89 research outputs found

    Hedging strategies in energy markets: the case of electricity retailers

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    As market intermediaries, electricity retailers buy electricity from the wholesale market or self-generate for re(sale) on the retail market. Electricity retailers are uncertain about how much electricity their residential customers will use at any time of the day until they actually turn switches on. While demand uncertainty is a common feature of all commodity markets, retailers generally rely on storage to manage demand uncertainty. On electricity markets, retailers are exposed to joint quantity and price risk on an hourly basis given the physical singularity of electricity as a commodity. In the literature on electricity markets, few articles deal on intra-day hedging portfolios to manage joint price and quantity risk whereas electricity markets are hourly markets. The contributions of the article are twofold. First, we define through a VaR and CVaR model optimal portfolios for specific hours (3 am, 6 am,. . . ,12 pm) based on electricity market data from 2001 to 2011 for the French market. We prove that the optimal hedging strategy differs depending on the cluster hour. Secondly, we demonstrate the significantly superior efficiency of intra-day hedging portfolios over daily (therefore weekly and yearly) portfolios. Over a decade (2001–2011), our results clearly show that the losses of an optimal daily portfolio are at least nine times higher than the losses of optimal intra-day portfolios

    Liquidity risks on power exchanges

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    Financial derivatives are important hedging tool for asset’s manager. Electricity is by its very nature the most volatile commodity, which creates big incentive to share the risk among the market participants through financial contracts. But, even if volume of derivatives contracts traded on Power Exchanges has been growing since the beginning of the restructuring of the sector, electricity markets continue to be considerably less liquid than other commodities. This paper tries to quantify the effect of this insufficient liquidity on power exchange, by introducing a pricing equilibrium model for power derivatives where agents can not hedge up to their desired level. Mathematically, the problem is a two stage stochastic Generalized Nash Equilibrium and its solution is not unique. Computing a large panel of solutions, we show how the risk premium and player’s profit are affected by the illiquidity.illiquidity, electricity, power exchange, artitrage, generalized Nash Equilibrium, equilibrium based model, coherent risk valuation

    Decision-making under uncertainty in short-term electricity markets

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    In the course of the energy transition, the share of electricity generation from renewable energy sources in Germany has increased significantly in recent years and will continue to rise. Particularly fluctuating renewables like wind and solar bring more uncertainty and volatility to the electricity system. As markets determine the unit commitment in systems with self-dispatch, many changes have been made to the design of electricity markets to meet the new challenges. Thereby, a trend towards real-time can be observed. Short-term electricity markets are becoming more important and are seen as suitable for efficient resource allocation. Therefore, it is inevitable for market participants to develop strategies for trading electricity and flexibility in these segments. The research conducted in this thesis aims to enable better decisions in short-term electricity markets. To achieve this, a multitude of quantitative methods is developed and applied: (a) forecasting methods based on econometrics and machine learning, (b) methods for stochastic modeling of time series, (c) scenario generation and reduction methods, as well as (d) stochastic programming methods. Most significantly, two- and three-stage stochastic optimization problems are formulated to derive optimal trading decisions and unit commitment in the context of short-term electricity markets. The problem formulations adequately account for the sequential structure, the characteristics and the technical requirements of the different market segments, as well as the available information regarding uncertain generation volumes and prices. The thesis contains three case studies focusing on the German electricity markets. Results confirm that, based on appropriate representations of the uncertainty of market prices and renewable generation, the optimization approaches allow to derive sound trading strategies across multiple revenue streams, with which market participants can effectively balance the inevitable trade-off between expected profit and associated risk. By considering coherent risk metrics and flexibly adaptable risk attitudes, the trading strategies allow to substantially reduce risk with only moderate expected profit losses. These results are significant, as improving trading decisions that determine the allocation of resources in the electricity system plays a key role in coping with the uncertainty from renewables and hence contributes to the ultimate success of the energy transition

    Short-term Risk Management for Electricity Retailers Under Rising Shares of Decentralized Solar Generation

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    Electricity retailers face increasing uncertainty due to the ongoing expansion of unpredictable, distributed generation in the residential sector. We analyze how increasing levels of households\u27 solar PV self-generation affect the short-term decisionmaking and associated risk exposure of electricity retailers in day-ahead and intraday markets. First, we develop a stochastic model accounting for correlations between solar load, residual load and price in sequentially nested wholesale spot markets across seasons and type of day. Second, we develop a computationally tractable twostage stochastic mixed-integer optimization model to investigate the trading portfolio and risk optimization problem faced by retailers. Through conditional value-at-risk we assess retailers\u27 profitability and risk exposure to different levels of PV self-generation by assuming different retail tariff schemes. We find risk-hedging trading strategies and tariffs to have greater impact in Summer and with low levels of residual load in the system, i.e. when the solar generation uncertainty affect more the households demand to be served and the wholesale spot prices. The study is innovative in unveiling the potential of dynamic electricity tariffs, which are indexed to spot prices, to sustain a high penetration of renewable energy source while promoting risk sharing between customer and retailer. Our findings have implications for electricity retailers facing load and revenue risks in wholesale spot markets, likewise for regulators and policy-makers interested in electricity market design

    Infrastructure as a Financial Asset Class

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    One of the greatest challenges of 21st century is how to address the infrastructure needs which are fast arising around the world. More and better quality infrastructure is demanded in new economies such as China and India, while in mature economies such as Europe and the United States, ageing infrastructure calls for immediate repair and replacement. Even though governments understand the importance of infrastructure as a catalyst of growth, they can no longer sustain these investments alone. As a result, we can clearly observe the presence of a continuous infrastructure investment gap. In response, governments worldwide are turning to private investors in order to sustainably bridge this widening gap. However, private investors remain cautious in relation to this young asset class, as there is still limited information about the financial performance of infrastructure. The goal of this thesis is to study, for the first time in detail, infrastructure as a new financial asset. This analysis is among the few to examine the investment characteristics of different infrastructure sectors and sub-sectors, and is the first to study the significance of this differentiation at the portfolio level. Using different optimisation techniques, this thesis seeks to evaluate whether private investors should focus on a single infrastructure sector, or instead are better of investing in a portfolio containing multiple infrastructure sectors. Lastly, the study aims to prove evidentially the best way to access infrastructure by comparing the listed and the much opaque unlisted infrastructure space. The results of this thesis show that infrastructure consists of different heterogeneous infrastructure sectors thus, by focusing on a single listed infrastructure sector, fund managers will be able to gain complete knowledge of the performance of the sector and still enjoy diversification benefits. Moreover, results indicate that, despite the attractive performance of unlisted infrastructure, public policy is a key lever in attracting private investments into infrastructure

    Robust portfolio selection problem under temperature uncertainty

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    In this paper, we consider a portfolio selection problem under temperature uncertainty. Weather derivatives based on different temperature indices are used to protect against undesirable temperature events. We introduce stochastic and robust portfolio optimization models using weather derivatives. The investors’ different risk preferences are incorporated into the portfolio allocation problem. The robust investment decisions are derived in view of discrete and continuous sets that the underlying uncertain data in temperature model belong. We illustrate main features of the robust approach and performance of the portfolio optimization models using real market data. In particular, we analyze impact of various model parameters on different robust investment decisions

    Evaluation of wholesale electric power market rules and financial risk management by agent-based simulations

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    As U.S. regional electricity markets continue to refine their market structures, designs and rules of operation in various ways, two critical issues are emerging. First, although much experience has been gained and costly and valuable lessons have been learned, there is still a lack of a systematic platform for evaluation of the impact of a new market design from both engineering and economic points of view. Second, the transition from a monopoly paradigm characterized by a guaranteed rate of return to a competitive market created various unfamiliar financial risks for various market participants, especially for the Investor Owned Utilities (IOUs) and Independent Power Producers (IPPs). This dissertation uses agent-based simulation methods to tackle the market rules evaluation and financial risk management problems. The California energy crisis in 2000-01 showed what could happen to an electricity market if it did not go through a comprehensive and rigorous testing before its implementation. Due to the complexity of the market structure, strategic interaction between the participants, and the underlying physics, it is difficult to fully evaluate the implications of potential changes to market rules. This dissertation presents a flexible and integrative method to assess market designs through agent-based simulations. Realistic simulation scenarios on a 225-bus system are constructed for evaluation of the proposed PJM-like market power mitigation rules of the California electricity market. Simulation results show that in the absence of market power mitigation, generation company (GenCo) agents facilitated by Q-learning are able to exploit the market flaws and make significantly higher profits relative to the competitive benchmark. The incorporation of PJM-like local market power mitigation rules is shown to be effective in suppressing the exercise of market power. The importance of financial risk management is exemplified by the recent financial crisis. In this dissertation, basic financial risk management concepts relevant for wholesale electric power markets are carefully explained and illustrated. In addition, the financial risk management problem in wholesale electric power markets is generalized as a four-stage process. Within the proposed financial risk management framework, the critical problem of financial bilateral contract negotiation is addressed. This dissertation analyzes a financial bilateral contract negotiation process between a generating company and a load-serving entity in a wholesale electric power market with congestion managed by locational marginal pricing. Nash bargaining theory is used to model a Pareto-efficient settlement point. The model predicts negotiation results under varied conditions and identifies circumstances in which the two parties might fail to reach an agreement. Both analysis and agent-based simulation are used to gain insight regarding how relative risk aversion and biased price estimates influence negotiated outcomes. These results should provide useful guidance to market participants in their bilateral contract negotiation processes

    Robust purchase and sale transactions optimization strategy for electricity retailers with energy storage system considering two-stage demand response

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    A new two-stage demand response is designed for the electricity retailers with energy storage system (ESS-ER) in the deregulated power market. The ESS-ER could response to the output of different power sources by adjusting the charging-discharging behavior according to the bidding power price. The paper models the two-stage demand response for electric power retailers and proposed a two-layer coordinated optimal model for the purchase and sale of the electric power retailers. In the upper layer model, the conditional value at risk method and robust stochastic theory are applied to describe the uncertainty influence of wind power and Photovoltaic (PV) power, and the minimum whole cost of power purchasing is taken as the objective. In the lower-layer, the power consumption behaviors of different customers are considered to get the maximum revenue of power selling by implementing differentiated demand response. Then, to solve the two-layer mathematical model, the lower-layer model is converted into the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) optimality conditions. The results show that: (1) The two-stage demand response could smooth the curves of power purchasing and terminal users’ load, which could bring more flexible transaction space. (2) The proposed two-layer transaction model could balance the cost and risk of power purchasing, bringing more trading opportunities for wind power and PV, which can also reduce the energy consumption cost of the end-users. (3) By introducing the risk cost coefficient, confidence degree and robust coefficient, the decision-makers can adjust the power trading behaviors, and establish the optimal power trading scheme in line with their expected situation. (4) When higher energy storage capacity is set, the efficiency of demand response rises. When the capacity ratio of wind to energy storage is 4:1, the efficiency of demand response reaches the best. When larger energy storage capacity is set, the demand response turns to be more effective. However, when the capacity ratio of wind and PV to energy storage is 4:1, the effect of demand response reaches the best. Overall, the proposed model could provide an effective tool for power retailers in China's electric power market