaker's lip movements during speaking. Experiments over many years have revealed that speech intelligibility increases if visual facial information becomes available. This effect becomes more apparent in noisy environments. Taking steps toward automating this process, some challenges will be raised such as coarticulation phenomenon, visual units' type, features diversity and their inter-speaker dependency. While efforts have been made to overcome these challenges, presentation of a flawless lip-reading system is still under the investigations. This paper searches for a lipreading model with an efficiently developed incorporation and arrangement of processing blocks to extract highly discriminative visual features. Here, application of a properly structured Deep Belief Network (DBN)- based recognizer is highlighted. Multi-speaker (MS) and speaker-independent (SI) tasks are performed over CUAVE database, and phone recognition rates (PRRs) of 77.65% and 73.40% are achieved, respectively. The best word recognition rates (WRRs) achieved in the tasks of MS and SI are 80.25% and 76.91%, respectively. Resulted accuracies demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms the conventional Hidden Markov Model (HMM) and competes well with the state-of-the-art visual speech recognition works
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